Download Cracking tutorial crack by PC

Added to site2002-12-31
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CRACKME2.EXE 12288 2899
FILE_ID.DIZ 718 303
Q_TUT1.TXT 27814 10008
QSTER.NFO 804 187
pc.nfo 9530 2314


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[PhRoZeN CReW '97 pRESENTS]  ▀▀▀█▓▀ cH.pC

│ Cracking tutorial -                    │
│ [ ]Application        [ ]Utility       │
│ [ ]Game               [X]Other         │
│                                        │
│                                        │
│ By     THE_q                       	 │


[ Written By THE_q/PC ]                                            [March 98]

        WinIce Cracking tutorial - Cracking Cruehead's CrackMe v2.0

When NuMega disigned Soft-Ice , they ment this debugger to help programers
fixing their software , debugging it and quickly find the error , when the
High-lenguage debugger didn't help . However , as it turned up , the debugger
has become an importent tool for the CrAcKeR .
This tutorial , mainly for new bees, will help you to work with the BEST
debugger in the world - WinICE.
Like the ladder for the painter , winice will help you disable,enable,study
or in other words - crack ANY protection out there .

What you Need:
-The program to crack : CrackME v2.0 - written by Cruehead/MiB
  (it is propably attached to this text file,since it's a small windowz prog.)

-And geuss what ?   WINICE !! :)  Newest ver 3.22 .
  Try  -LordCaligo cracking site .
  Or search in ftp search for file :
                                and  si322p95.exe    (on NuMega ftp site)

Geting WinICE started:
First , you need to edit winice.dat so winice will load all symbols and
common win95 dlls .
Open winice.dat , and go to End Of file , in the last section : Exported -
 Symbols and delete all the semi-colloms .

It should look like this :

; ***** Examples of export symbols that can be included for Windows 95 *****
;	Change the path to the appropriate drive and directory

In order for us to look at the same winice screen , go to the line INIT in
winice.dat (should be near the top) and change it to :


Ok , Run windows with winice loaded , and press Ctrl-d to enter Winice.
A typical Winice Screen :                      ~~~~~~~~

│                         -= Registers & Flags =-                           │
│ EAX=00000009  EBX=0063FA46  ECX=800A0698 EDX=8009F8E8  ESI=00008A6A       │
│ EDI=0063F9FC  EBP=0063F9F4  ESP=0063F9E8 EIP=004012C7  o d I S z a P c    │
│ CS=0137   DS=013F   SS=013F  ES=013F   FS=2257  GS=0000                   │
│───═CRACKME2!DATA+0175════════════════════════════════════════════════──── │
│                           -=  Data Window  =-                             │
│13F:40217E 41 42 43 44 56 31 32 33-34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 abcDV1234.......│
│13F:40217E 00 00 00 00 54 72 79 20-74 6F 20 63 72 61 63 6B ....Try to crack│
├───═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════──── │
│                           -=  Code Window  =-                             │
│:004012BF FF7508                  push [ebp+08]                            │
│:004012C2 E8D5010000              Call USER32!GetDlgItemTextA              │
│:004012C7░83F801░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░cmp░eax,░00000001░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ │
│:004012CA C74510EB030000          mov [ebp+10], 000003EB                   │
│:004012D1 72CC                    jb 0040129F                              │
│:004012D3 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001                        │
│:004012D8 EB07                    jmp 004012E1                             │
│:004012DA B800000000              mov eax, 00000000                        │
│:004012DF EBA1                    jmp 00401282               █             │
│:004012E1 50                      push eax                                 │
│:004012E2 FF7508                  push [ebp+08]                            │
│:004012E5 E894010000              Call 0040147E                            │
│:004012EA B801000000              mov eax, 00000001                        │
│:004012EF EB91                    jmp 00401282                             │
│                                                                           │
│───════════════════════════════CRACKME2!CODE+02C2═════════════════════──── │
│                           -=  User Window  =-                             │
│:? 48692020                                                                │
│48692020 1214849056 "Hi  "                                                 │
│:ver                                                                       │
│SoftICE 3.22 (Windows 95 / Windows 98 Beta 1-2)                            │
│Copyright (c) 1991-1998 NuMega Technologies ,Inc. All rights reserved.     │
│:▄                                                                         │

To crack a program u must first get to the protection code , study it a bit
and , well ,kill it .The Best and quickes way to locate the protection
procedure is using s-ice .
Sometimes u'll work throu the function that gets the Serial Entered ,
Sometimes throu the beep or 'Bad_Serial' error message, sometimes throu
the registery operations the program will do and sometimes using the dead
listing (w32dasm) to find the address of the protection .
There are many ways to locate the protection , and once located , 50% of the
job is done,as for the rest s-ice will help u crack the protection in notime.
One last thing , bare in mind that the coputer works in a LOgic way , so
use ur Comom sense.For example,there is no point in checking the date (to see
if it's expiered) if the user is already registered , so if u'll get to the
date check procedure , the register/unregister check should be near it.

Let's Rock
Run the program , goto Help/Enter_Password and enter "abcDV1234" as password,
hit the OK button , and see what happans if u enter a wrong pass.
As u see there's an error message+beep to help u figure out u just entered
the wrong password.We could get to the protection throu those notes the
program gives out when u enter a wrong password , but I chose to get there
throu the part that is responsable to get the password entered .
(It's like geting off the Bus 1 stop before ur destination , instead of 1 stop
after it .. Damm i wish i had a car ;)

By now u have seen me sayin' "get throu this.." 8 times ; what i meen ,and
this is where s-ice enters the picture, is BREAKPOINT on the function that
does the specific task of Geting the text from an edit box , or one of
Puting an error message , or get the current date ..
U see, the operating system and the program have a spacial relesionship,where
the OS will put the text on the screen , but the program will have to call
a certane function to get that text to it's own memory , where it can check
if the text is correct.
ok , nough said , lets crack ;)

Goto Help/Enter_Password , and enter 'abcDV1234' as password .Don't hit the
OK button just yet .
Enter S-ice (ctrl+D - btw, u can change it) and enter the following :
('>' is only an indicator )
>Bpx GetWindowTextA     [Enter]
>Bpx GetDlgItemTextA    [Enter]
(BPX = BreakPoint on eXecution)
              ┌────────────────────     Side Reference
              │      SETTING BREAK POINTS
              │     BPM, BPMB, BPMW, BPMD
              │            - Breakpoint on memory access
              │     BPR    - Breakpoint on memory range
              │     BPIO   - Breakpoint on I/O port access
              │     BPINT  - Breakpoint on interrupt
              │     BPX    - Breakpoint on execution
              │     BMSG   - Breakpoint on Windows message
              │     BSTAT  - Breakpoint Statistics
              │     CSIP   - Set CS:EIP range qualifier
              │      MANIPULATING BREAK POINTS
              │     BPE    - Edit breakpoint
              │     BPT    - Use breakpoint as a template
              │     BL     - List current breakpoints
              │     BC     - Clear breakpoint
              │     BD     - Disable breakpoint
              │     BE     - Enable breakpoint
              │     BH     - Breakpoint history
              │      DISPLAY/CHANGE MEMORY
              │     R      - Display/change register contents
              │     U      - Un-assembles instructions
              │     D, DB, DW, DD, DS, DL, DT
              │            - Display memory
              │     E, EB, EW, ED, ES, EL, ET
              │            - Edit memory
What u've just did is BreakPoint on the most common functions used to get
a text from an edit box . This will couse S-ice to "pop" whenever those
functions are called . When poped the computer will frease (in a good way:)
and u'll be able to see and change EVERYTHING . (now do u begin to see the
power of s-ice ? ;)

To view all the current BreakPoint enter :
(BL = Breakpoint List)
U should see this :

00)   BPX USER32!GetWindowTextA
01)   BPX USER32!GetDlgItemTextA

The numbers on the left are the BreakPoint number in the list .
Ok, leave s-ice and let the program continue (unawar of the danger;) . Do
this by either pressing F5 , or >G  or >X   ..
Ok, now press the OK button in the program ....and ... BOOm , s-ice poped !

At this point u r INSIDE the GetDlgItemTextA function .
HOw do u know it's GetDlgItemTextA and not GetWindowTextA?
well,s-ice says : 'Break due to BPX USER32!GetDlgItemTextA'.
And how do u know u r INDISE that function ?
For that look at the Line Between the Code Window , and the User Window ;It
says 'USER32!,text+0654' that meens that what is currently in the code window
is code from the file USER32.dll ( and not Crackme2.exe ).
U need to get out of this call , to get to the program code ,for that press
F12 (p ret) , that will tell s-ice to let the computer proceed (p) until
the RET command.
 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────   Side Reference  ──
 │The program is build procedures by procedures , where each procedure has it's
 │own task to do in the general,big,continues run of the program.
 │So when the GetDlgItemTextA procedure is called from the program , the
 │location (the status of the big run) is saved , and the procedure is executed
 │until a Ret command , which tell the procesor to RETurn to the calling part.
 │It's prety much like in Music (take Bach's Fuges for example;) , u have to
 │finish a certain melody before u enter a new one .. (DaVinci will back me up
 │on this...i think :)
Ok,after presing F12 once ,the GetDlgItemTextA funcion is executed,
and s-ice pops in the calling part. u'll see in that line 'CRACKME2!CODE+02C2' which
tell us that we r now looking in the program code .(The figure of winice screen
--look above-- shows where u r now.)
Remember what the function does ? It takes the Text in the edit box, and copy
it to the Program memory , where the program is free to play,change and eat
the password entered .
So where is that location ?
This location (the Buffer for the text) is entered as paramter for the
GetDlgItemTextA funcion .
Normaly parameters are entered throu the stack like this :

 push 00000011          ;Parameter #4
 push 0040217E          ;Parameter #3
 push 000003E8          ;Parameter #2
 push [ebp+08]          ;Parameter #1
 Call GetDlgItemTextA

In this Function the parameters are :
Parameter #1            // handle of dialog box
Parameter #2        	// identifier of control
Parameter #3            // address of buffer for text  <-The 1 we'r interested
Parameter #4            // maximum size of string

But u don't have to remember all this , just Check them all ! :)
it's only 4 parameter .
How to check ?
Since we r looking for an addres , the parameter for it is a pointer
for that Buffer ,So we'll have to View the memory at those locations ; in
S-ice enter :
>D DS:00000011
(D = Dump memory)
Check the Data window , do u see the password entered ? No, try the next
parameter :
>D  DS:0040217E
See the Password entered ? Yes , well ofcource , the 3rd parameter is the
the address of the buffer . :)
Now what should we do ?
Now the program is free to do what it wants with the password,wether it's
a simple compare to the correct code (Don't u just love those?) , or
changing it and then a compare , or to check if the serial has the correct
properties of a valid serial (like Length, or if the sum of the password
bytes is equale to a constant) , or whatever the programer had in mind.
And we are here to study this , so Let's breakpoint on that memory address
, in this way  when the program tougchs the password ,s-ice will pop.
Enter : >BPM DS:0040217E RW
       (BPM = BreakPoint on Memory Access ; RW = Read/Write)

Before we continue , we should turn off the other BreakPoint We Made .
Do the following :
U'll Get :      00)   BPX USER32!GetWindowTextA
                01)   BPX USER32!GetDlgItemTextA
                02)   BPMB #013F:0040217E RW DR3
>BC 0
(BC = Breakpoint Clear .. since we know GetDlgItemTextA is the function called
and not GetWindowTextA we'll clear it)

>BD 1
(BD = Breakpoint Disable .. GetDlgItemTextA will stay in the list , but it
will not be active)
U'll Get :      01) * BPX USER32!GetDlgItemTextA
                02)   BPMB #013F:0040217E RW DR3

And let it roll ..(F5 to continue)

NOw the program will continue , and s-ice pops at the place where the program
is operating on the password .

U should be at location CS:00401373

:00401371 8A06              ╓──>> mov al, byte ptr [esi]
:00401373 84C0              ║     test al, al
:00401375 7419              ║     je 00401390            ────────────┐
:00401377 FE0518214000      ║     inc byte ptr [00402118]            │
:0040137D 3C41              ║     cmp al, 41                         │
:0040137F 7204              ║     jb 00401385       ═╗               │
:00401381 3C5A              ║     cmp al, 5A         ║               │
:00401383 7303              ║     jnb 00401388       ║ ─════╕        │
:00401385 46                ║     inc esi         <<═╝      │        │
:00401386 EBE9              ╟───  jmp 00401371              │        │
                            ║                               │        │
:00401388 E825000000        ║     call 004013B2   <<════════╛        │
:0040138D 46                ║     inc esi                            │
:0040138E EBE1              ╙───  jmp 00401371                       │
:00401390 5E                      pop esi           ─────────────────┘
:00401391 E803000000              call 00401399

S-ice pops one instrucion after the program access to the password,
so look at the instrucion at 00401371 : Mov al,Byte ptr [esi] .
Do >D ds:esi
see the password ? Ok , so the password is read byte by byte , and somthing
is done to it . Look in a lazy eye on the folowing instructions , like :

Cmp Al,41 .. Cmp AL,5A
What is going on ?? Why the values 41 and 5A ?
It's simple , Do
>? 41
00000041  00000065 "A"
>? 5A
0000005A  00000090 "Z"

Ahah,it checks for small letters , if AL (which is , as said, with a Char
from the password) is with a small letter , then a Call 004013B2 is executed.

In large protections , the best way to figure out calls is to look at it
like a Black Box , meening giving it Input , and check the Output , and try
to figure out what was doen (wether a Decimal Value -> hex , OR a value in
a register -> a printable value .. It will save time ; However if a complex
thing is doen , then it's time to trace into the call .)

In this case do the folloing :
>Bpx cs:401390
Why there ?
coz that is where the computer (processor) will be after the first operation
on the password.
How do we know that ?
See the
        Test al,al
        je 00401390
It will Jump when the value in al is zero (the end of the password,the null

Press F5 to continue, and s-ice will pop at Location 401390 ,after the first
operation . now check the Password :
>D  DS:0040217E
See that it changed from 'abcDV1234' to 'ABCDV1234' ? The first operation
changes all small letters to capital .

Are We done ??
NoNO .. We'll be done when we know where the program 'understands' that u
have entered the wrong password, and this is not it ! (besides , u saw i
said FIRST operation,didn't u ? :)

Hopefully ur still with me , i'll continue .. ;)

Press F5 to continue and wait for s-ice to pop on the next operation to
our password .

[BoooM] , now we r in location 004013A5 :

:0040139B 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0040139D 8A8FA3214000     ╒══>>  mov cl, byte ptr [edi+004021A3]
:004013A3 8A1E             │      mov bl, byte ptr [esi]   ; ESI -> Password
:004013A5 84DB             │      test bl, bl
:004013A7 7408             │      je 004013B1               ───────────┐
:004013A9 32D9             │      xor bl, cl                           │
:004013AB 881E             │      mov byte ptr [esi], bl               │
:004013AD 46               │      inc esi                              │
:004013AE 47               │      inc edi                              │
:004013AF EBEC             ╘════  jmp 0040139D                         │
:004013B1 C3                      ret                 ─────────────────┘

[ This operation is the main operation on the password , so we'll study it to
  understand the protection ..]

Ok , we should take it slow , trace throu the code , and watch what's going
on . To trace press F8 , this will let the current instruction to be executed
and pause again in the next instuction.
      ┌────────────────────────────── Side reference
      │ How to navigate in WinIce ?
      │ To scroll thou the CODE window , keep CTRL pressed and move with
      │ up/down arrows .
      │ To scroll thou the DATA window , keep ALT  pressed and move with
      │ up/down arrows .
      │ To scroll thou the USER window , keep SHIfT pressed and move with
      │ up/down arrows .
Let's see where we are now (at location 4013A5) :
>d ds:esi       will give us the password , so esi points to password.
Look at bl , it has the first char of the password.
EDI=1 and gets INCed in each loop , so edi = Loop index ,and also the
Password Index.
CL has a value from location [edi+004021A3] , that meens  in each loop
CL gets a value from a constant table . To look at this Table do :
>D ds:004021A3
u'll get :

013F:004021A3 4D 65 73 73 69 6E 67 5F-69 6E 5F 62 79 74 65 73  Messing_in_bytes
013F:004021B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................

Bl gets XORed with CL , and the Result is put back to the password location.
(xor bl, cl   ; mov byte ptr [esi], bl )

Confused ? Welcome to the club ;)

to Sumerize, the english translation of this code_block will be :
A byte from password goes to bl , a value from a constant table (004021A3)
goes to cl , and they get XORed , the result is put back to the password
address [ds:esi] .

If translated to Pascal it will be something like this :

   while Pass[edi]<>#0 do
           cl := Tab[edi];
           bl := Pass[edi];
           bl := bl Xor Cl;
           Pass[edi] := bl;

Password:   41 42 43 44 56 31 32 33 34                       ABCDV1234
Table:      4D 65 73 73 69 6E 67 5F 69                       Messing_i
           ------------------------------                  -------------
Result:     0C 27 30 37 3F 5F 55 6C 5D                       .'07?_uL]

Ok , that was the second operation on the password , as u see the program
played 'scramble' with it ;)

Press F5 to continue.
Our next Stop is at location 4013C9.
Let's have a look :

:004013B8 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:004013BA 33C9                    xor ecx, ecx
:004013BC B110                    mov cl, 10
:004013BE 8B742404                mov esi, dword ptr [esp+04]
:004013C2 BF50214000              mov edi, 00402150
:004013C7 F3                      repz cmpsb
:004013C9 C3                      ret

What do we have here ? A 'rep cmpsb' !!
This instrucion is used to COMPARE the string at address DS:ESI with a string
at address ES:EDI .
This is where the program desides wether it's the correct password.

Do  >D ds:esi  to see ur password (after the 2nd operation)
and >D es:edi  to see the string that should be after the second operation .

Now that we have done all this work , we'll do just a bit more to find out
the Correct password , the one to put in the registration window.

What we are looking is a password , that after the 2nd operation will give us
the following string :
>D es:edi
013F:402150│1F 2C 37 36 3B 3D 28 19 3D 26 1A 31 2D 3B 37 3E │.,76;=(.=&.1-;7>

So we need to 'reverse' the 2nd operation .
As we've seen,in the 2nd op. basicly, the password is XORed with a constant
one .
the XOR instrucion is good for encryptions , why ? Becouse it is REVERSABLE .


       ┌────────────────────  Side Reference
       │XOR Val1 , Val2
       │Val2 = Val1 XOR Val2
       │Xor is a logic operation between the 2 operands (val1 and val2) ,
       │The logical operation is for the situation of :
       │"If Smith goes to the Party , Than John Won't"
       │So there are only 2 posible way : Eighter Only Smith will go , Or
       │Only John will go , BUT they can't be there together , and they can't
       │NOT be there together .
       │Here's the true table for XOR :
       │  Val1 │ Val2 │ Val1 XOR Val2
       │ ──────┼──────┼─────────────────
       │   0   │  0   │      0
       │   0   │  1   │      1
       │   1   │  0   │      1
       │   1   │  1   │      0
       │When we have 31 XOR  6E , there's a Bit_2_Bit Xor meening :
       │       31           00110001
       │   XOR
       │       6E           01101110
       │     ------        ----------
       │       5F           01011111

Yes, meening : if       a XOR b = c
               then     a XOR c = b
                        b XOR c = a

if u have the result (c) and one of the Opreands (a or b) then u get find
the second operand . (XOR is also good for more than 2 operands)

Example :               31 XOR 6E = 5F
                        5F XOR 31 = 6E

Like ADD is the reverse of SUB (and vis versa) ,OR Like Blur is The reverse
operation of sharpen (in PS filters;) , so is XOR the reverse of itself.
Meening : 14 - 0F = 5               |     24 XOR 73 = 57
          5  + 0F = 14              |     57 XOR 73 = 24

To test it u can use s-ice too !
use the '?' command (which is a very powerful command .)
where '^' = XOR
      '&' = AND
      '|' = OR
      '!' = NOT

>?  31 ^ 6E

>?  5F ^ 31
                      │ >? esi             ;to see the value in esi ..
                      │ >? al & 13         ;result of :  Value_In_Al AND 13

And guess what ?  We have the result (the string at 00402150) , and we have
one of the operands (the constant string at 004021A3) , so all there left
to do is XOR them to find the 2nd operand , the correct string !

Result :   1F 2C 37 36 3B 3D 28 19 3D 26 1A 31 2D 3B 37 3E  .,76;=(.=&.1-;7>
Table :    4D 65 73 73 69 6E 67 5F 69 6E 5F 62 79 74 65 73  Messing_in_bytes
          ------------------------------------------------  ----------------
Password:  52 49 44 45 52 53 4F 46 54 48 45 53 54 4F 52 4D  RIDERSOFTHESTORM

That's it !! the password is : "RidersOfTheStorm" !!
Let's check it , disable all breakpoints (so s-ice won't pop) :
>BD *
Press F5 to continu .. goto Help/Enter Password and enter :
(you can put it in small letters since it will be converted to capitals
 in the 1st operant ;)
And BooM , we get a 'Great Work , Mate!' message :))

Apendix : Tips For WinIce
Here are some functions that u should break point in s-ice when cracking
varius protections .
  │ Note : Case u get a 'symble not defined' message from s-ice , use the EXP
  │ command (EXP = Display Export Symbols) , for example :
  │ >EXP Message
  │ USER
  │      1817:006E MESSAGEBOXINDIRECT       1817:0013 MESSAGEBOXEX
  │      1817:0000 MESSAGEBOX               1817:1E6A MESSAGEBEEP
  │ USER32
  │ 0137:BFC023C1 MessageBeep
  │ 0137:BFC038D9 MessageBoxA
  │ 0137:BFC02BEC MessageBoxExA
  │ 0137:BFC038F3 MessageBoxExW
  │ 0137:BFC03D71 MessageBoxIndirectA
  │ 0137:BFC01014 MessageBoxIndirectW
  │ 0137:BFC039A4 MessageBoxW
  │ Hey look at that , there's a MessageBoxIndirectA symble ;)

Reading/Writing files :

Reading date from INI file :
(The 'A' at the end is for 32 bit program ... don't worry about it , most
 of the programs are 32 bit, and if they're not , use the same function name
 without the 'A' .. Or use EXP command ;)


Registery Access :

DialogBoxes :

MessageBoxes :

Time And Date :

Creating a window (like a Nag) :

CD-Rom :


HelpFul in hunting serials in VB program : HMEMCPY

* For more info check the win32 programmer reference help file .

Last Words
Cracking is a skill only time and practice will make better , and most
importent NEVER say NEVER . :)

I really hope u enjoyed this tut , as i did writing it .
Feel Free to ask me anything u want .

E-mail :  [email protected]
IcQ    :  8175894

DaVinci , This tut is For ya mate! :)
EveryOne in PC .. UR the BEST ! :)
And all my freinds in Israel who keep asking me "How do u do it??" and i keep
answering "This is kinda magic ;)"

L8r !


 ▓▓▓  ■  Phrozen Crew  ■  ▓▓▓▓
 ▓▓▓║                    ║▓▓▓▓
 ▓▓▓║      ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄      ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║     █▀      ▀█     ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║    ▐▌        ▐▌    ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║    ▐▌        ▐▌    ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║    ▐▌        ▐▌    ║░░▓▓          Never leave a Clue .
 ▓▓▓║    ▐▌        ▐▌    ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║    ▐▌        ▐▌    ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║    ▐▌        ▐▌    ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║     █      ▄ █     ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║      ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄     ║░░▓▓
 ▓▓▓║                    ║░░▓▓
                                                             - THE_q (c) 1998!

Looking down ha ? ;)


                          ▄▄██▓▄▄                   ░
                       ▄▓▓▀▀   ▀▀▓▓▄▄   ■ ▀   ▄     ▒     ▄▄▓▓▄
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        ▄▀     ▀ ▄ ▀  ▄██▓▓████████▄ ▀██   ░ ░ ░░▒▒▓▓▓█████▄▄▄ ▀▀██▄
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        ▀▄        ▄▀▀    ▄ ░░  ▐█▓▓▓█▌ █▀        ▐███▀▀█████████▓█
            ▀   ▀   ▄▄▄██      ███▓███ ▀    ▄   ▄███▌  ▐▓█████▓▓▓▓▒▒░░ ░  ░
        ■   ▄▄▄▄█████▓▓█▌  █▄▄███████▌ ▀      ▀█▓███    ▀▓████▀▀▓▀  ▄▄
         ▀▄  ▀▓▓███▓▓▓▓█▌ █▓▓██████▓█  ▄ ░ ░░ ▄ ▀▓▓█      ▀▀ ▄▄ ▒ ▄▓▓▀
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          ▓███▌▐██████▓▓▌ ▀███▓▓▀▀           ▐▓███  ▀   ▀▓▀
 ░  ░ ░░▒▒▓▓▓██ ██████▓▓█                    ▓▓▓██▌
         ▒▓▓███ █▓█████▓▓▌ ░░░░░ ░      ░     ▀▓▓▀  ▄       ▄█▓▄
          ▒ ▓▀  █▓██████▓█  ░░░ ░   ░     ▀ ▄ ▒   ▄▓   ▄   ░ ▀███▓▄     ░
          ░    ▐▓▓███████▓█▄ ░    ░         ▐█▓▄▄█▓▌  ▀▓▀░░░░ ▐█▓▓▓▀ ▀ ░░░░ ░
              ▄▓▓█████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀         ░ ░░░▒▒▓▓▓███▌       ░ ▄██▓▓█▄▄   ░
          ▄▄█▓█▀▀▀        ▄▓█▄▄               ▒ ▀███▄      ▄▓▀▀    ▀▀▀▓▄▄
       ▄■▀▀               ▀█▓▓██▄             ░    ▀▓██▄▄▀▀     ▄■ ▀      ▀ ▄
     ▄                ▄ ■ ▄  ▀▀▓██▄                 ▐▓▓▀    ░  ▐▌ ░░        ▐▌
    ▐▌              ▀      ▄ ▀    ▀▀▄         ░    ▄▀    ░ ░░░  ▀▄          █
     ▀▄           ▀        ▐█▄  [cH]▐█ ▀    ▄   ▀           ░      ▀    ▄  ▀
┌───────■──▄── ■▀─── ── ─ ▄▓▀ ▀▀─▄ ■▀          ─  ── ────── ─────── ────────┐
|  dATE: [ 03/31/98 ]  ■▀             cRACKED bY: [         THE_q         ] |
  tITLE: [ Cracking tutorial By THE_q                                     ]
| wHERE: [ Here                                                           ] |
 tESTER: [   Klink    ]
├──── ──── ── ─── ── ─ ─- ──                        -    -  ─ ── ── ────────┤
|              pATCH ( )    sERIAL# ( )    kEYGEN ( )    cRACKED ( )        |
├───────── ────── ───── ── ──  ─  ─             ─ ─  ──  ──── ─── ──────────┤
|  dESC: [ Hope u Enjoy it !                                              ] |
:        [                                                                ]
         [                                                                ]
         [                                                                ] ·
         [                                                                ]
         [ Feel free to ask me any quesion :                              ]
:        [ E-Mail :  [email protected]                              ] :
:        [ IcQ : 8175894                                                  ] :
│        [                                                                ] │
│        [ L8r ! :)                                                       ] │
└────── ───── ── ── ─ ── ──    ─                 ─ ─ ── ─── ──── ─── ────sk─┘

                             PC98 MeMBeRZ ─-───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

         [ The Keyboard Caper ................................... fOUNDER ]

         [ aDancer .............................................. cOUNCIL ]
         [ Archimede............................................. cOUNCIL ] 
         [ Baloosh .............................................. cOUNCIL ] 
         [ Byte Ripper .......................................... cOUNCIL ] 
         [ madmax! .............................................. cOUNCIL ] 
         [ Nop .................................................. cOUNCIL ]
         [ taylor^ .............................................. cOUNCIL ] 
         [ TeRaPhY .............................................. cOUNCIL ]
         [ The Keyboard Caper ................................... cOUNCIL ]

         [ n00dles ...................................... hEAD mUCKY mUCK ]

         [ AquA ................................................. cRACKER ]
         [ Byte Ripper .......................................... cRACKER ]
         [ CleverMaxx ........................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Durk ................................................. cRACKER ]
         [ G-RoM ................................................ cRACKER ]
         [ HackerJack ........................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Jestrz ............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ JaGGeD EdgE .......................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Killer+Bee .[iDLE].................................... cRACKER ]
         [ madmax! .............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ NetSpider ............................................ cRACKER ]
         [ NiTR8^ ............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Nop .................................................. cRACKER ]
         [ NuZ .................................................. cRACKER ]
         [ Pepper ............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Plushmm ............................... eSSAY wRITER / cRACKER ]
         [ PowerLord ............................................ cRACKER ]
         [ Riz La+ .............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ RudeBoy .............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ SiLicon Surfer ....................................... cRACKER ]
         [ STaRDoGG CHaMPioN .................................... cRACKER ]
         [ TailGunner ........................................... cRACKER ]
         [ TeRaPhY .............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ tHATDUDE ............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ THE_q ................................................ cRACKER ]
         [ XLogic ............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ JUANDA ................................................. tRIAL ]
         [ ForBBiden KnownLedGe ................................... tRIAL ]

         [ alfi5 ................................................ cOURIER ]
         [ Fingers .............................................. cOURIER ]
         [ RaYf00 ............................................... cOURIER ]
         [ tcut ................................................. cOURIER ]
         [ Turok ................................................ cOURIER ]

         [ DaVinci .............................................. gRAPHIX ]
         [ Daze ................................................. gRAPHIX ]
         [ t00NIE ................................................ d0XTER ]
         [ Saga ................................... sCRIPTER / b0T mASTER ]
         [ Turbo Assembler ................................... pROGRAMMER ]
         [ Fryguy ............................................ kING iDLER ]
         [ Cool-Hand ......................................... kING iDLER ]
         [ Sir Magik .............................................. gUEST ]
         [ Vindicator ............................................. gUEST ]
         [ wintrhwk ......................................... cONTRIBUTOR ]
         [ wize ............................................. cONTRIBUTOR ]

         [ Baloosh ............................... hEAD - uSENET dIVISION ]
         [ Cb[Latin] ........................... sENIOR - uSENET dIVISION ]
         [ DaBaptist .................................... uSENET dIVISION ]
         [ ESDi ......................................... uSENET dIVISION ]

         [ taylor^ .................................. hEAD - iRC dIVISION ]

         [ aDancer .............................. hEAD - tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ Antha ................................... iRC/tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ Genesis ................................. iRC/tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ Klink ................................... iRC/tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ NegCreep .................................... tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ TeSLaCOiL ................................... tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ TUC ......................................... tESTING dIVISION ]
         [ Zarkman ..................................... tESTING dIVISION ]

         [ bLACK tHORNE ... Argentine Generation...+54-1-793-7973 ... BBS ]

 pERS.   [ nOP,tKC,Archimede,DaVinci,Antha,Taylor,aDancer,Riz|a,RudeBoy,  ]
 gREETS: [ RayF00,TUC,Zarkman,Klink,Genesis,NiTR8^,Plushmm,t00nie,Saga,   ]
         [ Byte-Ripper, and EveryOne on #pc98 that help PC to be the      ]
         [ Number #1 CrAcKiNg group ! ;)                                  ]

 gROUP   [   X-FORCE ■ CORE ■ UCF ■ REVOLT ■ TFT ■ FACTOR ■ BTI           ]
 gREETS  [                                                                ]

cOMMENT: [ If you arent in this NFO, and think you should be, contact us. ]
         [ Phrozen Crew Is Looking For Good Crackers, Also Looking For    ]
         [ Crackers Who Specialize In Cracking Visual Basic Programs.     ]
         [ Contact Us For Trial Membership!  We are not looking for       ]
         [ please dont ask.                                  ]
         [     ..:: pHRoZeN in 1998 ::..   ..:: pHRoZeN for LiFE ::..     ]

                          We ALWAYS get what we want! -───▄
                       ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀             

         [ Logo design by cH . NFO created by shadow killer     [ 3.22.98 ]

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