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▀ ▀▒▄░ ▀ ViRiLiTY! ░■ ▀░■▄ ▀▒▄░ ▄▓▀
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░▀▀▀▀▀▓░ ▀ ░▀▀ ░▀░ ░ ░ ▀ ░▀▓▄▄██▀
░ ░ asx ░▀▀
WinFTP.Server v2.1.4 (c) Win FTP
Incl Keygen and Patch
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░ ▀░▄▄▒ ▓▌ ░█ ▓▌ █░ ▓▓ ▒▄▄░▀ ░
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▐█░▄▄▒▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▒▄▄░█▌
░ ▄▓▀░▀ ▀░▀▓▄
▐▓▌▄ ▄▐▓▌
░▐█▌▓ Supplier : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ▓▐█▌░
▐▓▌▒ Cracker : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ▒▐▓▌
▐▓▌▒ Packager : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ▒▐▓▌
░▐▓▌░ Release Date : ..................................... 23rd Feb 2008 ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌░ Disks : ....................................... 01 x 2.88mb ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌ Protection : ............................................ Serial ▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌░ Requirements : ................................... Windows (32bit) ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌░ Language : ........................................... English ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌ URL : ........................ http://www.wftpserver.com/ ▐▓▌░
▐▓▌░ ░▐▓▌
░ ▀▓▄░▄ ▄░▄▓▀ ░
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▄ ▄
Win FTP Server is powerful FTP Server for Windows
9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista. It stands out from the rest thanks to its
well-designed interface, easy account management and outstanding
speed enhancements . The server has Real-Time Information function,
letting you monitor your FTP server in real time, keeping an eye on
each user connected to the server and collecting detailed
information about them . It offers Email Notification option and
Event Manager dialog, allowing the program to respond to different
events, such as file upload or download by sending a default
notification email to the FTP administrator automatically. So far
the notification option has been realized only in Win FTP Server.It
includes a new set of advanced tools (IP watcher, Hit-O-Meter, Auto
online update), script support to let users extend FTP Server by
VBScript and Javascript, Virtual Directories for easy sharing files
and directories, and ratio, disk quota system for controlling how
much a user or a group uploads and downloads.
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▄ ▄
Unzip, unrar and install the application.
Extract the included crack into your app's dir and run it.
Use our keymaker to generate your personalized serial.
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▒ ░▀ GREETiNGS! ▀░ ▒
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We don't greet. We get greeted.
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▄▒▀░ ░▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄░ ░▀▀▀▀▓▒▄▄▄■ ■▄▄▄▒▓▀▀▀▀░ ░▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀░ ░▀▒▄
▒ ▒▄▄▀▒ ░▄▄▄▀▀░ ▀█▄▄■▄▄▄█▀ ░▀▀▄▄▄░ ▒▀▄▄▒ ▒
▀■ ▄▀░ ░ ░▄▄▀▀ ▄▄▄▓▀▀█▓▀ ▀▓█▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▀▀▄▄░ ░ ░▀▄ ■▀
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NFO by asphyx^SAC - Updated on 2007-06-14 by TEAM ViRiLiTY