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░▄█▌ wE aRE bACK !!! ░▄▓▌
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▀ ░ ░▀▀▀▀▀▐█▓▄░ ▀ ▄▀░▄█▓▀▀░ -ult- ░▀
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Faith2000 presents - cRACKING oN rEQUEST
┌─│─── ── -->> EVEuro v1.11 (PalmPilot) <<-- ─ ───│─┐
│ │ ──── ───────── ───────────── ─── ── ───────────── ─ ────────── ───┼─┤
╓┤ │ Released by.....[ n03l ] │ [*] SERIAL [ ] KEYGEN [ ] OTHER │ ├╖
║└┐│ Release Date....[ 12-6-99 ] │ [ ] PATCH [ ] KEYFILE │┌┘║
║ ││ Op-System.......[ PalmPilot ] │ ││ ║
║ │ │ Requested: YES! │ ║
║ ╘══════════════════════════════════┴═══════════════════════════════════╛ ║
╟─────── targets url: http://www.evscl.com ───────║
╟┤-│─ * RELEASE NOTES *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ EVEuro is a currency converter for euro,uses definitive exchange rates of ║
║ the euro against the 11 national currencies of Euroland published on ║
║ December, the 31st of 1998. ║
║ ║
╟┤-│─ * INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ Use as key: EURO99 ║
║ ║
║ note: n03l is spelled with small N, zerro, three, small L ║
║ ║
╟┤-│─ * MEMBER LIST *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ ║
║ ■ Founder/Prezident ■ ║
║ ║
║ Predator - cracker/allround - [email protected] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ■ Crackers/Coders ■ ║
║ ║
║ n03l - cracker/coder - [email protected] ║
║ [I] Xistence - cracker - [email protected] ║
║ Gorgon - cracker/coder - [email protected] ║
║ +Stah+ - cracker - [email protected] ║
║ douby - cracker - [email protected] ║
║ Rhytm - cracker - [email protected] ║
║ ByteBurn - cracker/coder - [email protected] ║
║ draXXter - cracker - [email protected] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ■ Couriers ■ ║
║ ║
║ Cb(latin) - [email protected] ║
║ WildFire1 - [email protected] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ■ Internet ■ ║
║ ║
║ Clown-Man - botmaster - [email protected] ║
║ Ms-KiD - botmaster - [email protected] ║
║ Niccos - botmaster - [email protected] ║
║ Westie - public relations - [email protected] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ■ Grafix ■ ║
║ ║
║ TEK - grafix - [email protected] ║
║ Acid Hac - grafix - [email protected] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ■ Affils ■ ║
║ ║
║ Rizz - DeMoN - [email protected] ║
║ Knotty - DREAD - [email protected] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ NOTE: [*] = Trial Member ║
║ [I] = Idle ATM ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ *********************************************************** ║
║ Not in this nfo? Not a Faith2000 member! Wanna be a member? ║
║ We need *good* crackers and shell suppliers ║
║ Contact us for trial-membership! --> [email protected] ║
║ *********************************************************** ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║│─════─ ──═══════─────────────════════════════════════════════════───══─ ─│║
╟┤-│─ * MEMBER NEWS *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ ║
║ ║
║ - Welcome Acid Hac to the team as a GFX/Cracker dude! ║
║ - Welcome Niccos to the team as botmaster! ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enjoy your stay :) ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ....that's it for today peepz.. ║
║ ║
║ ║
║│─════─ ──═══════─────────────════════════════════════════════════───══─ ─│║
╟┤-│─ * GROUP INFO *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ ║
║ ║
║ cRACKING oN rEQUEST is the cracking devision of Faith2000. COR cracks on ║
║ YOUR request. Ask us to crack something, and we will. You can request ║
║ cracks at the e-mail addresses of our crackers. Include the ProgramName ║
║ + FULL url + fileSIZE. If we don't reply to your request, it's rejected! ║
║ ║
║ On our homepage you can find all the info + all the releases : ║
║ WWW.FAITH2000.COM (pwd protected) ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Group Affils! ║
║ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ║
║ * DeMoN -> We are official crackers for DeMoN ║
║ * DREAD -> We help eachother out, and exchange members.. ║
║ ║
║ ║
║│─════─ ──═══════─────────────════════════════════════════════════───══─ ─│║
╟┤-│─ * HEADQUARTERS/DIST SITES *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ The First Degree - BBS WHQ - +31-35-5244247 - 33k6/isdn - Cyclops ║
║ *open position* - BBS EHQ - *unknown* - fast/fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ ViCkY BBS - BBS SHQ - +421-7-65968331 - 33k6 - ViCKY ║
║ Gorth BBS - BBS ESHQ - +34-928-355414 - 28k8 - Jaume P. ║
║ Cyclone BBS - BBS DST - +31-79-3460231 - 28k8/isdn - Cyclone ║
║ Cheezy Planet - BBS DST - +31-180-669911 - 33k6/isdn - Cheezer ║
║ The Monkey Bar - BBS DST - +31-165-560592 - 28k8 - President ║
║ Napalm Assault - BBS DST - +31-10-2907759 - 33k6/isdn - RudeBoy ║
║ The Jam Zone - BBS DST - +31-50-5490252 - 33k6 - Tcr ║
║ ║
║ *open position* - BBS HQ - *unknown* - fast/fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ *open position* - BBS DST - *unknown* - fast/fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ *open position* - FTP WHQ - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ *open position* - FTP EHQ - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ Xxxxx Xxxxx - FTP USHQ - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - T1 - Crazy_8 ║
║ Dark Ftp - FTP DHQ - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Cable - JornX ║
║ Xxxxx Xxxxx - FTP DST - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Cable - freebase ║
║ Xxxxx Xxxxx - FTP DST - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Unknown - abg ║
║ ║
║ *open position* - FTP HQ - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ *open position* - FTP DST - XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX - Fast - APPLY NOW! ║
║ ║
║ ║
╟┤-│─ * FINAL/GREETZ *──── ── ─ ─────── ───────│≡├╢
║────── ──────║
║ ║
║ Group greetz: DeMoN, DREAD, #cracks, CiA, Core, UCF, PC ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
╚╕ "Faith2000, expect a lot, couse you'll get a lot" ╒╝
└┐│ Ruling Tha Cracking Scene in 1999 │┌┘
││ ││
nfo file last updated April 23, 1999
logo design by -ult-
"wE aRE bACK - and here to stay"