Download OneKeySoft DHealth Ultimate v1.6 crack by l33t3r

Added to site2008-05-31
Votes11 (165181 bytes)

OneKeySoft_DHealth_Ultimate_v1_crack.exe 187392 162579
l33t3r.nfo 10378 2070


l33t3r presents crack for OneKeySoft DHealth Ultimate v1.6


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.......... .           OneKeySoft DHealth Ultimate.v1.6                                                        ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .           Release Date: 31.05.2008                                                                ...... .
.......... .             Protection: serial check                                                              ...... .
.......... .           Software URL:                           ...... .
.......... .             Crack Type: Patch                                                                     ...... .
..DDDD8... .                                                                                                   .DDDD8 .
.......... .              iNSTALLATiON                                                                         ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  1.) Unpack.                                                                                      ...... .
.......... .  2.) Install.                                                                                     ...... .
.......... .  3.) Patch.                                                                                       ...... .
.......... .  4.) Enjoy.                                                                                       ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
..DDDD8... .                                                                                                   .DDDD8 .
.......... .              iNFO ABOUT APPLiCATiON                                                               ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  DHealth is a utility that monitors your disk hardware with the goal of identifying disks that 
              have a strong possibility if crashing. This provides you a window of opportunity to gracefully 
              remove data from a failing disk and take it off-line Before your disk drive takes you off-line. 
              DHealth allows you to access the predictive failure functionality native to most disk drives. 
              This hardware feature is called S.M.A.R.T., which stands for Self-Monitoring, 
              Analysis and Reporting Technology. IBM, Seagate, Fujitsu, HITACHI, Western Digital, 
              and other drive manufacturers put this feature into their disk drives. 
              Typical attributes that are monitored include head flying height, temperature, 
              spin-up time, retries, and internal error logs. 
              If a drive is running outside of a vendorÆs specifications, then our software alerts your.
.......... .                                                                                                   ........
..DDDD8... .                                                                                                   .DDDD8 .
.......... .              GROUP iNFO                                                                           ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  Some of groups thought this is somekind group getting cracks from WEB                            ...... .
.......... .  and preing them on scene, no its not like that, this is just one bored                           ...... .
.......... .  man group reversing applications when he's bored                                                 ...... .

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