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█ ██ ███▓░ ▓█▓ ┌──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬─┐┌──┐ ▓█▓ ░▓███ ██ █
█ ▒██▒ ▓██▓░ ▓██░ │ ││ ││ ││ └┤ ││ ││ └┤ └┤ ░██▓ ░▓██▓ ▒██▒ █
▒█ ░█▓ █░ ▓██▒ │ ││ ┤ ┌┼─┐│ ┌┤ ││ ┌┼─┐│ ▒██▓ ░█ ▓█░ █▒
▓▓ ░█▓ ████░ █ ▓████▓░ │ ┌┤ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ░▓████▓ █ ░████ ▓█░ ▓▓
█▒ ██ ██ ░▒░█ ▄██▀▀▓███▓└─┘└─┴┴──┴──┴──┴─┴┴──┴──┘▓███▓▀▀██▄ █░▒░ ██ ██ ▒█
█░ ██ ██▓ ▒██▓▀▀▀ ░▓██████▓░ ░▓██████▓░ ▀▀▀▓██▒ ▓██ ██ ░█
█▓ █ █░░░ ██▓ ▓▓███▓ ▓███████ ██████▓ ▓███▓▓ ▓██ ░░░█ █ ▓█
██ █▄ ░████▓▓ ▄▓▓███▓ ░▓████████▓░ ▓███▓▓▄ ▓▓████░ ▄█ ██
██ ▓█ ██▓▒▒█░▀▀▀▀▀▀─────────────────────────────────▀▀▀▀▀▀░█▒▒▓███ █▓ ██
█▓ █ ▓█▓░ ▓█ SMAC 1.2 █▓ ░▓█▓ █ ▓█
█▒ ██ ░██▒▓▒ ▓█ ▓▒██░ ██ ▒█
█ █▓ ▓█▒░▒█░ ▓█▒ ─────────────────────────────────────── ▒█▓ ░█▒░▒█▓ ▓█ █
▓█░ ░██ ▓█░ ██▓ Supplier ....: Team iNFECTED ▓██ ░█▓ ██░ ░█▓
██ ██▓ ▓█▒ ▒██░ Cracker .....: Team iNFECTED ░██▒ ▒█▓ ▓██ ██
██▓ ██ ░ ▒█▒ ▓█ Packager ....: Team iNFECTED █▓ ▒█▒ ░ ░ ██ ▓██
█▓░▒ ░██▓██ ██ ▓ Release Date.: 6/1/2004 ▓ ██ ▒ ██▓██░ ▒░▓█
▒█ █ ▒▓ ▓ ██ Release Size.: xx/04 ██ ▓ ▓▒ █ █▒
▓█░ ▒█▓░█▒ █░ ▒▓ Release Type.: Application ▓▒ ░█ ▒█░▓█▒ ░█▓
██▓▓██ ▓██ ▒█▓▒ ░ Protection ..: Serial ░ ▒▓█▒ ██▓ ██▓▓██
█▓ ██ ██▓ ─ ───────────────────────────── ─ ▓██ ██ ▓█
█ ░░▓█ ░██▒ Requires ....: Some Brain! ▒██░ █▓░░ █
██▒██ ██ █▓ ▓█ ██ ██▒██
▓██▒ ▓ █ ░ ─────────────────────────────────────── ░ █ ▓ ▒██▓
▒█▓ ▓░█ █░▓ ▓█▒
█▓ ▒▒█ uRL: http://www.klcconsulting.net/ █▒▒ ▓█
██ ░▓█▓ ▓█▓░ ██
▓█ ░██ ██░ █▓
▒██ ▓█ █▓ ██▒
██ ▒█ ▀▀▀███▄▄▄─────────────────────────────────▄▄▄███▀▀▀ █▒ ██
▓██ ░█ ▀▓▓███▓ ░▓████████▓░ ▓███▓▓▀ █░ ██▓
██░ ██ ▓▓███▓ ▓███████ ██████▓ ▓███▓▓ ██ ░██
▒██ ▒█ ▄▄▄ ░▓██████▓░ ░▓██████▓░ ▄▄▄ █▒ ██▒
▓█▒ █░ ▀██▄▄▓███▓░ ░▓███▓▄▄██▀ ░█ ▒█▓
██░░█ ▓████▓░┌─┬─┬┐┌─┬─┬─┬─┐ ┌─┬─┬┐┌─┬─┐░▓████▓ █░░██
██░▓░ ▓██▒ │││││├┤││││└┤││ │││││└┤││└┤ ▒██▓ ░▓░██
██▓█ ▓██░ │ ┤┌┤││┌┤ ├┐│┌┤ │││││┌┤┌┼┐│ ░██▓ █▓██
▓██▒ ▓█▓ └┴┴─┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴─┘ └┴┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ ▓█▓ ▒██▓
▒▓█▒ ▓ ▓ ▒█▓▒
░▓ ▓░
░ ░
SMAC is a powerful, yet an easy-to-use and intuitive
Windows MAC Address Modifying Utility which allows users to
change MAC address for almost any Network Interface Cards
(NIC) on the Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server systems,
regardless of whether the manufactures allow this option or
SMAC does not change the hardware burned-in MAC addresses.
It is not necessary. SMAC changes the "software based" MAC
addresses on the Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server systems,
and the new MAC addresses you change will sustain from
SMAC is the first Windows MAC Address Modifying Utility (v.
1.0 released on 1/2003), and it is developed base on the
extensive research of KLC Consulting, Inc.
SMAC is created by Certified Information Systems Security
Professionals (CISSP), Certified Information Systems
Auditors (CISA), and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers
(MCSE), and professional software engineers. With combined
efforts, SMAC is well designed to be an user-friendly tool
for both the technical and non-technical users.
▀▀▀███▄▄▄ ▄▄▄███▀▀▀
▀▓▓███▓ ░▓█████████▓░ ▓███▓▓▀
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█▓ ▓▓█▓░ ▓██░ │││├┐│┌┤ │││││ │││││┌┤┌┼┐│ ░██▓ ░▓██▓▓ ▓█
█ ▓█████░ ▓██░ └┴┴┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴─┘ └┴┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ ░██▓ ░██████▓ █
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█ ░█▓▒░ ▒███ ▒▓█████ █████▓▒ ███▒ ░▒▓█░ █
█▌▒█░ ░▓██ ░▒▒▓▓████ ████▓▓▒▒░ ██▓░ ░█▒▐█
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▓█▓ ▀▀▀▀▀████████████▀▀▀▀▀ ▓█▓
▓ ▓████▓ ▓
1) uNzip , uNrar
2) Install the application
3) Enjoy
▀▓▓███▓ ░▓████████▓░ ▓███▓▓▀
▓▓███▓ ▓███████ ██████▓ ▓███▓▓
▄▄▄ ░▓██████▓░ ░▓██████▓░ ▄▄▄
▀██▄▄▓███▓░ ░▓███▓▄▄██▀
▓████▓░ ┌─┬─┬─┬┬┬─┐ ┌─┬─┬┐┌┬─┐ ░▓████▓
░ ▓██▒ │├┤││││││││ │││││├┤│└┤ ▒██▓ ░
▓░ ▓██░ │└│ ┤││││┌┘ │││┌┤││├┐│ ░██▓ ░▓
▒▓█▒ ▓█▓ └─┴┴┴─┴─┴┘ └┴┴─┴──┴─┘ ▓█▓ ▒█▓▒
▓██▒ ▓ ▓ ▒██▓
██▓█ █▓██
██░▓░ The infected beasts are after u now second ░▓░██
██░░█ year in a raw... █░░██
░█▒ █▓ alive & kicking it into the new golden era ░█ ▒█▓
▒██ ▒█ not much we wanna say , just thanks to all █▒ ██▒
██░ ██ our hqs , affils , supporters & ofcuz the ██ ░██
▓██ ░█ awesome bunch of our infected boys & girls! █░ ██▓
██ ▒█ :) we love you. █▒ ██
█▓ ▓█ we keep the old morals as the way of life █▓ ██▒
▓█ ░██ "dedication & loyalty" is the code we live by ██░ █▓
██ ▓█▓ ▓█▓ ██
█ ▒█ █▒ ▓█
▒█▓ ░█ ...iNFECTED sTAFF... █░ ▓█▒
▓██▒ █ █ ▒██▓
██▒██ ██ █▓ ▓█ ██ ██▒██
█ ▓█ ░██▒ ░ ░ ▒██░ █▓ █
█▓ ██ ██▓ ▒ ▒ ▓██ ██ ▓█
░██▓▓██ ▓██ ▒█▓▒ ▒█▓ ▓█▒ ▒▓█▒ ██▓ ██▓▓██░
▓█░ ▒█▓░█▒ █░ ▒██▒ ▒██▒ ░█ ▒█░▓█▒ ░█▓
▒█ █ ▒▓ ▓ ██▓ ▓██ ▓ ▓▒ █ █▒
█▓░▒ ░██▓██ ▒ ██ ▓█ █▓ ██ ▒ ██▓██░ ▒░▓█
██▓ ██ ░ ░ ▒█▒ ▓█▓ ▓█▓ ▒█▒ ░ ░ ██ ▓██
██ ██▓ ▓█▒ ▒██░ ░██▒ ▒█▓ ▓██ ██
▓█░ ░██ ▓█░ ██▓ ▓██ ░█▓ ██░ ░█▓
█▓ ▓█▒░▒█░ ▓█▒ ▓ ▓ ▒█▓ ░█▒░▒█▓ ▓█
██ ░██▒▓▒ ▓█ ▓█▓ ▓█▓ █▓ ▒▓▒██░ ██
▓█ ███▓▒▓█░ ▓██░ ░██▓ ░█▓▒▓███ █▓
█ ▓█▓██▓░ ▓██▒ ▒██▓ ░▓██▓█▓ █
██ ███▓ ▓████▓░ ░▓████▓ ▓███ ██
▓██ ▓██ ▄██▀▀▓███▓ ▓███▓▀▀██▄ ██▓ ██▓
▒ ██░ ██ ▀▀▀ ░▓██████▓░ ░▓██████▓░ ▀▀▀ ██ ░██ ▒
▓▓▓██▓ ██ ▓▓███▓ ▓███████ ██████▓ ▓███▓▓ ██ ▓██▓▓▓
▒█ ▒▓██ ░█ ▄▓▓███▓ ░▓████████▓░ ▓███▓▓▄ █░ ██▓▒ █▒
██ ▒█ ░█▓ █████▀▀▀ ▄ ▄ ▀▀▀█████ ▓█░ █▒ ██
██ ▒█▒ ██ ██ ▀ ▀▀██▄ CONTACT ▄██▀▀ ▀ ██ ██ ▒█▒ ██
▒█▒ ▒█░ ▒█▒ █ ▐▀▀█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▀▀▌ █ ▒█▒ ░█▒ ▒█▒
▓▓ █▓ █▒██ ██ ██ ██▒█ ▓█ ▓▓
▒█▓ ▒░ █ ██▓ ░█ Dont Call Us , We Will Call You! █░ ▓██ █ ░▒ ▓█▒
▒██░ ░▓ █░ ▒█ █ █ █▒ ░█ ▓░ ░██▒
▓▒ ▓▓▓█ ██ ▓█ Group Is Closed To Applies, Invite Only █ ██ █▓▓▓ ▒▓
░██▓ ███ █ █ ███ ▓██░
░ ░█ ▒██▓█░ ▓█·───────────────────────────────────────·█▓ ░█▓██▒ █░ ░
█ ░██▓▒ █░ ██ ▄ ▄ ██ ░█ ▒▓██░ █
▓█░███▓░ █▒ ▓█ ▀ ▀▀██▄ GREETINGS ▄██▀▀ ▀ █▓ ▒█ ░▓███░█▓
▓█████▓░ ▒▓ ██ ▐▀▀█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▀▀▌ ██ ▓▒ ░▓█████▓
▒██▒░ ██ ██ ██ ██ ░▒██▒
█▒ ▒█░ RiSCiSO - SHOCK - SSG - TNO - MSN ░█▒ ▒█
Ascii: █ ██▒ ▒██ █ Update:
Fⁿ w|< ░█ ▓█▓░ PANTHEON - PDX - SHOCK - LND ░▓█▓ █░ 24-04-04
██ █▓░ ░▓█ ██
█ ██░░ ACME - LUCiD - NiTROUS ░░██ █
▓█▓█▒░ ░▒█▓█▓
█▓█▓░ ░▓█▓█
███▓░ ·───────────────────────────────────────────────· ░▓███
▒██▒░ ░▒██▒
▒▓▓░ Sleep, Those little slices of Death. How I hate them ░▓▓▒
░▒░ * infected your moma in 2oo4 again & again biatch! * ░▒░
░ ░