ª CuteFTP 4.2.5 ª
ª Evaluation crack ª
ª Update 1 ª
ª by pctools @ STaRSCReaM ª
ª of Cochrane'96 U6Sc1 ª
ª Email: [email protected] ª
ª ª
ª IRC: #Mamak on Undernet ª
ª ª
CuteFTP 4.2.5 Evaluation crack Update 1
What does it do?
1. Change 0xEBFE to 0x9090 at offset 313237.
Change 0xEBFE to 0x9090 at offset 434469.
Change 0xEBFE to 0x9090 at offset 577716.
Prevent loopback jump causing program to hang. Affects UNVERIFIED users only.
2. Change 0x750C to 0xEB0C at offset 202736.
Change 0x750A to 0xEB0A at offset 289629.
Change 0x7507 to 0xEB07 at offset 312271.
Change 0x7508 to 0x9090 at offset 434454.
Change 0x750B to 0xEB0B at offset 452557.
Change 0x750B to 0xEB0B at offset 453025.
Prevent random crashes when consistency check fails.
Last notes :
This crack includes the crack below. If you've already use the crack below, just reapply with this crack.
Release date : March 5 2002.
CuteFTP 4.2.5 Evaluation crack
Copy "CuteFTP 4.2.5 Crack.exe" to the directory/folder where you installed CuteFTP 4.2.5 and run it.
Optional :
Use the attached CuteFTP4.reg to register after applying the crack.
What does it do?
1. Change 0x68CA200000 to 0x68CE030000 at offset 5509. Prevent display of "UNVERIFIED".
2. Change 0x68F0135500 to 0x68CE030000 at offset 5677. Prevent display of " - ".
3. Change 0x753D to 0xEB3D at offset 243957. Bypass evaluation nag.
4. Change 0x7572 to 0xEB72 at offset 244913. Bypass integrity check.
5. Change 0x7519 to 0x9090 at offset 591826. Prevent auto-registration at startup if HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Rl\1 is valid but HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Rl\3 is not present.
What it does not do?
1. Enable "Backup registration & personal data" option in Help. I don't see the point doing so since we do not have key "3". If you have both valid keys "1" and "3", it will work.
To enable it, change 0x7511 to 0xEB11 at offset 514293.
2. Allow you to backup your registration & personal data if you only have key "1".
To enable this, change 0x0F8591000000 to 0xE99200000090 at offset 512613.
Last notes :
Buy it if you can afford it.
Release date : Feb 24 2002.