========== V.I.E.T.C.R.A.C.K P.R.O.U.D.L.Y P.R.E.S.E.N.T.S =========
Patch for : EXPRESS ASSIST 6.0 rev 16
Download at : http://www.ajsystems.com/
File patch : AE2000.exe
Filesize : 781,312 bytes
Patch type : Enter any serial to register
Patcher : Pham Thai
Tien ich nay giup chung ta co the luu tru chuong trinh MAIL OUTLOOK
EXPRESS thanh 1 file nen rieng biet.Ban co the phuc hoi thu muc mail
lai 1 cach de dang voi file nen do . Ban Evaluation chi cho dung thu
15 ngay .Cho chay file ea6_rev16_crack.exe trong cung thu muc cua
Express Assist .Sau khi crack bao thanh cong ban co the dua vao bat
ky so key nao ma ban muon de dang ky .
The Express Assist utility is designed to make it easy to create a
backup or archive file of your Mail folders from Microsoft Outlook
Express which may easily be restored when necessary. The evaluation
copy will only let the users use the program for 15 days trial period.
Run file ea6_rev16_crack.exe in the same folder of Express Assist .
After the crack applied successfully ,u can enter any registration
key that u want to register.
>>Happy cracking<<
Pham Thai
mail to: [email protected]
Visit : http://kickme.to/vietcrack