. -- Total Reactive Nitrogen -- .
■ Name.........: QuickScale v3.8.6
■ Release Date.: 12-09-2010
■ Language.....: English
■ OS...........: MacOSX
■ Protection...: Trial
■ Company......: CodingMammoth
■ Url..........:
■ Money saved..: 14.99Ç
Quickscale is designed to let you scale a large amount of pictures to a
desired size and format. Now, why would you want to do that? For example,
if you wish to share your holiday photos with family and friends, you can
either send them by e-mail or put them somewhere on a website. The problem
is that these pictures are usually far too large, have immense
resolutions, and take far too long to send.
Usage: Unpack, Install
■ Affil sites outside .at, .de and .us with at least 6 months uptime
■ Application / ebook / game suppliers
■ People experienced in cracking / keygenning / unpacking
■ Private 10Mbit+ dump for exclusive group usage
+ If you like this release, support the developers and buy it! +
+ +
+ Manual trading is for nolifer, welcome to 21th century where tasks +
+ that can be automated get automated. +