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·∙┘· └·┘ · └+∙─*· ·*─∙+┘ └·┘ ·└∙·
AMPLiFY :...SUPPLIER ││ REL-DATE..: 2009 Jan
AMPLiFY :....CRACKER ││ DISKS.....: 02x5.00MB
Retail :.PROTECTION ││ TYPE......: Sequencer and Plugs
Cakewalk :....COMPANY || OS........: Win XP/Vista both 32/64 bit
└--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._ _._┌·┐_┌─·┐_|______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·─--┘
┌┼┘└─·∙─[ rELEASE nOTES ]─∙·──│────┬+■─┘└+┬────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
··┘· └+∙─*· ·*─∙+┘ : | └·┘ └·┘ ·└··
The Leading Choice in Digital Audio Workstations
SONAR 8 Producer gives you what you need for recording,
composing, editing, mixing, and mastering. Get innovations
that matter, from exclusive features to ignite creativity
and perfect your tracks, to groundbreaking technologies
that always keep you in control, all backed by the
industry's leading 64-bit audio quality. And SONAR 8
Producer delivers the go-to production tools you want with
the best collection of virtual instruments, mixing, and
mastering effects found in any DAW.
With unlimited tracks, amazing creative tools, inspiring
virtual instruments, the freedom to work with any audio
interface or control surface, and the most complete
delivery capability for collaboration with users of other
DAWS, award-winning SONAR Producer is your best choice in a
digital audio workstation.
Please note you must have SONAR 8.0.0 and/or Beatscape
installed in order to run these updates.
Beatscape 1.0.1:
* New features and improvements
o Various Performance & Stability Issues
o Improved Font Rendering
o Pad Progress bar now is in sync with loop playback
o Master Volume and Pan now affect all outputs
o Keyboard now shows feedback from pads and MIDI
o Pads now send MIDI
o Keyboard now sends MIDI
o Added Tooltips for all parameters
o Triggering a pad will put it in focus
o Knob grooves now have notches at their default
o Added refresh button to the browser
o Each pad now has a selectable output in the Pad
Edit page
o Added new AM and FM effects
o F1 now opens Help file
o Loop Slicer gestures now behave like Explorer
o Renamed Pitch and Fine knobs to Trans and Tune
o Beatscape now shows a wait cursor while loading
o Beatscape shows as "Cakewalk Beatscape" under
Add / Remove programs
o Added MIDI note names in Pianoroll
* Issues addressed
o Empty pads used to show 1 marked slice in the
o Stepgen was drawing steps 1px too high
o Beatscape would crash when it tried to load a
missing audio file
o Pad progress bar wasn't displaying in Autoplay
o Triggering pads in Autoplay mode would stack
the sample
o .loop files were being stored in the wrong
o Pads weren't playing in certain modes
o Some pad settings were clearing when loops were
* Known Issues
o The browser does not automatically refresh,
please use the new browser's refresh button
o Beatscape does not follow host tempo automation
o The uninstaller does not remove the
'filecache.lst' file Beatscape uses this file to keep track
of its library)
o In some cases REX files may have a silent slice
in the beginning or the end of the loop. Beatscape will
assign a step to these slices as well
After installing the updates, please review the ReadMe
files for more information. This download includes the
English, French and German updates for all supported
operating systems.
Please note you must have SONAR 8.0.0 and/or Beatscape
installed in order to run these updates.
In order to access this free download you must be a
registered SONAR 8 customer. If you have not registered
your product you can register online now.
Installation Instructions:
Method #1 "I am using Studio Edition and/or I never use
track templates"
1. Use the links below to download the update for your
version of SONAR and Beatscape if applicable
2. Close all open applications
3. Install the updates
Method #2 "I am not using custom track templates, menu
layouts or instrument definitions"
1. Use the links below to download the update for your
version of SONAR and Beatscape if applicable
2. Close all open applications
3. Install the updates
4. Hold down the CTRL + SHIFT key while launching SONAR
5. You will be greeted with the message "SONAR will now
personalize your user settings ..."
6. Click OK
7. If prompted choose 'Copy and Replace' or 'Yes To All'
Method #3 "I am using custom track templates, menu layouts
or instrument definitions and Producer Edition"
1. Use the links below to download the update for your
version of SONAR and Beatscape if applicable
2. Close all open applications
3. Install the updates
4. Open the Run Prompt, hold down the Windows key
(located between CTRL and ALT) and press R
5. Type or copy the following into the run prompt
1. Windows XP: %allusersprofile%\Application
Data\Cakewalk\SONAR 8 Producer Edition\Track
2. Windows Vista: %allusersprofile%\Cakewalk\SONAR
8 Producer Edition\Track Templates\Instruments\BeatScape
6. Click OK
7. Locate and copy the file named: 'BeatScape - Hip With
8. Right-click on the file and choose 'Copy'
9. Return to the run prompt and type or copy the
following: %appdata%\Cakewalk\SONAR 8 Producer Edition\Track Te
10. Click OK
11. From the Edit menu choose Paste or right-click and
choose 'Paste' to replace the 'Hip With Mod' template
Note: If the above instructions are not followed the
updated templates for SONAR 8 will not work properly
└─--·■▓░■┌■─┐_|___:____┌───────┐_|__┌─■┐_._ _._┌─■┐■░▓■·---┘
┌┼┘└───┬+■─┘└+┬─·─▌▓▒▒░─·───■──·∙─[ iNSTALL nOTES ]─∙·┘└┼┐
··┘· └·┘ └·┘ └·┴──+· └+∙─*· ·*─∙+┘ ·└··
1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it
└--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._ _._┌─+· |____┌─┐_:______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·---┘
┌┼┘└─·∙─[─gRP-nEWS ]─∙·──┐└·──·■·──┬+■─┘└+┬───░▒▒▓█▐─·┘└┼┐
··┘· └+∙─*· ·*─∙+┘ | └·┘ └·┘ ·└··
AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
Let it cool and enjoy. :)
└--─·■▓░■┌■·───┐_|______:_┌──────┐__|_┌─■┐_._ _._┌───■┐■░▓■·---┘
┌┼┘└──────┬+■─┘└+┬─∙─▌▓▒▒░─· │ │─·∙─[ gREETINGS ]─∙·-·┘└┼┐
··┘· └·┘ └·┘ └─·+·| └+∙─*· ·*─∙+┘ ·└··
Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
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