Download Renesas NC308WA v5.20 crack by NiTROUS

Added to site2006-04-22
Votes5 (2061657 bytes)

RENESAS.NC308WA.V5.20-NiTROUS/ 1923195 1923195
RENESAS.NC308WA.V5.20-NiTROUS/file_id.diz 238 127
RENESAS.NC308WA.V5.20-NiTROUS/NiTROUS.nfo 17845 4775
RENESAS.NC308WA.V5.20-NiTROUS/crack.exe 224256 132474


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│  █▒█ █▒█   █▒█   █▒█▄▄▄▄  │
│  █▓█ █▓█   █▓█   ▀▀▀▀█▓█  │
│  ███ ███   ███   █▄█ ███  │
│  ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  │
└ NiTROUS ───────── [01/14] ┘


Oke, first of all.. these nice programs are not freeware (despite says so in some places on 
their website) as they stop working after some months.

so there are the steps to follow:

1.- Unpack the stuff.
2.- Run the installer.
3.- When you are asked for serial just select trial and keep on.
4.- After installing unpack and copy the files to their folders.
    There's a zip inside its the crack for the simulator which
    supposedly is bundled inside the package. If it doesnt get installed and need it grab
    it from their website. There's no point on releasing the simulators since last update
    dates from 2003.
5.- Enjoy.



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   ▀    ░▀█▓░       ▄█▄                                ▄█▄        ░▓█▀     ▀
          ▓          ▀  ▀ ▄                        ▄ ▀  ▀           ▓
          ░                  ■  ▄   ■    ■   ▄  ■                   ░

                             RENESAS NC308WA V5.30                              
                               Renesas Technology                               

 ▄░▄ ▀                                                                   ▀ ▄░▄
  ▀       ▀                                                         ▀       ▀
               ▓                                               ▓
     ▄▓▀  ▄▓██▓░▀▀ ▄                                       ▄ ▀▀░▓██▓▄  ▀▓▄
   ▓█▀  ▓███▓                                                     ▓███▓  ▀█▓
  ██▀ ▄▓██▓    SUPPLiER..........................: NiTROUS          ▓██▓▄ ▀██
 ███  ████     CRACKER...........................: NiTROUS           ████  ███
████▄█████▄    PACKAGER..........................: NiTROUS          ▄█████▄████
░▓███▀██▀░ ▀   TESTER............................: NiTROUS         ▀ ░▀██▀███▓░
 ▀▓█▄░▄██▄▀    RELEASE DATE......................: 12/04/04         ▀▄██▄░▄█▓▀
   ▓████▓█▄    RELEASE TYPE......................: Cracked          ▄█▓████▓
  ▄ ░███▒██▓   DiSKS.............................: 14 X 4,77MB    ▓██▒███░ ▄
 ▓▄  ▓█▓░███▓  PROTECTiON........................: Serial         ▓███░▓█▓  ▄▓
 ▀▓███▀  █▀░▀▄                                                   ▄▀░▀█  ▀███▓▀
        ▄▓█▄█▓░▄▄▓█▄▄                                     ▄▄█▓▄▄░▓█▄█▓▄
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    ▓▀▄                  . ·` RELEASE iNFORMATiON '· .                  ▄▀▓
    ░   ▄                                                             ▄   ░

                   The  M3T-NC308WA(V.5.20  Release1) is a C 
                   compiler  package for M32C/80 and M16C/80 
                   Series  of  M16C Family MCUs. It contains 
                   the  following  C compiler and assembler. 
                   The  integrated  development  environment 
                   HEW3,TM   and   the   simulator  debugger 
                   M3T-PD308SIM is bundled with the 
                   M3T-NC308WA  product  package. C compiler 
                   NC308  Based  on  the ANSI-C standard and 
                   provides  abundant functions suitable for 
                   embedded    systems.    Assembler   AS308 
                   Generates  machine  language  files  from 
                   assembly  language  source  files for the 
                   M32C/80 and M16C/80 Series MCUs. 
                   Simulator   Debugger   M3T-PD308SIM   The 
                   M3T-PD308SIM  is a simulator debugger for 
                   M32C/80   and   M16C/80  Series  of  M16C 
                   Family  MCUs.  It  runs under Windows and 
                   supports    debugging   for   application 
                   programs. Integrated development 
                   environment         HEW3(High-performance 
                   Embedded Workshop) TM 
                   Integrates from coding through 
                   assembling   and  debugging  to  increase 
                   productivity of your software 
                   development. To see information 
                   concerning M3T-NC308WA, Products 
                   Information (M3T-NC308WA). 
                   ANSI compatibility 
                   New types introduced in ISO/IEC 
                   9899:1999  (ANSI  C99)  supported  : long 
                   long,  _Bool,  type  qualifier  restrict. 
                   Supports    floating-point    arithmetic. 
                   Specifications   conform   to  IEEE  (The 
                   Institute  of  Electrical and Electronics 
                   Engineers)  standards.  Generates most of 
                   the  codes  in  reentrant  structure. Can 
                   initialize a structure and array 
                   consisting of "auto" variables. 
                   Command options 
                   Can  choose  between  code generation for 
                   program  manipulation  speed and ROM code 
                   size,   while  also  optimizing  both.  C 
                   source-level    optimizations   Optimizes 
                   constant  propagation and loops at source 
                   file level. 
                   Creating ROMable programs 
                   Specifying interrupt functions 
                   Includes  interrupt functions in C source 
                   files.  Moving  constant  data  into  ROM 
                   Moves  constant data into the ROM area in 
                   C. In-line assembling 
                   Writes  assembly  language  in  C  source 
                   files. Calling assembly language 
                   subroutine    Calls   assembly   language 
                   subroutines  in C source files. Arguments 
                   can  be  passed  via  registers  with the 
                   expansion feature. Defining I/O addresses 
                   Can  define  I/O  addresses in C language 
                   variables. Outputting stack size 
                   information Outputs stack size 
                   information  for  each  source  file, and 
                   provides  stk  and  the STK viewer, which 
                   calculate   stack   size   of  the  whole 
                   application   software.   Declaration  of 
                   in-line  functions  Supports  the storage 
                   class  specifier "inline" and can declare 
                   in-line    functions.   Assembler   macro 
                   function Can writes assembler 
                   instructions  for  M32C/80 and M16C/80 as 
                   a  C  function.  Improved  ROM efficiency 
                   At compiling, the utilization 
                   information  of  variables  and functions 
                   is  output.  And  then,  with  the SBDATA 
                   declaration  and  SPECIAL  page  function 
                   declaration  utility,  object  code  size 
                   can be reduced. 
                   Specifying  memory  models  of  variables 
                   The   following  qualifiers  can  specify 
                   addressing   modes   for  each  variable. 
                   Qualifier  "near" Variables accessing the 
                   addresses  0000016  to  0FFFF16  (64K  or 
                   less) Qualifier "far" 
                   Variables   accessing  the  whole  memory 
                   area  in  M32C/80  and M16C/80 Series MCU 
                   Also  available is "#pragma SBDATA" which 
                   specifies  addressing  modes  with the SB 
                   register.  These features help use memory 
                   efficiently.  C  source  level  debugging 
                   information Outputs source-level 
                   debugging    information    and   enables 
                   C-source-level debugging with a debugger. 
                   Standard library 
                   Provides   standard   libraries   (object 
                   files  and  source  files)  suitable  for 
                   programming. Source files of the 
                   standard library can be modified 
                   according to your system. 
                   Displaying  the  mapping information (MAP 
                   viewer)  The  MAP  viewer  allows  you to 
                   display graphically the mapping 
                   information  on an absolute object module 
                   file.  By  using  its GUI, you can change 
                   easily  the  form  and  contents  of  the 
                   displayed information. 
                   Optimized codes 
                   Since   branch   instruction   codes  are 
                   optimized  according  to the location, it 
                   is  unnecessary  to  calculate the branch 
                   address.  And the best addressing mode is 
                   selected automatically. 
                   Versatile macro instructions 
                   Frequent   instructions  are  defined  as 
                   macro  instructions  to clarify programs. 
                   The   AS308   supports  character  string 
                   manipulations  in  macro  instructions as 
                   well  as  macro  definitions  and  repeat 
                   Tag files 
                   The  assembler  and  linker  generate tag 
                   files  storing  error  information.  With 
                   the   tag  files,  source  files  can  be 
                   efficiently modified. 
                   Library function 
                   The  librarian  generates  a  library  of 
                   versatile   subroutines,  which  improves 
                   the diversion rate of programs. 
                   Absolute address lists 
                   Generates  an  absolute address list file 
                   from  relative  address list files to aid 
                   in understanding overall program 
                   Cross reference lists 
                   The  cross  referencer generates lists of 
                   definitions  and references of labels and 
                   symbols  in  the  source files. This list 
                   helps  check  dependencies  of labels and 
                   symbols during debugging. 
░                  URL:                                              
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▓█  ▒▀   ▄▓█▀▄ ▄▄   ▄   ▄░  ▄░     ▄▄▄██▓▄▄                       ▄▄▄▄▄ █▓
██ ░▓▄  ▀██▄▄░ ▄▓█   ▄  ░▓░  ▓░▄▄█▓▀▀▀  ░▀▀▀▓▄   ▄░▄     ▄▓▄    ▄▓█▀▀▀▓▓██░
██▄████▄▄▄███▓██▀   ▀░▀  ██▄██████▄▄  ░      █    ▀       ▀    ███ ▀  ░▀▓█▓░▀░
█▀░▀██▄ ░  ▄▀▀▀██▓▄     ▄█▓█▓▀▀  ░▓██▓▄  ▄▄ ▀        ▄▒▄        ▀██▄▀   ▐██▄▄▓░
██▄██▓▀▀▓▄       ▀▀▀██▓▀▀▀   ▄    ░█▓▄  ███▓          ▀             ▄█▀▄░███▓█
█████░▀▄█▀                    ▀▓▄█▀▀     ▀▀                         ▀▓▄▄▓██▓░█▀
█▓███▌   ▄▀██▄                                                       ░ ▀███▓░█▀
▓▒█▓█▓▄░  ▄ ███            ▀                                             ██▓ ▓
▒▀█▄▀█▓▓▄▄▄█▓▀  ▄░▄          . ·` iNSTALL iNFO '· .                      ██▓ ▒
 ▄ ▀█▄ ▀▀▀▀▀     ▀                                                       ▓█▓ ▒
█▀ ▄ ▀█▄                                                                  ▀▓ ░
▓ ▀▓▀ █▓░                                                                    ░
░    █▀░                                                                     ░
   ▀                                                                         ░
                   1.) Unpack. 
                   2.) Check INSTALL.TXT for instructions. 
                   3.) Enjoy. 

░                                                                        ░
░▀            ▄                                                         ░▓▄░
░█           ▀░▀                                                         █▓▓░
▒█  ░▄▄▀▄                ▀       ▀                                       ███
▓█  ▒▀   ▄▓█▀▄ ▄▄   ▄   ▄░  ▄░     ▄▄▄██▓▄▄                        ▄▄▄▄▄ ██▀▀
██ ░▓▄  ▀██▄▄░ ▄▓█   ▄  ░▓░  ▓░▄▄█▓▀▀▀  ░▀▀▀▓▄    ▄░▄     ▄▓▄    ▄▓█▀▀▀▓▓███▀
██▄████▄▄▄███▓██▀   ▀░▀  ██▄██████▄▄  ░      █     ▀       ▀    ███ ▀  ░▀▓█▓░▀▄
█▀░▀██▄ ░  ▄▀▀▀██▓▄     ▄█▓█▓▀▀  ░▓██▓▄  ▄▄ ▀         ▄▒▄        ▀██▄▀   ▐██▄▄▓
██▄██▓▀▀▓▄       ▀▀▀██▓▀▀▀   ▄    ░█▓▄  ███▓           ▀             ▄█▀▄░▀ ▀▓░
█████░▀▄█▀                    ▀▓▄█▀▀     ▀▀                          ▀▓▄▄▓█▄▓░
█▓███▌   ▄▀██▄                                                        ░ ▀███▓░
▓▒█▓█▓▄░  ▄ ███            ▀                                              ▀█▓
▒▀█▄▀█▓▓▄▄▄█▓▀  ▄░▄         . ·` NEWS & GREETS '· .         ▄░▄         ▄▓██▓
 ▄ ▀█▄ ▀▀▀▀▀     ▀                                           ▀           ░▓█▓
█▀ ▄ ▀█▄             NiTROUS TEAM is looking for:                         ░▀▒░
▓░▀▓▀ █▓░                                                                 ▓▄░ ░
░  ░ █▀░             + Talented crackers     (NO Newbie's!)               █▓▄
░  ▀ ▓▀              + Talented coders     (ASM/C++/Delphi)               ▀█▓
░    ▒               + 50+mbit box owners      (Dumps/HQ's)               ▓▄▀ ░
░    ░               + Software Suppliers (Unreleased apps)               ▒▓█
░                    + Anything else that might interest us              ░░▒▓ ░
░    ░                                                                     ░▒ ░
░    ▒           GREETiNGS to:                                           ░░ ░
░    ▓                                                                   ▒ ░  ░
░  ▄ █▄                                                                  ▓ ▄░ ▒
░  ░ █▄░                     . ·` CONTACT iNFO '· .                    ░▄█    ▓
▓░▄▓▄ █▓░                                                             ░▓█ ▄▓▄ █
█▄ ▀ ▄█▀             E-mail: nitrous[at]merseymail[dot]com             ▀█▄ ▀ ▄█
 ▀ ▄█▀ ▄▄▄▄▄     ▄                                           ▄     ▄▄▄▄▄ ▀█▄ ▀
▒▄█▀▄█▓▓▀▀▀█▓▄  ▀░▀       ▀                         ▀       ▀░▀  ▄▓█▀▀▀▓▓█▄▀█▄▒
▓▒█▓█▓▀░  ▀ ███      ▄░     ▄▄▄██▓▄▄░  ░  ░▄▄▓██▄▄▄     ░▄      ███ ▀  ░▀▓█▓█▒▓
█▓███▌   ▀▄██▀    ▄   ▓░▄▄█▓▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▓░▒░▓▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▓█▄▄░▓   ▄    ▀██▄▀   ▐███▓█
█████░▄▀█▄         █▄██████▄▄         █▓█         ▄▄██████▄█         ▄█▀▄░█████
██▀██▓▄▄▓▀       ▄▄▓█▓▀▀   ▀██▓▄  ▄▄ ▀░▒░▀ ▄▄  ▄▓██▀   ▀▀▓█▓▄▄       ▀▓▄▄▓██▀██
█▄░▄██▀ ░  ▀▄▄▄██▓▀  ▄   ▀ ▄█▓▀  ▓███░ ░ ░███▓  ▀▓█▄ ▀   ▄  ▀▓██▄▄▄▀  ░ ▀██▄░▄█
██▀████▀▀▀███▓██▄     ▀▓███▀▀     ▀▀       ▀▀     ▀▀███▓▀     ▄██▓███▀▀▀████▀██
██ ░▓▀  ▄██▀▀░ ▀▓█              ASKEE  iLLUSiON              █▓▀ ░▀▀██▄  ▀▓░ ██
██  █▄   ▀▓█▄▀ ▀▀   ▀      . ·`  F0sT/sAc/ACiD  '· .      ▀   ▀▀ ▀▄█▓▀   ▄█  ██
██   ▀▀▄▀                                                             ▀▄▀▀   ██
▀█       ▄░▄   "Imagination is more important than knowledge..."   ▄░▄       █▀
 ▄        ▀                 -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)            ▀        ▄

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