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»»» CD-adapco.Star-CCM.Plus.v2.06
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STAR-CCM+ V2.06: An ever-faster route from complex geometry to
accurate flow simulation.
Your whole CFD process in a single software environment STAR-CCM+
V2.04 Used to wrap, mesh and run a whole Oil Rig
From its first release in 2004, STAR-CCM+ has impressed the CFD
community with its rapid pace of development. Written from the
ground up using a modular programming style and the latest
programming techniques, STAR-CCM+ is an entirely new concept in
CFD. Innovations, such as built-in surface-wrapping, advanced
automated meshing (creating either polyhedral or predominantly
hexahedral control volumes) and the ability to copy and paste
meshes and model set-ups between calculations, have quickly
established STAR-CCM+ a reputation for producing high-quality
simulation results in a single code with minimum user effort.
Leading Surface wrapping and meshing technology for speed and
At the heart of the STAR-CCM+ V2.04 is a process that links a
powerful automated surface wrapper to CD-adapcos unique meshing
technology. The surface wrapper shrink-wraps a high quality
triangulated surface mesh onto any geometrical model, closing
holes in the geometry and joining disconnected and overlapping
surfaces, providing a single manifold surface that can be used to
automatically generate a computational mesh without user
intervention. This approach significantly reduces the number of
man-hours spent on surface cleanup for problems that involve large
assemblies of complex geometry parts reducing the entire meshing
process to hours instead of days. In addition, STAR-CCM+ V2.04
also includes a comprehensive set of surface-repair tools that
allow users to interactively enhance the quality of imported or
wrapped surfaces, offering the choice of completely automatic
repair, user control or a combination of both.
Specially designed to handle large models efficiently
The ability to efficiently handle large computational meshes is
critical in successfully meeting the engineering challenges of
modern industry. STAR-CCM+ is specifically designed to handle
large models quickly and efficiently via a unique client server
architecture that seamlessly meshes and simultaneously solves and
post-processes over multiple computing resources without requiring
additional effort from the user.
Industry specific post-processing features
The latest version also introduces an additional range of
post-processing capabilities that are specifically tuned towards
simulation in the Building Services and HVAC sectors. Rather than
just outputting generic engineering quantities, STAR-CCM+ can
predict the level of comfort experienced by room occupants using
standard industry measures such as Mean Radiant Temperature,
Predictive Mean Vote, and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied.
Advanced Physics
STAR-CCM+ V2.04 also features new combustion, radiation and
turbulence modelling capabilities, including the introduction of
the V2F turbulence model. The addition of a Coherent Flame Model
for premixed combustion is of particular benefit to users in the
power-generation, gas turbine and oil and gas industries
Thanks to Team Oddity form the nice Crack !!!
▒▄ ▒▄▄ ▒ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ ▒▄▄ 101001010001001010010100▓
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Follow Readme.txt in ShooTERS folder. If you cant get it - you are not worth it...
▄ ▄
▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀■▀▄■▀■ URL: ▓
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