tired of been nagged... trial shit warnings and cutted calls... here you go.. the solution/medicine for your icuii 7.0-7.5
1. extract the supplied icuii7.0crk.exe or icuii7.5crk.exe to the installed icuii directory
2. make a shortcut of icuii7.0crk.exe or icuii7.5crk.exe ,depending of the version you have installed and that you would like to crack, now remember to always run icuii with the new shortcut you just made and the program will launch/load full registered.
3. close the trial or expired icuii and now try the new solution i just gave you before and tell me how it looks like.. i removed the ADmin messages NAG warnings as well.. i'll hope you don't mind about that crappy start up shit ;)
4. enjoy it!
Url for full details --> : http://www.icuii.com
Download: http://software-files.download.com/sd/DnQw1zv2QhzZbE09ts5HM3lHYz5TNe0gFbbQViUWHsPu_06IeYud5M945J4PkVuJemXFDxXMsAi7sscPbaLPKwN31BqlLCVT/software/10338570/10015621/3/icuii7.exe?lop=link&ptype=3002&ontid=2348&siteId=4&pid=10338570&psid=10015621