Program: Download Accelerator Plus v5.xx( ANy Version Since v5.0)
CracKer: ReaL|sTy
Protection: Serial/Ads
Instructions: if you really want to get rid of all ads, then the patch will make the job but first you will have to delete this entry from the registry : [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SpeedBit\Download Accelerator\Ads]
or use the ads remover.exe made by bAZiK that works since DAP v4.0
fallow and read the instructions.. close DAP first then copy to DAP's Directory the ads remover and the patch apply the ads remover,or delete manually the registry entry and the folder Ads that is in the DAP's directory either, then apply the patch... you're done!! :) you will never get more ads no either in you hard drive and not either displayed! believe me ;))
if the ads remover don't work in your system then delete the registry entry manually by regedit or using any registry utility and then don't forget also to delete the folder that is in the DAP's directory name: Ads
The intentions of this patch is to remove the advertisements and ads that DAP display if you're if a new version arrives and there's no keygen available this will be the solution..this patch should work with any version of DAP Plus since v5.0 ENjoy! ;-)
that's all! Enjoy!!
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