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┌── ▀▓███▀▀▀▀▀▀ ── ▄▀▀▀▀ ─── ▀▀▀ ─ ▀▀ ──────────────────────────────────────┐
└:┘ ▀ └:┘
. eXeScope v6.40 .
. (c) Toshifumi Yamamoto .
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
: ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ :
│█ . . █│
│▓ Supplier ...: TEAM LAXiTY Cracker ......: TEAM LAXiTY ▓│
│▒ Packager ...: TEAM LAXiTY Release date .: 08.06.03 ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ Software type ........: Game [ ] App [X] Other [ ] ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Protection solution ..: Keygen [ ] Serial [X] RegKey [ ] ░│
│▒ Crack [ ] Other [ ] ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│▓ URL ........: http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003525/ ▓│
│█ . . █│
: ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ :
┌┐──┘ └──┌┐
┌││──────────────[ r E L E A S E . i N F O R M A T I O N ]──────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
: Resource editor. This can edit resource of EXE/DLL/etc. without :
│█ source files. █│
│▓ ▓│
│▒ ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ ░│
. .
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■─────────────────[ i N S T A L L . n O T E S ]─────────────────■ .
: :
: unpack, install and reg with :
│█ █│
│▓ Name : Bush Jr ▓│
│▒ Serial : A142318171 ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ ░│
: :
. ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ .
┌┐──┘ └──┌┐
┌││────────────────[ l A X I T Y . g R O U P n E W S ]─────────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
. .
: LAXiTY was established back in 1998. We started of as a small team :
│█ of several people. Even then we worked hard to bring the latest █│
│▓ stuff to the scene. By and by our ranks increased, so in the end we ▓│
│▒ became a big family of real friends. ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ There is a good reason why we're in the top level 0day groups, and ░│
│░ let's face the facts, with more than 3k quality releases to date, ░│
│░ we pretty much make a solid part of the 0day scene. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Money and profit-benefiting aspects never were the motivation for ░│
│░ us, we were always doing this for FUN and COMPETITION only, and ░│
│░ we always WILL BE. Our releases are for scene purposes only and ░│
│░ not for the public. We neither support all the dumbfucks providing ░│
│░ our releases thru websites or filesharing. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ So if YOU want to be a part of this family and think you could ░│
│░ contribute anything useful to the team, don't hesitate to download ░│
│░ our 4 meg crypted crackme and show us your raping skills ;) ░│
│░ ░│
│░ We're only looking for skilled, hard-working and dedicated people ░│
│░ who have deadlistings as breakfast. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Be sure we don't give a fuck if you can't read our nfo and follow ░│
│░ the instructions, our releases are proven to work, so don't ░│
│░ bother us with your complaints. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ And always remember, the software authors DESERVE tribute for ░│
│░ their hard work, so don't be a lameass: If you like their software, ░│
│░ ░│
│░ We try to respect the MU rules, although with some failures ░│
│░ sometimes. But generally spoken, we have a quite low MU rate, so ░│
│░ some fucks are going out to all the rules-neglecting wannabies ░│
│░ releasing a keygen.only for the same app twice a day... ░│
│░ go ask mummy how to survive. ░│
│░ ░│
│▒ And last but not least, our THANKS are flying out to all our ▒│
│▓ members, present and past, our sites and friends out there and all ▓│
│█ the others who helped LAXiTY to reach the top! █│
: :
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■────────────────[ o P E N . p O S I T I O N S ]────────────────■ .
: :
│█ █│
│▓ - experienced, dedicated crackers ▓│
│▒ - private 24/7 dumps with at least 10mbit / 10GB ▒│
│▓ - horny nymphs urging to lose virginity ▓│
│█ █│
: :
. .
┌││───────────────────────[ c O N T A C T . u S ]───────────────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
│█ [IRC] - #you.will.find.us █│
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■ logo and info file by teepak/cro . updated on .: 01/01/2003 ■ .