Download All PopCap Games crack by LCG

Added to site2005-12-03
Votes14 (44206 bytes)

namesizecompressed 44032 41705
file_id.diz 65 62
LCG.nfo 10130 2101


 All PopCap Games 12-1-05


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║▓│                        All PopCap Games 12-1-05                        │▓║
║▓│                                (C)PopCap                               │▓║
║▓│                                         │▓║
║▓│ CRACKED  BY : LCG                 │ PROTECTION  : Varies               │▓║
║▓│ SUPPLIED BY : LCG                 │ RELEASE TYPE: Multi-Crack          │▓║
║▓│ PACKAGED BY : LCG                 │ RELEASE SIZE: 10 x 10,44Mb         │▓║
║▓│ RELEASE DATE: 12/1/2005           │ OS TYPE     : Win 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP │▓║
║▓│ RELEASE NOTES:▓▓▒▒▒░░│──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ 
╙─┼──────────────────────┘                                                  │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││      This will patch of the following games as of December 1, 2005.     │ 
 ││      Heres a list of all versions + games available. This will probably patch alot 
 ││      of future releases as well.                                        │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││      Alchemy Deluxe v1.6                                                │ 
 ││      AstroPop Deluxe v1.0                                               │ 
 ││      Atomica Deluxe v2.52                                               │ 
 ││      Bejeweled 2 Deluxe v1.0                                            │ 
 ││      Bejeweled Deluxe v1.862                                            │ 
 ││      Big Money Deluxe v1.3                                              │ 
 ││      Bonnie's BookStore v1.0                                            │ 
 ││      Book Worm Deluxe v1.03                                             │ 
 ││      Chuzzle Deluxe v1.0                                                │ 
 ││      Dynomite Deluxe v2.71                                              │ 
 ││      FeedingFrenzy v5.7.18.1                                            │ 
 ││      Heavy Weapon Deluxe v1.0                                           │ 
 ││      Insaniquarium Deluxe v1.0                                          │ 
 ││      Mummy Maze Deluxe v1.1                                             │ 
 ││      NingPo MahJong Deluxe v1.04                                        │ 
 ││      Noahs Ark Deluxe v1.1                                              │ 
 ││      Pixelus Deluxe v1.0                                                │ 
 ││      Rocket Mania Deluxe v1.02                                          │ 
 ││      Seven Seas Deluxe v1.13                                            │ 
 ││      TipTop Deluxe v1.1                                                 │ 
 ││      Typer Shark Deluxe v1.02                                           │ 
 ││      Zuma Deluxe v1.0                                                   │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││      And remember, if you like ANY of these games you MUST PURCHASE them. 
 ││                                                                         │ 
╓┴───────────────────────┐                                                  │ 
║▓│ INSTALL NOTES:▓▓▒▒▒░░│──────────────────────────────────────────────────│ 
╙─│──────────────────────┘                                                  │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││      1. Install Program.                                                │ 
 ││      2. Run Crack.exe                                                   │ 
 ││      3. Click Patch, then navigate the popcap game you are to crack's dir.
 ││      4. Click the EXE.                                                  │ 
 ││      5. Run the game and enjoy.                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
╓┴───────────────────────┐                                                  │ 
║▓│ TEAM INFO:    ▓▓▒▒▒░░│──────────────────────────────────────────────────│ 
╙─│──────────────────────┘                                                  │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││      [ Lilmeanman    ]   ............   [ founder, reverser   ]         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
╓┴───────────────────────┐                                                  │ 
║▓│ GREETINGS:    ▓▓▒▒▒░░│──────────────────────────────────────────────────│ 
╙─│──────────────────────┘                                                  │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││      Greeting go out to:                                                │ 
 ││      TSRh - SSG - AHTeam - PDX - TNT - Rzr1911 - FFF - FHCF - and all other groups 
 ││      who bring quality Releases to the Scene.                           │ 
 ││      Special thanks goes out to AHTeam for Resource Builder & the NFO.  │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 ││                                                                         │ 
 └─LAST UPDATED ON 08.05.2004 BY RIDEX─────────────────────────AHTEAM 2004─┘  

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