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│ ▄ █▓▓▓█ ▄ █░░░█ ░ ▀███ █▓▓▓█ ░░ █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓▓█ ░░ █▓▓▓█
│ ██▄█▒▓▓█▄██ █▒▒▒█ ░ ▀█ █▒▓▓█ ░░ █▒▒█ ░ █▒▓▓█ ░░ █▒▓▓█
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: █ █ Nitrogen ▀▀██████▓▓▓█ █ █ ░░ ██▀ ░░ █ █ ██ █ █
: █░░░█ [TSRh] ▄ █▒▒▒█ █░░░█ ▄▄▄█▀ ░░ █░░░█ ▀ █░░░█
. █▒▒▒█ ░ ▄█ ██▄ ░ █░░░█ █▒▒▒█ ██▄ ░░ █▒▒▒█ ░ █▒▒▒█
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· ▀▀█▄▄▄████▀ ▀████▄▄▄█▀▀ █▀ █████ █████ █▀
▀██ ▀███
▀ ▀█
─ ── : ..:: | :::.. ..:::RELEASE.iNF0:::.. ..::: | ::.. : ── ─
┌─│───────────┘ └───────────│─┐
│█: :█│
│█ Target: [ Eydetic ] █│
│█ URL: [ http://www.ababasoft.ru ] █│
│█ █│
│█ Cracker: [ B-$hep ] █│
│█ Crack Type: [ Serial ] █│
│█ █│
│█ Release Date: [ 17.03.2002 ] █│
│█ Release Name: [ tsrh-Eydetic_sn.zip ] █│
│█ █│
│█: :█│
│ █████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█████████ │
┌ ─ ── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ┐
││ [Target.Description] ││
││ ─ ── ─── ────── ·:
Eidetic memory is the ability our memory to store all picture detail,
so then you can reproduce it without errors.
Shut your eyes and call to mind the picture left of hear. Is it
The ability to keep in mind a lot of visual non - associated
information is very important in our life. You must remember and
distinguish different kind of goods, human faces, book pages,
elements of maps or schemes. After these regular trains your can keep
in mind the image of picture.
This program is good for people of different age. The designers of
this program tested it themselves and notified the improve of
creative ability.
Training program strategy
There is two ways of keeping in mind the image of picture. The first
way is to look attentively at the
picture and to photograph it in mind. The second way is to invent the
short tale about the picture
for example the jug is put on the flower, the flower changes its
color, the fishes and the mushroom
are put in the jug.
└┐ ┌┘
││ [Register.Notes] ││
└┐ ─ ── ─── ────── ┌┘
Login: anyone
Password: 12342
┌┘ └┐
││ ││
└ ─ ── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ┘
│ █████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█████████ │
│ [TSRh.Members] │
│ ──────┐┌────── │
┌─│──────────┘ ││ └───────────│─┐
│█: └┐ :█│
│█: [ OxEn ] ............. └┐ [ cracker, coder, founder ] :█│
│█: [ B-$hep ] ............. └┐ [ cracker, founder ] :█│
│█: [ Dr_Net ] ............. └┐ [ cracker, coder, design ] :█│
│█: [ Nitrogen ] ............. └┐ [ cracker, coder ] :█│
│█: [ EGOiST ] ............. └┐ [ cracker ] :█│
│█: [ aZZaZZeLLo ] ............. └┐ [ cracker ] :█│
│█: [ Fox ] ............. └┐ [ cracker ] :█│
│█: [ Chirurg ] ............. └┐ [ cracker ] :█│
│█: [ FAN ] ............. └┐ [ cracker, trial ] :█│
│█: ││ :█│
| · .o0o. CONTACTS .o0o. · |
└─┼·· ··┼─┘
│ [ WEB Site ] ............. ││ [http://www.kickme.to/tsrh ] │
| [ E-mail ] ............. └┐ [[email protected] ] |
: [ IRC ] ............. ││ [DAL.net, #teamtsrh ] :
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