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│DATE: 22-07-1999│ TiTLE: Explore-IT 2.10 │
│URL : www.winfiles.com │
║ ║ ( )SERiAL ║ ║
║ ( )GAME ║ (x)CRACK ║ CRACKER : WaxWeazle ║
║ (x)APP ║ ( )KEYGEN ║ SUPPLiER : None ║
║ ( )OTHER ║ ( )REGKEY ║ PACKAGER : None ║
║ ║ ( )OTHER ║ ║
Explore-It! is an innovative Explorer
replacement, which has enhanced functions to speed up
the navigation through folders and files. Fast access
to the most used folders is also possible by adding
them to the Favorites list.
Multimedia files, such as AVI, BMP, WMF, ICO,
JPG or GIF, are automatically displayed in the program
window, while audio files, such as MID or WAV, are
automatically played.
Optional functions, like "Files filtering" and
drag and drop support, make the program particularly
To get the program completely nag-free/regged just run tha crack
and ur finished!
│ « MEMBERS » │ « TRiALS » │
│ │ │
│ aNIMALo................Founder │ Raistlinmage.............Cracker │
│ Yaan...........Council/Cracker │ Pubert...................Cracker │
│ _vtec..........Council/Cracker │ Bobo.....................Cracker │
│ JoGy...................Cracker │ │
│ swoop..................Cracker │ │
│ WaxWeazle..............Cracker │ │
│ Pedro..................Cracker └───────────────────────────────────────┤
│ WuSing...............Webmaster ┌───────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Slick^.................Courier │ « GREETiNGS » │
│ PeeGee.................Cracker ╞═══════════════════════════════════════╡
│ Kege..................Bots/GFX │ │
│ _paulux................Cracker │ Lomax, Poison, Jroger, Bladey, Rase │
│ _ERaD_.................Cracker │ and ofcouz to all LAXiTY membas │
│ │ │
║ AFFiLS: ║
║ Radiance...............Supported Group ║
╔═══════╣ #cracks................Partner Channel ║
║ ║ ║
║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════╦═══════╝
║ NFO revision of 06/01/99 ║
Contact: on IRC: #LAXiTY; #cracks WWW: http://listen.to/laxity