Download Zemerick Software Chat Watch v5.0.0.5 keygen by CFF

Added to site2007-08-31
Votes8 (165538 bytes)

CFF.nfo 19969 4151
Zemerick_Software_Chat_Watch_keygen_by_CFF.exe 177664 160852


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 :                   Zemerick Software Chat Watch v5.0.0.5                    :
 .                                                                            .

   Release Date       : 31/08/2007                Platform: WinXP            
   Protection         : dotNET/Activation     Disk Numbers: 01x5.00MB         
   Cracker            : CFF Team                    Packer: CFFpACKER        
   Supplier           : CFF Team                  Language: English          
   Release Type       : Cracked                     Rating: [ YOU RATE IT!! ]
   Company/Publisher  : Zemerick Software Inc.                               


   Full releasename:
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
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 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(  RELEASE INFOS   )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '
   The newest version of the world's premier chat logging and monitoring     
   software is now available! Chat Watch 5 brings many new features and      
   enhancements. Even more so than ever, Chat Watch is a program that no     
   parent should be without.                                                 
   Predator Scan                                                             
   The new Predator Scan feature scans the instant message logs for screen   
   names reported to belong to online predators and notifies you if a        
   match is found.                                                           
   Log All Popular Instant Messenger                                         
   Chat Watch is an instant message monitoring and logging software for      
   today's most popular instant messengers. With Chat Watch you can log      
   all chats on AOL Instant Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN/Windows Live    
   Messenger, MySpace IM, and Yahoo! Messenger.                              
   Monitor Content of Instant Messages                                       
   With Chat Watch you can monitor all the instant messages sent and         
   received on your computer. You can then organize the chat logs into       
   categories and quickly search the chat logs. The Content Monitor will     
   e-mail you if a chat log contains possibly inappropriate words and the    
   Acronym Translator will automatically convert obscure acronyms such as    
   ASL into their English meaning (Age Sex Location). See a full list of     
   acronyms in the Acronym Translator.                                       
   Chat logs from Chat Watch 4 and Chat Watch 3 can be imported into Chat    
   Watch 5.                                                                  
   In this day, Chat Watch is a tool that parents should not be without.     
   Key Features of Chat Watch                                                
   Logs both sides of online chats on today's most popular instant           
   Chat logs can be searched by category, keyword, user, date, and instant   
   Plugins allow you to quickly and easily add support for logging other     
   instant messengers.                                                       
   You can remotely view the chat logs in real-time using Chat Watch with    
   Chat Watch.NET and you can synchronize with Chat Watch.NET.               
   If you have a mobile device you can view the chat logs on the go with     
   Chat Watch Mobile Edition.                                                
   Easily import your chat logs from Chat Watch 4 or Chat Watch 3 into       
   Chat Watch 5.                                                             
   Unwanted chat logs can be moved to the Trash before being permanently     
   Windows Vista ready.                                                      
   Parental Control Features                                                 
   The Acronym Translator quickly replaces obscure acronyms with their       
   meanings (replace AFK with Away From Keyboard). See a full list of        
   acronyms in the Acronym Translator.                                       
   The Content Monitor quickly highlights chats that may contain offensive   
   words and can notify you via e-mail of the chats. Parents can add         
   custom words to the content monitor watch list.                           
   The User Notification will alert the user that their instant messages     
   are being logged.                                                         
   Reporting of Log Conversations                                            
   View the chat logs in real-time using Chat Watch.NET.                     
   Chat Watch can automatically e-mail you the chat logs and upload the      
   chat logs to an SFTP server at scheduled times.                           
   The chat logs can be saved as PDF documents for easy viewing.             
   Chat logs can be printed from within Chat Watch.                          
 .                                                                            .

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 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(  INSTALL INFOS   )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '
   Install, and copy cracked content into installdir!                        
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
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 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(   GROUP INFOS    )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '

   We are looking for crackers/keygenners:
   * Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
   * Must know the basics of keygenning...
   * Must give proof for at least 100 cracks/keygens have been done...

   We are looking for suppliers/retailers:
   * Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
   * Must at least deliver 4 supplies/retails per month...

   If you can do any of these above, please don`t hesitate to contact us
   via [email protected] - and you can ask to apply for a 30
   days trial time!

   /CFF 2007
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
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 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(    GREETINGS     )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '

   There is many groups and individuals we really wish to greet, but due to
   security reasons - these are all removed for all eternity and so on!


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keygen for Zemerick Software Chat Watch v5.0.0.5 by CFF

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