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`\| The iNViSiBLE TEAM Proudly presents: iNV'07|/'
'-+--------------------------------------------------------+-' |
o +:| DzSoft PHP Editor |:+ -O-
|:| (c) |:| |
*:| DzSoft Ltd |:*
|:| |:|
*:| Release Date ......................[ 16/09/2007 ] |:*
|:| OS Type: ..........................[ Win2KXP ] |:|
+:| Release Type: .....................[ Crack ] |:+ o
* /._| Protection: .......................[ ASProtect ] | .\
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; / |))// Release Information | ): :.
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:| DzSoft PHP Editor is a handy and |:
:| powerful tool for writing and testing |:
:| PHP and HTML pages. With its deceptive |:
:| simplicity, the interface of DzSoft PHP |:
:| Editor is comfortable both for |:
:| beginners and experienced programmers, |:
:| making PHP development easy and |:
:| productive. |:
| :| |:.
-O- :| http://www.dzsoft.com/php-editor.html |: .
| :| |: |
:| |: -O-
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:| |:
. :| |:
:| Unpack, Install. |:
:| Copy cracked files from /iNViSiBLE dir |:
:| to app dir. |:
:| Enjoy! |:
:| If you like this app, BUY iT! |:
| '| |'
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* /:. \/ \\+------------------------------------------------+|' )
\ ____//+-------------------------------------------------+-+' | *
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:| You don't need to contact us. |:
:| |:
:| |:
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