Download Complete Social Publisher v3.3.1 keygen by Lz0

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes3 (162532 bytes)

File_id.diz 979 343
keygen.exe 483072 159568
Lz0.nfo 9191 2315


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█ Complete.Social.Publisher.v3.3.1-KeyfileMaker-LZ0
█                                           █
█  DiSkS[01/01]          DaTe[11-25-2000]   █
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100 %.................................Agavaga


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 %=---─────---------───-------─------------------- --─-- ----- - --──------=%
 ░  Supplier:   joda                    Rel.Date: 11-25-2000                 ░
 ░  Cracker:    Agavaga                  Disks:    xx/03                     ░
 ░  Packer:     NoStRaDaMuS                                                  ░
 ░  Protection: time-limited                                                 ░
 ░  Publisher:                              ░
 ░                                                                           ░
 ░                                                                           ░
 %=---─────---------───-------─------------------- --─-- ----- - --──------=%
   - -- -------------- -  - -- --------──-─----------─────-----───---- -- - 
 ½ ½½ ½½½½%=-·  ·-=%½½½½ ½½ ½
   - -- -------------- -  - -- --------──-─----------─────-----───---- -- - 
   Complete Social Publisher lets you print your own invitations,
   respond cards, thank you cards, and more for weddings,
   anniversaries, birth announcemnents and many other events.

   You can print your own invitations, announcements, respond
   cards, reception cards, place cards, direction cards, thank
   you notes, personal notes, envelopes or labels, and more.                                                                         
 %=---─────---------───-------─------------------- --─-- ----- - --──------=%
 ▒                        · ·· InStaLLaTioN InFo·· ·                        ▒
 %=-- -- ---─-───------------------──--──----─-─-─-------------------------=%
 ░   KeyFiLe [x]   KeyGeN []  PaTcH [ ]  CrAcKeD .eXe [ ]  SeRiAL [ ]       ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░    Install the main app (tcse).                                          ░
 ░    Run the main app. It will generate serial (author's algo uses the     ░
 ░    install                                                               ░
 ░    date, name and few more tricks) to generate unique serial.            ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░    Copy Agavaga_tcseR.exe to your tcse dir.                              ░
 ░    Fire up it, press 'F2' and enter dummy serial (thanks to Agavaga).    ░
 ░    It will make keyfile. Exit my app.                                    ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░    Start the MAIN app, and olaaaala, it's registered!                    ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░    After that, you can delete my keyfilemaker (if you do not have enough ░
 ░    empty space on your hard!                                             ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░    Last step: ENJOY!                                                     ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░   that's it :)                                                           ░
 ░   ENJOY this LineZer0 release!                                           ░
 %=------------───--- ---- - -─-─-─-- -- ---─--──-─-─-─-─--- --------------=%
 %=---─────---------───-------─------------------- --─-- ----- - --──------=%
 ▒                        · ·· the current tribe ·· ·                       ▒
 %=-- -- ---─-───------------------──--──----─-─-─-------------------------=%
 ░   heXcrasher        NoStrAdAmuS            hermes            dj-deathx   ░
 ░    misnera          freakazoid             agavaga            ccrunch    ░
 ░     SIZE             crazyGuru             dobarry            RED[NO]    ░
 %=------------───--- ---- - -─-─-─-- -- ---─--──-─-─-─-─--- --------------=%

 %=---─────---------───-------─------------------- --─-- ----- - --──------=%
 ▒                        · ·· joining our tribe ·· ·                       ▒
 %=-- -- ---─-───------------------──--──----─-─-─-------------------------=%
 ░ We are looking for new crackers at the moment! come to #lz0 and talk     ░
 ░ to the ops there! You shouldn't be totally new to cracking, some kno-    ░
 ░ wledge would be good! also GFXers and coders are welcome! ;)             ░
 %=------------───--- ---- - -─-─-─-- -- ---─--──-─-─-─-─--- --------------=%

 %=-─-─-─-─--- ---─-─-─-─-─--- ---─-─-─---─-─-─-─--─-─-───-──--- ----------=%
 ▒                           · ·· !GrOuP NeWs! ·· ·                         ▒
 %=──────-─---- ----- -─-─-─---─-─---------------- --─-─-─---─--─-─-─-──---=%
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░ Ok ppl. Some things changed. As you can see in our member list           ░
 ░ we have some new members. Welcome all. Also some trials joined           ░
 ░ our little tribe. welcome dycus and ulrich!                              ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░ our dump went down and we had some troubles, but now we're here          ░
 ░ again thanks to the new DUMP owner!                                      ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░ in the next time we will also be present in the www. we are              ░
 ░ working on our new homepage. hope it will finished soon! you'll          ░
 ░ get the url as soon as possible. for now check                           ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                                         ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                                            regards Team-Lz0              ░
 %=────--─- -─---─-─-─ -----─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─- --─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─---=%

 %=─-─-─-─────---- -- --─-─-─--─-─-─- ----─-─-─-─-─-─-─--─-───-─-─-─-─-─---=%
 ▒                             · ·· !THANKS! ·· ·                           ▒
 %=──────----- --─-─--──-─-─-─-─--- --─-─-─-─-─-─--─- --─-─--─-─-──-─-─-─--=%
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░ A BIG THANK YOU to all the people that supported us from our beginning   ░
 ░ till now! special thanks go out to HAEZ and HERMES.  without those two   ░
 ░ guys, Lz0 would prolly naver have existed! thanks to jackie and flashkid ░
 ░ the 2 guys that founded LineZer0 together with me, on a rainy august     ░
 ░ evening!                                                                 ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░ further THANKS fly out to siteops and admins, dump owners and prewhores  ░
 ░ who always help us to manage our problems with sites etc ;)              ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░ and finally THANK YOU, you LineZer0 members, present and past, for all   ░
 ░ the work you did in the name of LineZer0 to keep my little group alive.  ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 ░                              THANK YOU!                                  ░
 ░                                                                          ░
 %=──-─-─-─- -─-─-─-─-─-─-──-─-───-- --─-─-─-─-─-- --─-─-─-─-─-──-─────--─-=%

  - -- -------------- -  - -- --------──-─----------─────-----───---- -- -
½ ½½ ½½½½%=-· CONTACT US:   #lzo undernet/efnet                  ·-=%½½½½ ½½ ½
  - -- -----------──----─-─--------───----------- - ---  ------------ -- -
. Nfo uPdateD by heXc                                  . NFo aRt by ThoRiN .

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