-* RSAgent - Cracker v1.00 *-
Hello youhouhouhouuuuuuu!
-> This Crack will remove ALL the protections of ALL the
RSAgent protected softwares (please see the following notes):
the old ones, the new ones, the 'try only' and the 'try/buy'!
-ñ Just for information, here are the soft I have tested and
which were cracked whitout any problem:
* Adobe ImageReady
* Macromedia Flash 3
* Norton Antivirus 5 95/98 (not NT)
* Norton Utilities 3
* Talkworks Pro 2
* WinFax Pro 9
* XingMPEG Encoder 2
* XingMPEG Player 3
... ALL RSAgent protected softwares could be added to this
list, I can bet what ever you want. Please send me a little
word if your cracked software isn't in this list: this would
be nice to advise all other people :).
-ñ Please note that for some very specific softwares, some
restrictions may stay.. here are them:
Norton AntiVirus 5: No automatic LiveUpdate. To launch it,
* Launch "Norton Antivirus"
* Go in the Help/About menu
* Select System Info
* Select Technical Support
* Click on "Check for updates"
Norton Utilities 3: No LiveUpdate
No DOS Disc Doctor (sorry! :( )
For a complete crack, crack these dir:
* \Norton Utilities
* \Norton Crashguard
* \Norton Utilities\Nss
For all other softwares on earth there is no limit anymore! :)
-ñ If you had previously cracked the software you want to crack with
this crack (heavy sentence i know :), for exemple with the
"Symantec - Cracker" or with the "ImageReady - Cracker", you have to
uninstall it and reinstall it before applying this crack, else you'll
have a "fatal error" message when the crack will try to launch the
program files at the end of the process.
Hummmmmmm lovely isn't it? :) you have been thousands to write me
about my "Symantec - Cracker" to tell me that it was the most
fantastic crack you had used :)))) I'm very very very happy of that.
So, I wanted to crack Adobe ImageReady a few days ago... I have
noticed that it was again this stupid RSAgent protection.. well,
I have done the crack and I have tried to crack Macromedia Flash...
AGAIN the same protection.. I was really fed up... 5 minutes search
for the data to crack in the files, 40 minutes to make the crack,
30 minutes to make the nfo file (minimum)... I said STOP (yes, I use
to talk to my computer hehe :).
In fact, I wanted to make a good crack... a crack which won't crack
the software but a crack which crack RSAgent so it could itself
remove the protection and i would be sure that the software would be
100% functionnal... It was Halloween, I was going to say "bybye" to
my fiance who had to go back home and suddenly... YES... I got THE
idea... "et si j'faisais un crack gΘnΘric ki dΘplomberai tous ces
foutus logiciels RSAgent tout seul? kes't'en pense mamour?" I asked
to my fiance (if you don't understand, be sure that you're missing
an important part of the story lol :).
I worked all the evening and all the day after, and all the day after
after (what a excellent english talking isn't it! lololol) and finally,
here it is, you have it! yes! it's not a fake, RSAgent - Cracker has
borned! :)))).
So to launch it, do like everytime you do for my cracks and notice that
it's a special release so there are new message boxes, new features
included etc etc etc. But the best is that I know that no software will
resist to this crack... you have it... keep it! Adobe, Macromedia,
Symantec, Xing and hundreds more, use the RSAgent protection... are
you thinking about what you can do now? about the number of new full
functionnal softwares you'll have installed on your hard-disc for the
next days? :).
You know.. I'm proud of my work... and I hope that you'll enjoy it
ten times more than me... so for any questions, any greatings, any
suggestions, any bad comments etc... just go on my web site:
http://www.angelfire.com/hi/Patchou/ ...cause if my cracks are very
popular it's because of you too!
There you'll find all the most recent versions of all my cracks, my
GuestBook, the banner of my sponsor which I hope you'll click on (I'm
sure you'll do... hum? just read the small text before it which explain
the reason why it is here :), and the most recent informations about
my work... le regne de la PatateJaune Θtait un rΩve il y a encore 3
mois, et je suis bien obligΘ de m'ouvrir les yeux: c'est maintenant une
rΘalitΘ! :) ... allez, tchao!
Have phⁿn, and don't use drugs... life is too precious
to be destroyed so stupidly!
Patchou, the french cracker
([email protected]), 03/11/1998.
French note of the day: Vive le QuΘbec libre!
----------------------- Vive les petits schtroumfs bleus!
Vive RSAgent!
Vive ma fiancΘe qui continue α me supporter :)
Vive vous tous qui me faites confiance! :)))
Pink note of the day: Je suir comblΘe. Je dois vous avouer que je suis
--------------------- trΦs fier de mon fiancΘ. Je me rends compte que
je suis fiancΘ α un vrai gΘnie. Je l'aime mon Patchou
d'amour. J'voulais juste tous vous le dire...
Heuu.. aussi... Le truc du Qc libre, j'suis pas
trop d'accord avec ca mais si mon amoureux pense
ca, j'y peux rien :)
Have fun everyone, and please... if you love
someone, tell him.... telllllllllllllllll hiiiiii
iiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmm, teeeeeelllllllll him that the
sun and moon rise in hiiiiiiiiis eeeeeeeyes...
-Celine "Menton" et Barbara "Nez" Streisand