PROGRAM NAME: Impulse Tracker Wav Writer
CRACK DATE: 21 October 1998
DESCRIPTION: Here it is - the one stop source for all the infos surrounding
this revolutionary disk writer. With this driver composers can
convert [*.it] files into stereo [*.wav] files. Since Impulse
Tracker will open almost every mod format, you have the power
to transfer anything you've written to wav (and then to CD, MP3,
or DAT!).
NOTES: 1. Place itwav.drv in your Impulse Tracker directory.
2. At the command line, type: IT /s20
The files will be created in the same directory as IT.EXE, and
will be of Microsoft WAV format. It is greatly suggested to use
a disk cache to improve the writing speed. For more information
about what this command does, consult your manual.
Jeffrey Lim,
THE AUTHOR: Software Piracy & Impulse Tracker
"...If you pirate a product of a single author, especially when
you get the rest of the damn program for FREE - well, then that
product stops..."
Why The Driver Costs $30
"...To even come close to the pay I would have received flipping
burgers at the local McDonalds, 2000 people need to register...
Would you work for ~65 cents an hour?"
THE CRACKER: Sorry Jeffrey Lim :(, I just want to share your excellent work
with other peoples... I'm really sorry!