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Release : TroopMaster 2005 v3.01 (c) Troopmaster Software, Inc.
Date : 11/26/2005
Cracked By : Twisted EndZ
Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other
[ ] Loader Patcher [X] Patch [ ] Precracked [ ] RegFile [ ] GOLD
Release Notes:
TroopMaster has always been the most powerful and popular scout unit management system in America.
In fact, over half of the troops in America have chosen TroopMaster! The reason is that we listen
to Scouters and we provide the features you need. The new TroopMaster 2005 incorporates nearly 300 enhancement requests!
TroopMaster 2005 provides the following powerful features:
╖ ScoutNET Compatible! Submit advancement, recharter, and additional enrollment reports to your
council office electronically. TroopMaster's recharter report file is also fully compatible with
BSA's new Internet Rechartering System.
╖ Fast and easy-to-use! A huge time saver!
╖ Data encryption! You can now protect your scout and adult personal data.
╖ Tracks scouts, adults, merit badge counselors, and points of contact.
╖ Family links automatically update common information in linked records whenever any of the
records are updated.
╖ Attach photos of scouts/adults and TroopMaster will display the member's photo when you update
his records. ╖ Easily generate a unit Photo Directory.
╖ Tracks medical info, physical exams, emergency contacts, and insurance info.
╖ Tracks parent and adult leader vehicles. Tour permit assistance!
╖ Tracks ALL Boy Scout advancement, including all ranks and palms. Optionally record which
counselor taught ╖ each merit badge.
╖ BSA advancement rules programmed into the system (helps prevent errors).
╖ Automatically places completed merit badges under the appropriate ranks.
╖ Automatically monitors and credits the Position of Responsibility, Service Project, and
2nd/1st Activity req'ts.
╖ Tracks Varsity Letter and Denali Award.
╖ Tracks Venturing awards, including Bronze, Ranger, Gold/Silver Awards and the new Quest Award.
╖ Tracks Sea Scout awards, including Apprentice, Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster.
╖ Tracks scout and adult special awards, training, O/A, and Mic-O-Say!
╖ Tracks the LDS "Duty to God" award/certificates and provides associated reports.
╖ Tracks Unit and Patrol Awards, plus a unit photo.
╖ Activities feature handles camping, hiking, backpacking, service projects (hours/tenths),
meetings, and user-defined activity types.
╖ Tracks scout and adult attendance. Record attendance alphabetically or by patrol.
╖ Monitors scout participation in activities and automatically credits the Service Project and
2nd/1st Class activity requirements when those are complete.
╖ Send email messages from within the program and easily attach reports or documents. Email the
database to other leaders!
╖ New feature tracks scout swimming levels!
╖ Data files can be distributed to multiple leaders with different leaders being assigned
responsibility for different functional areas (e.g., advancement, activities, etc.). The
distributed files can then be merged back into the master data base!
╖ "DotNet" add-on allows you to centralize your unit data on an FTP site so that all users can
update the same database. Database manager has full, flexible control over which functional
areas can be updated by each leader.
╖ Optionally hide sensitive data, such as dates of birth, SSNs, and driver's licenses, when
generating reports. You can block selected users from even being able to view sensitive data items
╖ Now with over 120 reports including:
╖ Court of Honor w/Unit Advancement Report (4403), Annual Recharter, Additional Enrollment,
Unit Advancement Status, Board of Review, Have/Need reports on scouts/adults, Target 1st
Class, Target Eagle, Indiv Advancement and Attendance reports, Backpacking Summary, Eagle
Honor Roll, Activities Calendar, OA Eligibility and Membership, Mic-O-Say, Points of
Contact, Phone Lists, Tour Permit Assistance, Eagle Application Assistance, Leadership
Roster, Photo Directory, Medical Info, Physical Exam Status, Adult Training, Permission
Slips, Worksheets, Mailing Labels, Fundraiser reports, Varsity/Venturing/Sea Scout reports.
MUCH MORE, plus custom reports!
╖ Court of Honor report includes option to print stick-on labels for rank and merit badge cards so
you won't have to fill them out by hand!
╖ "Blue cards!" TroopMaster now generates facsimiles of merit badge applications.
╖ Save reports in HTML, Rich Text, or plain text formats.
╖ New report setup includes color settings, "paper saver" options, duplex printing, etc.
╖ Import scout/adult data from ASCII delimited files.
╖ Import graduating Cubs from PackMaster.
For a full listing of TroopMaster 2005's Features visit:
TE Release Filename: tet5301x.zip
Installation Notes :
Install TM2005Setup-Eval.EXE. After installation copy crack patcher from the crack folder
into TroopMaster 2005's installed folder. Execute crack patcher and patch file TSI.dll. Launch
TroopMaster 2005 and when you reach the main window click on Unregistered that appears in the top
left corner of the picture in the middle of the screen. Now enter your Unit Number then any
license Key you would like to use, and then License Expiration Date (must be like 12/31/09 format).
Now click Activate, you now have a fully registered and activated version of TroopMaster 2005.
Thats it! Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.