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Release : WorkgroupShare v2.1.0.1 Build 201 (c) 2005 Softalk
Date : 12/03/2005
Cracked By : Twisted EndZ
Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other
[ ] Loader Patcher [X] Patch [ ] Precracked [ ] RegFile [ ] GOLD
Release Notes:
WorkgroupShare lets Outlook users share their Outlook folders amongst one another. A user or an
administrator can control which other users have access to their calendars, contacts, tasks, notes
or email folders. When used in conjunction with the Softalk Collaboration Suite, WorkgroupShare
gives users the ability to access their Outlook data from within the Softalk Organizer, making
access to their Outlook information possible from anywhere in the world.
Sharing Outlook Folders:
WorkgroupShare makes it easy to share Outlook calendars, contacts, email, tasks and notes with each
other. Not only can you share personal folders, it is also possible to create public folders,
enabling your organization, or groups within your organization, to share contact lists or meeting
room calendars.
Access control:
WorkgroupShare provides you with full access control, letting you easily specify which members of
staff can access specific data. For example, you might give everyone read access to the sales
team's calendar and the public contacts folder, no access to the bosses calendar, except for the
bosses secretary, who will have write access to the bosses calendar and access to his email. Access
control is completely configurable through the easy-to-use administrator program.
WorkgroupShare is a scalable server that can provide collaboration to thousands of users. It may be
used with the supplied JET database, or for much larger organizations may be used in conjunction
with MS SQL Server, to provide greater storage and scalability.
Organizing Meetings:
You no longer need Microsoft Exchange Server in order to query free/busy times when organizing
meetings. WorkgroupShare has its own Free/Busy Server, which has access to all WorkgroupShare
user's calendar information. With WorkgroupShare, when you book a meeting in Outlook, inviting one
or more local users to the meeting, you will be able to see exactly when each user is available to
attend the meeting.
In short, WorkgroupShare gives you all the collaboration benefits, but at a fraction of the cost,
of Exchange Server. Why not try it in your organization?
Feature list:
Share Outlook folders:
╖ Share calendars, contacts, tasks, email and notes, in Outlook, amongst selected members of staff,
without Exchange.
Organize meetings:
╖ Find free/busy times for all users and organize meetings using Outlook but without Exchange.
Remote client deployment:
╖ Effortlessly roll out to the entire organization with the unattended installation feature.
For a full listing of WorkgroupShare's Features visit:
TE Release Filename: tewgs201.zip
Installation Notes :
Install ws.exe. *NOTE* that if you select WorkgroupShare as a service, you might have to
boot into safe mode or force WorkgroupShare to close before patching the files. If you don't, the
files might be in use and will not patch. If you have troubles, reboot into safemode and patch the
files then. After installation copy crack patcher into WorkgroupShare's installed folder. Execute
crack patcher and patch files WSAdmin.exe and WSService.exe. Now launch WorkgroupShare
Administrator and when you get to the main window click on REGISTER, then Enter Keycode. Enter
your Company Name you would like to use and then any KeyCode you would like to use. You now have a
fully registered version of WorkgroupShare! You can now launch the WSService and add your users.
Thats it! Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.