░ █▄ ░ ▄▓▓▄▄▄▄▄░░ FiGHTiNG FOR FUN
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asphyx ▓▀▀▀░ ▀▀▀▓▓▓▀▀░▒▓█▓█▓▀ ░ ▀ ███▓▀▀▀▒▄ ▄▓▀▀ ░
█ ░▄ ▀▀▓▄ ▓█▓▀ ▀░ ▄▒▀ ▄▓▀▀▀ ░▀▓▄▓▀
░ █▒▀ ▀▓▄▄░ ░▄▄▄█▓▀ ▀
▓▀ ▒▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀░
(c) RoadSide Software
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▀▀█▓▀▀ ▀▀▓█▀▀
▄▓▀ ▀▓▄
▄▓▀░ Release date..................... [ 15/12/2004 ] ░▀▓▄
▄█▀ Cracker.......................... [ Bono ] ▀█▄
▄█▓█ ▄ ▀▒ Tester........................... [ TEAM FFF ] ▒▀ ▄ █▓█▄
▀ █ █ Packager......................... [ Packager 3.6 ] █ █ ▀
█ Protection....................... [ Nag + Serial ] █
█ ▀▓ ▓▀ █
█ ░▓ Operating system................. [ WinALL ] ▓░ █
░ █▄ ▓█▄ ▄█▓ ▄█ ░
▒ ██▒▀ Crack type......................... [ ] Keygen ▀▒██ ▒
▄█▀ [ ] Patch ▀█▄
▄▓▀ [ ] Serial ▀▓▄
██ ▄░ [ ] Loader ░▄ ██
▀▓▄▄▓▀ [x] Other ▀▓▄▄▓▀
██▀ ▀██
▓▓ URL......... [ http://www.evrox.com ] ▓▓
█ █
█ Size.............................. [ 1x1.44 Mo ] █
█ Language.......................... [ English ] █
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Evrox - the world's smartest Internet acceleration program! Most
other programs simply use universal optimization settings and
hope that it works with your connection - not Evrox! Evrox will
test different settings and extrapolate that data to create a
connection setting designed just for your computer!
This is all thanks to the amazing 15 step Smart-Evrox
technology. In 15 steps, Evrox will individually test different
connection settings and select the best combination!
Evrox is 100% safe! It keeps a clear record of changes made to
your connections settings, and you can revert to your original
settings at any time.
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1. Unpack & Install.
2. Run Evrox-Regpatch.exe to register.
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▐█▄■ TEAM NEWS ■▄█▌
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▀ Fighting For Fun Team is proud to announce we are the First French ▀
Web Group still alive and with more than 5000 releases now. Born
in April 2002, we are the coolest team of the Scene and we always
fight for more knowledge and fun.
Thanks for using our products and see you for our 6000th release:)
Our greetings go to Zor people and all people we know and who
support us.
FFF is proud to be a Web Group and to release nice products for
FFF is powered by the B.M.E (Bonobos Monkey Engine).
If you want to join in, find in meditation the way to us and ask
for a trial membership.
FFF will not be responsible for and do *NOT* support warez
distributions of this releases. It is forbidden to include one of
our release in a warez distribution. Groups or individual will be
exposed for this !
As decided by FFF council.
▄▌ Remember: We are cool but we don't need newbies or pretentious ▐▄
▐█▓ people. ▓█▌
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▀ MAJESTiC * RiF * CiM ▀
░ Zor And Zor's Board Peoples ░
▓▄ uCF * eMINENCE * CRFF's Members ▄▓
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▄█▀ ▄ ▄ nFO: asphyx ▀█▄
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