TurboBrowser'98 v6.1.1.81120 (32-bit) *Patcher*
Eliminates nags and 30-day expiration
by ZuLu
See the ZuLu.nfo *TEXT* file for details
TurboBrowser'98 v6.1.1.81120 (32-bit) *Patcher*
Eliminates nags and 30-day expiration
by ZuLu
Download: http://tucows.idirect.com/files/tb98ent2.exe
Homepage: http://www.pgcc.com
What is it: Explorer replacement
Patch Details:
Target file : Turbob.exe (1,196,032 bytes)
Backup file : None
Patcher size: 685 bytes
1. Close the TurboBrowser program if you have it running.
2. Unzip the patcher (turbb611.exe) to the directory where you
installed the TurboBrowser program.
3. Double click on the patcher (turbb611.exe).
4. When finished patching, you may delete the patcher.
5. No need to enter any registration info.