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.......... . .DDDD8..
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . RecordMax Burning Studio v3.9 ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . Release Date: 05/06/2008 ...... .
.......... . Protection: Serial ...... .
.......... . Software URL: http://www.wave-max.com/ ...... .
.......... . Crack Type: Serial ...... .
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . iNSTALLATiON ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . 1.) Unpack. ...... .
.......... . 2.) Install. ...... .
.......... . 3.) Use serial. ...... .
.......... . 4.) Enjoy. ...... .
.......... . ...... .
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . iNFO ABOUT APPLiCATiON ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . Burner software too complicated? Get power, simplicity and file backup too! ........
.......... . Burn discs of any kind - from Audio CD to High-Definition Video ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Did you download a high-def burning utility only to find that it does not support your ........
.......... . minty Blu-Ray burner? Got a message saying our disc burner is not supported, please update t ........
.......... . he driver? ........
.......... . ........
.......... . RecordMax works with all CD, DVD and HD burning hardware with no issues, and supports all op ........
.......... . tical disc formats from legacy Audio CD to brand-new Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs. Of course, yo ........
.......... . u can burn a data CD, a single or double-layer DVD video or data disc just as easily! ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Ever had a bunch of MP3s, but couldn't figure how to make a proper CD to play back in your c ........
.......... . ar? Make an Audio CD from WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, ASF or WMV files from within a single applicat ........
.......... . ion. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Make a Video CD, Super VCD or even a DVD video from a movie in almost any video format from ........
.......... . the very same application. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Burning data CDs and DVDs is equally easy no matter what you store. Erase or rewrite CD-RW d ........
.......... . iscs, create double-layer DVDs and perform just about any burning task with RecordMax. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Burning a disc is now extremely simple thanks to the RecordMax new wizard-style interface. F ........
.......... . eel a little more ........
.......... . advanced? Try the Power GUI that allows you to fine-tune your discs and adjust burning prope ........
.......... . rties. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Want to fit more on a CD or DVD than the standard allows? Increase your storage capacity saf ........
.......... . ely and easily with RecordMax's Power GUI by adjusting the Overburn! ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Did you ever wonder what's inside that ISO file? ISO files are disc images that contain info ........
.......... . rmation about the entire CD or DVD disc. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Until now, your only choice to see what's there would be burning the image onto a blank medi ........
.......... . a. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . RecordMax conveniently mounts the ISO image and creates a separate drive letter, allowing yo ........
.......... . u to work with the image as if it was a real disc inserted into your CD/DVD drive - yet with ........
.......... . out actually burning anything! ........
.......... . ........
.......... . No need to waste blank media, and no more waiting till the burning finishes - just mount an ........
.......... . image with RecordMax, and you're ready to roll. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Many users are tired of over-complicated CD burning applications that are getting harder ........
.......... . and harder to use. Sometimes you can waste most of your time just trying to find a function. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . RecordMax Burning Studio focuses on what you want: To burn discs quickly, easily, with maxim ........
.......... . um quality and minimum hassle. RecordMax Burning Studio has all the tools you need to be abl ........
.......... . e to do exactly that. And it excludes everything that could get in the way. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Here are some key features of "RecordMax Burning Studio": ........
.......... . ........
.......... . ╖ Burn files and folders on data CDs/DVDs/Blu-ray discs ........
.......... . ╖ Burn Audio CDs from WAV, MP3, WMA and Ogg Vorbis files ........
.......... . ╖ Burn Video DVD, Video CD (VCD) or Super Video CD (S-VCD) ........
.......... . ╖ Create and burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc images ........
.......... . ╖ Burn speed and other options can all be set automatically ........
.......... . ╖ Make copies from audio, video or data discs easily ........
.......... . ╖ Interactive troubleshooting assistant for solving hardware and media problems ........
.......... . ╖ Erase CD-RWs / DVD+RWs / DVD-RWs/ DVD-RAM/ BD-REs ........
.......... . ╖ Integrated support for over 1,700 CD, DVD and Blu-ray burners ........