Download Identity Knight v1.3 WinALL crack by SCRiPTMAFiA

Added to site2005-05-05
Votes3 (179464 bytes)

Identity_Knight_v1_3_crack.exe 198144 177653
SCRiPTMAFiA.nfo 4532 1296


SCRiPTMAFiA's crack for Identity Knight v1.3 WinALL


.                    .
                     . ..:. .SCRiPTMAFiA. ....:.  .
                 . ......:..... .      . .. ..:...:.... .
    .__________. ...:.. .  .___________ _______.  :  ._____________.
  ___\\       (_.       :   \         //       | .:.___//   _  __//
 /____\   _____/_______._____\\_.     \\      .|______.\     ______ ._______.
 \         /____)    //       \      \___/     \\    (_.     _((___) \\    (_.
 /________//\    ____/.______.\\__.   \ /_._____\__   /     /      /__\__   /
  .____     //    / ___)   //   \      \   \      _  /     /      /     _  /
      //x_ /______\/    ___/___  \      \ ./________//.   (______\\________\.
        .____     /    / _((___)__)______\.Proudly.(_______\.Presents. .. .  
            //x__//___///      /________. _ __ _____________________________ 
              .____    /      //      //                                    |
                  //x_/______\\ .__) ____.        Identity Knight 1.3       |
 ..._______                  /    ___\   |__.                      .___     |
          //x____ _ __ _____/____/  |   ___(     (c) FSPro Labs      //_____|
                                    |    |                    ....     
                                    |    |               .___
     .R e l e a s e . i n f o.    .//_______________________\\

                                            __ _____________________________
 SUPPLiER......: TeaM SCRiPTMAFiA                                   ....... |
 cRaCkER.......: TeaM SCRiPTMAFiA                                      :::: |
 pAcKeR........: TeaM SCRiPTMAFiA                                       ::: |
 ReLeAsE dAtE..: 05/05/2005                                                 |
 Language......: English                                                 :: |
 TyPe..........: Trial                                                      |
 PROTECTiON....: Utility                                                  : |
      _______...     ..._______                                             |
 ___x\\.D e s c r i p t i o n.//x____ _ __ ________________________________//
Identity Knight (or ID Knight) is effective security software that scans your
Internet Explorer autocomplete fields for the identity data or any data you
specify as a template and removes them. It eliminates your worry about Internet
Explorer Security and using autocomplete that can expose your credit card numbers
to theft. Identity Knight automatically detects credit cards data, SSNs, emails,
postal addresses, driver's licenses and other IDs. Using Identity Knight helps
to prevent your identity information from being stolen from your PC.
                                    _________...   . ..._________            
   ___ _ __ ______________________x\\. I n s t a l l a t i o n .//x_________.
 | 1) Unpack
 | 2) Install
 | 3) Replace the exe file
 | 4) Enjoy
 \\_x\\.W A N N A . J O i N ?.//x____ _ __ _________________________________ 
                                                                    ....... |
 TeAm SCRiPTMAFiA is currently looking for :                           :::: |
                                                                        ::: |
  + Suppliers                                                               |
  (Retail PHP/CGI/ASP scripts)                                           :: |
  + Experiednced Coder                                                      |
  (ASM/C++/Delphi)                                                        : |
  + Dump suppliers [10 MBit+]                                               |
  (Legit ones, for internal use only)                                       |
  + HQ Sites [10 MBit+]                                                     |
  (EU/ASIA/WORLD)                                                           |
  Contact us : scriptmafia[at]hush[dot]com                                  |
    _________________________ _ __ ________x\\. G R E E T i N G S .//x_____//
   |                                      CHT - LiNE - SSG - WDYL - ZWT
   |                                 .___

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