register with:
Name : Peter-Paul Hanke
Launch the tMaker, choose "Register..." command from the "Help" menu,
copy the registration name and key from this mail (by selecting key
characters and pressing Ctrl-C), paste it (by pressing Ctrl-V in key
edit control) into the edit fields and press "Ok" button.
SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB v2.3.2
Release-Date: 2006-07-08
Program Typ : testing
Are you considering implementing online testing system? With SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB
you can create, administer and process tests via Internet or corporate intranet. Test
results can be stored in MySQL database or separate files. The program offers several
levels of protection for keeping all confidential data safe. Conveniently, the
results can be easily sorted out and broken into detailed reports.
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