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. Everyfind.v4.10.2 .
. (c) Atrise .
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
: ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ :
│█ . . █│
│▓ Supplier ...: TEAM LAXiTY Cracker ......: TEAM LAXiTY ▓│
│▒ Packager ...: TEAM LAXiTY Release date .: 11.13.02 ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ Software type ........: Game [ ] App [X] Other [ ] ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Protection solution ..: Keygen [X] Serial [ ] RegKey [ ] ░│
│▒ Crack [ ] Other [ ] ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│▓ URL ........: http://www.atrise.com ▓│
│█ . . █│
: ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ :
┌┐──┘ └──┌┐
┌││──────────────[ r E L E A S E . i N F O R M A T I O N ]──────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
: This award-winning program allows you to design a search engine for :
│█ your web site, intranet, CD, DVD or any portable documentation. █│
│▓ This search system, unlike many others on the market, does not ▓│
│▒ require server side scripts and applications and can run virtually ▒│
│▒ anywhere. This software product contains 15+ professionally ▒│
│░ designed templates for creating a new search system. You have full ░│
│░ control over its appearance and can change colors, fonts and images ░│
│░ to fit your design specifications. ░│
│░ ░│
. .
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■─────────────────[ i N S T A L L . n O T E S ]─────────────────■ .
: :
: ..just use the included "keygen.exe" and you're done.. :
│█ █│
│▓ ..enjoy another LAXiTY release.. ▓│
│▒ ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ ░│
: :
. ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ .
┌┐──┘ └──┌┐
┌││────────────────[ l A X I T Y . g R O U P n E W S ]─────────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
. .
: LAXiTY was established back in 1998. We started of as a small team :
│█ of several people. Even then we worked hard to bring the latest █│
│▓ stuff to the world. By and by our ranks increased, so in the end we ▓│
│▒ became a big family of real friends. ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ There is a good reason why we're in the top level 0day groups, and ░│
│░ let's face the facts, with more than 3k quality releases to date, ░│
│░ we pretty much make a solid part of the 0day scene. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Money and profit-benefiting aspects never were the motivation for ░│
│░ us, we were always doing this for FUN only and we always WILL BE. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ So if YOU want to be a part of this family and think you could ░│
│░ contribute anything useful to the team, don't hesitate to download ░│
│░ our 4 meg crypted crackme and show us your raping skills ;) ░│
│░ ░│
│░ We're only looking for skilled, hard-working and dedicated people ░│
│░ who have deadlistings as breakfast. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Be sure we don't give a fuck if you can't read our nfo and follow ░│
│░ the instructions, our releases are proven to work, so don't ░│
│░ bother us with your complaints. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ And always remember, the software authors DESERVE tribute for ░│
│░ their hard work, so don't be a lameass: If you like their software, ░│
│░ ░│
│░ We try to respect the MU rules, although with some failures ░│
│░ sometimes. But generally spoken, we have a quite low MU rate, so ░│
│░ some fucks are flying out to all the rules-neglecting wannabies ░│
│░ releasing a keygen for the same app twice a day... ░│
│░ go ask mummy how to survive. ░│
│░ ░│
│▒ And last but not least, our THANKS are flying out to all our ▒│
│▓ members, present and past, our sites and friends out there and all ▓│
│█ the others who helped LAXiTY to reach the top! █│
: :
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■──────────[ 0 d A Y . r U L E S . a G R E E M E N T ]──────────■ .
: :
│█ In April 2002 groups across the 0day scene united to update the █│
│▓ current rules to better shape today's scene. Below is detailed ▓│
│▒ information on updated rules as well as new rules. ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ These rules must be recognized and followed immediately on ░│
│░ this date, April 12, 2002. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ 1. Max one version per application / 14 days. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ 2. 0day rips should not contain free software ░│
│░ which can be downloaded from the web, such ░│
│░ as DirectX/Acrobat Reader. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ 3. To prevent sloppy rips, a re-release of a ░│
│░ 0day application is allowed to make groups ░│
│░ release proper and respectable releases. ░│
│░ In order to be considered as legit, the ░│
│░ re-release must be at least 15MB smaller ░│
│░ than the previous release. The following ░│
│░ provisions include: ░│
│░ ░│
│░ a) No essential data is allowed to be removed to ░│
│░ be considered a valid re-release. A re-release ░│
│░ from a competing group may not use tools, ░│
│░ cracks nor any other files from the previous ░│
│░ release that were modified for the original rip. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ b) The re-release of a rip can be done by any ░│
│░ group and must be done within 48 hours after ░│
│░ the release of the original rip. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ 4. Rips created with another groups ISO are to ░│
│░ be nuked unless the ISO group have given ░│
│░ it's permission to have their iSO ripped. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ All appointed HQ (Headquarters) should abide ░│
│░ by these rules to the fullest extent permutable. ░│
│░ Any group that competes in the 0day rip scene ░│
│░ will and must abide by the above rules to allow ░│
│░ fair competition among all competitors. Take ░│
│░ into account that these rules do not apply to ░│
│░ nor concern the game rip scene. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Signed, ░│
│░ Leaders, Council Members and Seniors of ░│
│░ Blizzard, Caudex, Core, Digital Factory, ░│
│░ Oddity, Orion, The Millenium Group, Epsilon, ░│
│░ Eclipse, Embrace, Renegade, Intension, Paradox, ░│
│▒ Prime, Among others! ▒│
│▓ ▓│
│█ ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ █│
│▓──┘ └──▓│
│▒ ▒│
│░ The new/updated rules that have been collectively declared by some ░│
│░ groups were carefully read by the LXT team, as we always monitor ░│
│░ changes in the scene. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ LXT agrees to these rules to the fullest extent. We will gladly ░│
│░ respect the quality values represented by these rules. LAXiTY is ░│
│░ an active group since many years, and we trust in all that can be ░│
│░ good for the scene; this scene whose goal is to give access to ░│
│░ quality and quantity of releases to everybody ░│
│░ (in the plain sense of it). ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Especially the MU rule generally applying to the 0day apps scene ░│
│░ is highly appreciated. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ It was about time to stop that ridiculous daily build release abuse ░│
│░ some groups were practicing. Revised 0day rip rules are welcomed ░│
│░ as well. ░│
│░ ░│
│░ We will put a note about the new rules in our nfo during the ░│
│░ following weeks, to make them public and known to everyone involved ░│
│░ (groups, HQ siteops etc.). ░│
│░ ░│
│░ We invite the other groups who meet these values to show them off ░│
│░ explicitly. Just include a short but complete note in your nfo, ░│
│░ such as (but not limited to): ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Prime, Blizzard, Caudex, Core, Digital Factory, ░│
│░ Oddity, Orion, The Millenium Group, Epsilon, ░│
│░ Eclipse, Embrace, Renegade, Intension, Paradox ░│
│▒ and Laxity, (...). ▒│
│▓ ▓│
│█ LAXiTY greets the text authors. Thanks men. █│
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■────────────────[ o P E N . p O S I T I O N S ]────────────────■ .
: :
│█ █│
│▓ - experienced, dedicated crackers ▓│
│▒ - horny nymphs urging to lose virginity ▒│
│▓ - any hot post-virgin bitch as well ▓│
│█ █│
: :
. .
┌││───────────────────────[ c O N T A C T . u S ]───────────────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
│█ [IRC] - #you.will.find.us █│
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■ logo and info file by teepak/cro . updated on .: 07/17/2002 ■ .