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¬ ──────── ⌐
The Normans left the city to retreat to Uncle Nate's farm - but this isn't
a farm of leisure! Battle insects, animals and weather as you race against
the clock to grow your harvest. Match like-colored patches in your farm
field to create squares to water and grow plump pumpkins, excellent
eggplants, tasty tomatoes and more! Collect your harvest while fending off
the elements of nature and expanding your family farm beyond the gates of
Little Farm!
¬ ───────── ⌐
1. Unzip/UNRAR to a new game folder
2. Run LittleFarmSetup.exe
3. Copy contents of Crack folder, to the install location, overwriting when
4. Play the game.
Groups Notes:
¬ ─────────
¬ ───── ⌐
CFF/ISO , ex(?)-TECHNiC , Poopie, and PEE_ES_PEE
, #0 #MM000000M0N0@~~ To all those keeping a ^~M0MMMN000NM008 ^M0 :
S #& : Q00#~ "000NS struggling scene alive. ~00#M^ ~M00& 1 Q# (
g 4 - 400 N0Mp j#08 , #06 ~& ^
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"\ "M&g The rip scene, is it all just a MYTH ? pNM^_9
*n ~00g gNM~ x^
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Those were the days... -= ^