Boogaloopers 1.2
Boogaloopers Download Webpage:
Put the Boogapatch.exe file in the folder where
Boogaloopers was installed, overwriting the existing file.
(Removes time limit on gameplay and time delay on startup.)
Boogaloopers is an arcade game that requires quick thinking and a steady hand.
Using the mouse, you loop Boogas to clear each sector. You need to react quickly but
not out of control...your "tail" breaks when the mouse is moved too fast.
To be a good boogalooper, you need to strike a balance between speed and finesse.
Since you cannot touch anything in the Void without being damaged,
your ship is equipped with an energy "tail" that trails behind your ship. By circling
around things, you create a spatial well that destroys anything in the encircled area.
You use this looping technique to get rid of the Boogas.
You can also use this looping to destroy anything else in the sector.
Which brings us to another are not alone.
There exists a nether region, between the matter and anti-matter universes, known as the
Void. This Void protects both universes from colliding together and wiping everything
out of existence. The constant shifting of the Void produces balls of energy called
Boogas. If too many Boogas collect in a sector, they will create a rift in the Void and
collapse it. You have been chosen to become the "boogalooper", a cross between
protector of the universe and a cosmic janitor. Your mission is to eliminate the
destructive Boogas. It won't be easy, because the dastardly Spaztix and the crazy Rat
Bassards are standing in your way!