Download EBgo Sniper v1.3.8c crack by TE

Added to site2006-04-01
Votes6 (84257 bytes)

EBgo.Sniper.v1.3.8c-TE/Crack/EBgoSniper.exe 84294 81333
EBgo.Sniper.v1.3.8c-TE/file_id.diz 238 145
EBgo.Sniper.v1.3.8c-TE/te.nfo 6268 2283


EBgo Sniper v1.3.8c *Cracked*
OS:   WinALL
DATE: 03/01/06
DiSK: XX/01
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>>>> Twisted EndZ <<<<


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                                      TWISTED ENDZ 2006                                              
Release :  EBgo Sniper v1.3.8c (c) 2006 

Date : 03/01/2006

Cracked By : Twisted EndZ

Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[X] Activation/Call Home Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[X] Other: Yoda's Protector

[ ] Loader Patcher     [ ] Patch     [X] Precracked     [ ] RegFile               [ ] GOLD
Release Notes:

EBgo Sniper will track all your eBay auctions for you placing your bid just before the auction
closes (Snipe)!

Increases your chances of winning since people wont have time to outbid you!
Very easy to use!

Any eBay auction expert will tell you that sniping is the key to winning auctions!
Thanks to the user friendly interface setting up a snipe is as simple as entering the item number
and your maximum bid, or even drag and drop the item directly from your browser.

If you have ever bid on an item on eBay and at the last minute of the bid someone won the item from
right underneath you, then you have been .. sniped . Stop losing auctions now with EBgo Sniper!


╖ Place instant bids for you or it can set up time delayed bids (sniping!) to be placed just before
  the auction ends to make shure that you will be the last bidder. 

╖ Handles any currency or timezone

╖ Easiest to use Sniping software.

╖ Advance search function with optional agent option that auto loads all results.

╖ Drag and drop items from internet explorer.

╖ Runs in watch mode to monitor auctions.

╖ Stays synchronized with eBay Time. 

╖ Updates auction information at regular intervals that you assign.

╖ Can be minimized to the system tray 

╖ FREE Unlimited Upgrades ******* 

╖ FREE Email Support ******** 

╖ New version available notice ******

Whats New In Ebgo Sniper v1.3.8c?

╖ Minor Bugs Fixed due to recent ebay changes. Required Update.

The "don't snipe after first won" function was tested with good results except for:

	In private auctions, EBgo sniper can't retrive the auction
	winner because ebay don't show it. There is no way to
	know if you win the auction in order to cancell the 
	the other pending snips. If you set snipes in private 
        auctions this fuction will not work.

For More Info on EBgo Sniper Visit:

	TE Release Filename:
Installation Notes :

	  Install EBgoSnipper110.exe (it is v1.3.8c).  Copy precracked exe from crack folder and
place into EBgo Sniper's installed folder, overwriting existing file.  EBgo Sniper is now fully
registered and activated!  You can now launch EBgo Sniper and then enter your Ebay Account
information and have full access.


	If you have previously used a cracked version and go into settings and this time it says it
needs activation, then just click Save once and you will see its gone for good (this should only
ever happen once, if not at all).

Thats it!  Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.

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