Download Prominy Yamaha Electric Grand PCP-80 MULTiFORMAT 96k Updates keygen by AMPLiFY

Added to site2006-10-29
Votes4 (159841 bytes)

AMPLiFY.nfo 9145 3151
Prominy.Yamaha.Electric.Grand.keygen.exe 184320 156133


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  ·─:■┌■--────────┐_|_|____┌─+┐_.              ._┌──┐__|_:___┌────────--■┐■:─·
    ┌┼┘└───·▌▓▒▒░+┤-│─└─┬──┘─·∙─[ rELEASE iNFO ]─∙· └∙+┘ └+┬─────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
  ·∙┘·            └·┘   ·     └+∙─*·        ·*─∙+┘         └·┘            ·└∙·
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...SUPPLIER  ││  REL-DATE..:  10.29.2006    
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...PACKAGER  ││  RELEASE#..:  0DAY-065
                    N/A  :....CRACKER  ││  DISKS.....:  01x5.00MB     
                    N/A  :.PROTECTION  ││  TYPE......:  MULTiFORMAT   

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._             _._┌·┐_┌─·┐_|______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·─--┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[ rELEASE nOTES ]─∙·──│────┬+■─┘└+┬────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘ : |  └·┘      └·┘           ·└··


              ELECTRIC GRAND PCP-80 GS2/GS3 Format v.2.04 Update.      
              ELECTRIC GRAND PCP-80 Kontakt Format v.2.04 Update.      
                ELECTRIC GRAND PCP-80 EXS Format v.2.05 Update.        
            ELECTRIC GRAND PCP-80 Kontakt2.11 Format v.2.06 Update.    
                    About the Yamaha Electric Grand CP-80              
            The Yamaha Electric Grand CP-80 was manufactured by the    
                          Yamaha Corporation in 1976.                  
           Musicians who love rock, progressive rock, fusion, jazz,    
            funk and various types of music love the characteristic    
           warm piano sound of the Yamaha CP-80. This electric piano   
               is considered among the top in standards and is a       
                        "must-have" musical instrument.                
          A huge number of albums and musicians feature the CP-80 on   
            their productions. These musicians include George Duke,    
           Michael McDonald of the Doobie Brothers, Eddie Jobson in    
                UK, and Peter Gabriel in Genesis. They love its        
          characteristically unique, sharp attack piano sound. Adding  
           a chorusing effect or blending this piano's timbre into a   
           mix of acoustic and electric instruments adds a luscious    
            sound to any project. The production possibilities are     
             When you touch a key of the CP-80, the inside hammer      
             strikes directly at the internal tension string. Its      
            structure is mechanically similar to that of a classic     
          acoustic piano. The CP-80üfs structure is unique because of  
            the pick-up-microphones installed near these strings to    
            receive the sound. There are 88 pick-up-microphones for    
                    each of the 88 keys in this keyboard.              
           The CP-80 looks cool and has an excellent sound. But it's   
             also very hard to maintain and keep in good condition     
                     because of its mechanical structure.              
           The CP-80 is a very sensitive device to tune. It detunes    
           easily when moved, there's a change in temperature, or a    
          change in humidity. In the worst case, the internal tension  
          strings could break. It takes an expert tuning engineer to   
                                tune perfectly.                        
              Transporting the CP-80 is not easy. The keyboard is      
          disassembled into two sections of which each section weighs  
                               a hefty 200 lbs.                        
           The Prominy Sound Library "Electric Grand PCP-80" is the    
          ultimate answer to all of the difficulties listed above. If  
            you have a computer installed with our library, you can    
           play the Yamaha CP-80 anytime, anywhere. This library is    
           suitable for a wide range of musical genres and especialy   
          highlight music from the 1970's through the 1980's. You can  
            create modern, emotional, and nostalgic atmospheres for    
             your music for the fraction of the price to own this      
                          beautiful vintage keyboard.                  

    └─--·■▓░■┌■─┐_|___:____┌───────┐_|__┌─■┐_._             _._┌─■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└───┬+■─┘└+┬─·─▌▓▒▒░─·───■──·∙─[ iNSTALL nOTES ]─∙·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·   └·┘      └·┘       └·┴──+· └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘   ·└··

                For Kontakt/Kontakt2/Exs24/HALion users:               
                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Run Setup.exe to install                            
                3. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             
                For GigaStudio users:                                  
                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Unrar GIGA_STUDIO.rar                               
                3. Follow instructions in PCPupdate_v204_GS.txt        
                4. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._        _._┌─+· |____┌─┐_:______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[─gRP-nEWS ]─∙·──┐└·──·■·──┬+■─┘└+┬───░▒▒▓█▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·    ·*─∙+┘   |       └·┘      └·┘           ·└··

      AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
             Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
                           Let it cool and enjoy. :)

    └--─·■▓░■┌■·───┐_|______:_┌──────┐__|_┌─■┐_._         _._┌───■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└──────┬+■─┘└+┬─∙─▌▓▒▒░─· │ │─·∙─[ gREETINGS ]─∙·-·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·      └·┘      └·┘      └─·+·|  └+∙─*·     ·*─∙+┘     ·└··

                    BSOUNDZ, DELiRiUM, EtHnO, SPiRiT, TZ7iSO,
                             AiR, H2O, PLZ, iNViSiON

                Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
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■      ∙ ■            ■       ■              ■  ■   ∙         ■       ∙    ■
    ■               ∙       ■  [LU060928-AMPLiFY]        ■                 N/A ■


AMPLiFY's keygen for Prominy Yamaha Electric Grand PCP-80 MULTiFORMAT 96k Updates

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