Download ScreenFlash v2.0.0083 WinAll Incl Patch keygen by CU

Added to site2007-12-09
Votes11 (168185 bytes)

CU.nfo 4915 1016
FILE_ID.DIZ 56 56 179712 166633


                                         |   Crackers United - We Just Love This...         :              
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       | rELEASE iNFO
       | oS: WinDowS aLL
       | rLSNAME: ScreenFlash.v2.0.0083.WinAll.Incl.Patch-CU             
       | dATE: 09/12/07                        
       | cRACKED bY: CU       
       | pROT: PATCH           
       | dISKS: 01x.4.05mb                
       \----------/----------/                   /--------------------\
                  \------------------------------|   rELEASE nOTES:   |
                                                 |                    |

Create a demo or tutorial of your application as a Shockwave Flash movie
If you want to build animated, interactive software tutorials in the shortest time, ScreenFlash is your best choice!

It is the easiest and most effective tool for demonstrating your software product, adding
animations to your application's Help system, or training novices.

ScreenFlash captures the action and sound from any part of Windows desktop and saves it to a Macromedia Flash movie file.

You can also edit the movie by adding button, sound, picture and text, which can create an integrated interactive demo.

                                                 |       hOW tO       |
                                                 |  iNSTALL tHIS sHIT | 
                                                 \------------------- / 

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   |cONTACT:                        : |      gROUP NEWS/NOTES          :
   | cucrackteam[AT]GMAIL[DOT]com   | |                                |
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   |                                : |      NONE RIGHT NOW..          :
   | We need new nfo!!              | |                                |
   | If you can provide             : |                                |
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   |feel free to mail us.           | |                                |
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keygen for ScreenFlash v2.0.0083 WinAll Incl Patch by CU

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z