& %%%%%%%%%%%[ ICE ]%%%%%%%%%%% &
%& &%
% ``` II %
% `` IIIIII I %
% ` I I I %
% I %
% I II %
% m m m a a II II ssssss %
% mmmm mmm mmm aaa aaa II II s sssss %
% mm mmmm mmmm mmmm aaaa aaa IIII II s ss %
% m mm mm mm a aaa IIII II ss s %
% mm mm mm a a aa I II II s ss %
% mm mm mm a aa I II sssssssssss %
% mm mm mm a aa I II ssssssssss %
% mm mm mm a aaa II I s ss ss %
% mmmmm mmmm mmmm aa a aaa IIIII I ssssssss s %
% m m m aaa a I III ssssssss s %
% s s s %
% s s s s %
% s s %
% %
&%& &%&
&$$ $$&
$ [ Program: IntelliCall 1.1.0 ] $
$ [ URL: http://www.worldstart.com/ ] $
$ $
$ Type: [*]Utility [ ]Internet [ ]Game [ ]App [ ]Other $
$ Crack: [ ]KeyGen [ ]Serial [*]Code [ ]Patch [ ]Other $
$$ $$
%&%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%&%
%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% [ Cracked and tested by: `maIs ] %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%% %%%%%%%
%%%% [ Independent Cracking Engine ] %%%%
%% %%
% [ Date: 7/28/99 ] %
% %
% [ Crack #68 ] %
%% %%
%% %%
% CRACK NOTES: Another day, another carrot:) %
% Enter the code to register: %
% %
% Code #: a1s %
% %
% This is the same password protection just like %
% in Personal Phonebook Plus! 2.1.0. The same %
% master security password for two programs??? %
% %
% Again the same comment: %
% Also, you can protect your program with a %
% password, which can be defeated by the master %
% security password or a backdoor: %
% %
% Mstr Password: waterfall %
% %
% Try it. Set the password in the program and %
% restart it. A password window will pop up. %
% Enter the master password and your program will %
% continue. %
% I understand that recovering your data when you %
% forget your password may be important, but %
% using this easy to get master password just %
% does not work. Knowing that this thing is out %
% there, I'm not sure if I would use this program %
% at work where other employees may have access %
% to my computer. Who knows, one of them may %
% just have the so called security password, so %
% he can snoop around in my personal contacts % % info. Of course, I have nothing to hide. %
% %
% That's all. The proggy is fully registered. %
% Enjoy (?) %
% %
% `maIs %
%% %%
%% %%
% RELEASE iNFO: Check out the given url. The code should %
% work for the future upgrades. %
%% %%
%% %%
% CONTACT: Questions, comments--contact me at %
% [email protected] %
%% %%
%% %%
% Greets go to all you crackers out there. Keep on cracking! %
% %
%% %%
%% %%
% %
% Why use a crack when you can use a serial? %
%% %%
%%%% %%%%
%%%%%%% [ ICE ] %%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%
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%&%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%&%
& &