Download rChart v1.5.1a keygen by SSG

Added to site2004-03-25
Votes11 (167282 bytes)

file_id.diz 599 599
ssg.nfo 9152 9152
keygen.rar 52601 52601
keygen.exe 221184 104228


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        -Saints and Sinners Group-

[DATE:03-16-2004]                   [03/03]


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                       :: Saints and Sinners Group ::      ,;.

                             - p r e s e n t s -



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         \/     \/          \/     \/     \/     \/           \/

             supplied by.. SSG Team      rls type.... Keygen
             cracked by... SSG Team      date........ 03-16-2004
             tested by.... SSG Team      os.......... WinAll
             packed by.... SSG Team      language.... English
             protection... Trial         disks....... 3 x 1.44 Mb

  Whether you import data from a spreadsheet, database, or text file, rChart
     facilitates the rapid creation of aesthetically engaging graphs and
    charts. With a wealth of predefined charting styles and the ability to
     create your own, rChart will add impact and appeal to presenting the
  numbers. Within in seconds you will be able to export your finely crafted
  charts to FlashÖ format for Web/Browser viewing or for integration within
                       your PowerPoint« presentations.

                          Supports Windows NT/2K/XP
                Easy to use; charts can be created in seconds
           Wide variety of drawing and animation effects available
                    Easily add background image and sound
     Data can be entered directly or imported from a variety of sources
           Easy web content generation with "drill-down" features
      Available in three editions: Professional, Enterprise, and Studio

  We don't know what the hell developers donig, but it's written on the site
    that this puppy has version 1.5.1a, but in about box - still 1.5.1. We
   think that since they have info that version 1.5.1 was removed from the
   site and only 1.5.1a is available, they just forgot to change version in
                                  about box.

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                    \____|__  /\____/|__|  \___  >____  >
                            \/                 \/     \/

                            Unzip, unrar, install.
                 Use our keygen to generate your own license.


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           \______  /__|    \___  >\___  >__| /____  >  |__|  \____/
                  \/            \/     \/          \/

                       SSG's respects & hello's fly out:

               MaGE - ISO - SCOTCH - RPG2000 - SOD - DAMN - TMG

           SSG's big fucks fly out to everyone who brings bullshit
                   to the scene instead of quality releases.

        And finally, of course, special fuck to a bunch of swallowing
             imbeciles from PARADOX, the only so sucking group.
                         Eat shit and die, bitches!

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               \/            \/          \/     \/                  \/

              [www] ...........[]
              [e-mail]...........[removed for security reasons]
              [irc] .............[removed for security reasons]

 [nfo layout by bac/Offliner                               filled by SSG Team]
 [logo by Offliner                                  last update on 12/16/2003]

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