Download Abbeyroadplugins EMI TG 12413 VST v2.0 keygen by AiR

Added to site2008-02-25
Votes8 (168518 bytes)

Abbeyroadplugins.EMI.TG.12413.keygen.exe 192512 166703
AiR.nfo 5606 1291


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            ▀██▄▄▄    ▄▄▄████▀▀▀████ ▄███ ▄███▀█▄▄▄▄       ▄▄▄██▀
             ▀███████████▀▀     ▀███ ▀███▄ ▀▀█▄ ▀▀▀████████████▀
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    ▄███▀▀▀▀███▄▄▄  ▄▄▄██▀                        ▀██▄▄▄   ▄▄▄███▀▀▀▀███▄
    ███        ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀         PROUDLY PRESENTS       ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀        ███
     ██▄                                                             ▄██
       █▄           Abbeyroadplugins.EMI.TG.12413.VST.v2.0          ▄█
        █                                                           █
        ▀█                                                         █▀
         █  SUPPLIER ..: TEAM AiR                                  █
         █  PROTECTION : PACE/iLOK                                 █
         █  SIZE ......: 01 * 4,77MB  	      		           █
         █  DATE ......: 02/2008                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  The TG12413 plug-in is an emulation of the compressor  █
         █  /  limiter  from  the  legendary  EMI  TG12345 mixing  █
         █  console, which  was used  on many  classic recordings  █
         █  such as The BeatlesÆ Abbey Road and Pink FloydÆs Dark  █
         █  Side of  the Moon.  The TG12345  consoles were  never  █
         █  sold  commercially  and were  only  available to  EMI  █
         █  studios.                                               █
         █                                                         █
         █  The plug-in brings the sound of this rare and  sought  █
         █  -after unit  to the  modern DAW  user and  sets a new  █
         █  standard in vintage hardware modelling. It  functions  █
         █  as a 2:1 compressor or  as a limiter with up  to 20dB  █
         █  of  gain  reduction.  It  accurately  reproduces  the  █
         █  behaviour of the original and features an  authentic,  █
         █  TG-style graphical interface. In addition, it can  be  █
         █  used in  multi-channel configurations,  supporting up  █
         █  to 7.1 surround operation.                             █
         █                                                         █
         █  Two   plug-in   modules   are   included,   providing  █
         █  variations  on the  TG sound:  the æ1969Æ  module is   █
         █  modelled on the original from the TG12345 console and  █
         █  the æ2005Æ module is based on Chandler LimitedÆs  TG1  █
         █  compressor / limiter.                                  █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Key Features                                           █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Classic and contemporary modules                       █
         █                                                         █
         █  Compressor  and  limiter  modes  from  the   original  █
         █  hardware                                               █
         █                                                         █
         █  TG-style controls and gain reduction meter             █
         █                                                         █
         █  Mono, stereo and multi-channel operation               █
         █                                                         █
         █  Automation and control surface support                 █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                        █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Installation Notes :                                   █
         █  --------------------                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  1) Unzip, Unrar & copy files to your VstPlugIns dir    █
         █                                                         █
         █  2) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!                █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
        ▄█                                                         █▄
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     ▀▀███▄▄▄▀▀      nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN      ▀▀▄▄▄███▀▀


keygen for Abbeyroadplugins EMI TG 12413 VST v2.0 by AiR

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z