_______ _______ _______ ____ _____ _______
__\ /__ _\ /____\ /____\ /___ ___| ( __\ __ /____
) __ ( _______( ____(__ ./ | .\ )/______(
___ // )| .\ \| ./ ./ \\ | \\ ./___
))_//______| \\___ \\____| \\______\___ \\___| \\\_((
________________________ ________________________
)| .| )/ P R E S E N T S \( |. |(
|..| |..|
|..| Woodpecker.Software.GeoScout.v1.3.8.ALL.PPC.Incl.Keymaker.. |..|
|::| |::|
|::| CRACKER..>> ACTPDA |::|
|::| OS.......>> ALL.PPC |::|
|.:| DISKS....>> 1x1.44 |:.|
|.:| LANG.....>> ENGLISH |:.|
|..| DATE.....>> 070708 |..|
| .| | .|
____|__|_________________________ _________________________|__|____
)| .| )/ N O T E \( |. |(
|..| |..|
|..| |..|
|::| GeoScout is designed to be the only software you need to go |::|
|::| geocaching. You can download/import, view and manage all caches |::|
|::| of interest. With a connection to a suitable GPS, GeoScout can |::|
|::| also guide you to the cache waypoint(s). |::|
|::| |::|
|::| |::|
|::| Install notes: |::|
|::| |::|
|::| 1. Install. |::|
|::| 2. Make yourself a key, oke! |::|
|::| |::|
|.:| |:.|
|.:| |:.|
|..| |..|
| .| | .|
|__|_________________________ _________________________|__|
)| .| )/ G R E E T S \( |. |(
|..| |..|
|..| |..|
|::| |::|
|::| To all our friends around the world! |::|
|.:| |:.|
|..| |..|
| .| | .|
ACTPDA presents keymaker for Woodpecker Software GeoScout v1.3.8 ALL PPC