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░ ░ ░░▒▓▌ ▐▓▌▓▄ ·i will see you there· ▄▓▐▓▌ ▐▓▒░░ ░ ░
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▄▄▓▀ AutoVue SolidModel Pro v19.1c4 ▀▓▄▄
▓▓█ (C) Cimmetry Systems, Corp. █▓▓
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SUPPLIER::: some bastard . WiN32 :::::::::REQUIRED.OS
CRACKER:::: some bastard . 11.04.2007 :::RELEASE.DATE
PACKAGER::: some bastard . o-a194xx.zip :RELEASE.NAME
PROTECTION::::::::: crap . 21 * 5.00 MB :RELEASE.SiZE
When the Gods want to punish us, they answer our prayers.
.Oscar Wilde
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AutoVue 19
Cimmetry Systems, the global leader in Visualization and Collaboration
solutions introduces AutoVue19. This release extends AutoVues
position as the leading offering in MCAD, High Tech Manufacturing,
AEC and Office Collaborative Visualization.
Never before have so many advanced tools been available in one
package to help technical and non-technical users alike shorten
product design review cycles and time to market while reducing IT
costs and user training.
.3D Compare:
Compare 3D assemblies to determine what parts have been added,
removed or changed. This unique AutoVue feature goes beyond a
graphical comparison and includes the ability to detect non-graphical
file attributes at the part or assembly level. View changes between
design iterations, verify the integrity of a converted design and
share these results with others.
.3D Explode:
Drag a slide-bar to explode/implode an entire assembly or selected
parts/subassemblies. The exploded view can be saved for future
reference. This ability to dynamically explode complex assemblies
allows users to get to the component level faster and create clear
illustrations for control documents such as assembly and maintenance
.Format Support:
SolidDesigner (Versions 13.x); Catia V5R14 support; SolidWorks 2005;
Inventor 10; Inventor 9; Solid Edge 17; Solid Edge 16; DirectModel
JT 8; Parasolids 17 & 16; Point Clouds.
.3D Entity Search:
search and filter for parts in a 3D assembly based on a variety of
native file attributes [selection status, type (body, part, assembly),
PMI (Product Manufacturing Information), location and more]. Results
can be inspected, transformed, colorized and exported. This time-saving
feature makes it quick and easy to zero in on a part from a list of
.Native File Properties:
Access native camera positions and views saved in SolidWorks, Catia
V5, Pro/E and Unigraphics CAD systems; Extended PMI support for Pro/E,
Catia V5, Unigraphics, DirectModel JT.
.3D Usability:
- Select and highlight parts from a 3D BOM
- Call up part entity properties with a double click
- Select identical parts in an assembly using right-mouse button
- Choose one or more parts, select hide rest to inspect or isolate
those selected parts from others in the assembly
- Switch quickly between measurement tools using newly adapted
snapping buttons in the measurement dialog box
Note: This Release is multilingual
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▓▓█ RELEASE.LOG ░ █▓▓
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Last Dupe: 2005-09-27 -
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run the included oddcrc.exe to verify this oddity release. if
the oddcrc.exe is not included or the verification has failed
you sold your ass for nothing. we dont spread any disks
or licenses via email or websites. stop asking.
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▄▓ ░░ · A C C E P T O R B L E E D · ░ ░░ ▓▄
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░ ░░ ▀ ·nfo by sorT8!CRO· ░ ░░ ▀
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