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? Excellence Killer v3.0
? Supplier : TEAM CAT Release Date : 03/06/03
? Cracker : TEAM CAT OS : WinAll
? Packager : TEAM CAT Disks : xx/01
? Protection : Serial Language : English
┌─────────────────────?? Release iNFO. >?·─────────────────────
┌─│─│─? ·─│─│─
??: : ?
??? ??
Excellence Killer can kill any annoying popup advertising windows when you
browse web sites.
Kill window before them appear, not close them after popup.
Needn't configure, needn't learn how to use, simply download and install?it,
that is all.
Auto launch when start IE browser.
Kill 100% advertising windows, included any kind of ad window
More powerful and configurable now!
Version 6.0 now upgraded the full intelligent filter technology for capturing
and killing ads, and added the "Black list" and "White List" features. also, it
have the brand-new interface.
What is Excellence Killer?
Excellence Killer can kill any annoying popup advertising windows when you
browse web sites. it use the full intelligent filter technology to capture and
kill popup ad window, needn't your intervention.
You can use this software directly after installed, needn't learn how to use,
needn't configure it. It will auto launch when you open a IE window to browse
web site.
Save you bandwidth and time by using Excellence Killer.
Excellence Killer will stop the ad windows before them be downloaded, not close
them after appeared, the ads will be killer before download, so it can save the
bandwidth of your internet connection, save your time, save your system memory,
let you browse internet faster.
The most easy to use software on world.
You needn't learn how to use this software at all. it have no configuration
items, needn't you to confgure. you simply download and install it, that is
enough. it will be auto enabled when you browse web pages by IE.
CPU: 333 Mhz Pentium II or higher
Memory: 32 MB RAM or higher
Disk Space: 10 MB free hard drive space
Operating System: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME
? ? ?
??: : ?
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┌─────────────────────?? iNSTALLATiON >?·──────────────────────┐
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??: : ?
??? ??
Install application.
Register :
Serial : 904VOUM32TOZ
Name : TEAM CAT 2003
Serial : F1IJEKQI671I
Name : [8{^-^}8]
Name : V(#^-^#)V Yeah!!
Serial : 8M33O6ABAD4M
Name : Ulysses Gaze
Name : Trojan Women
Serial : GD4I9BDD7DEN
? ? ?
??: : ?
└─│─│─? ·─│─│─
: :
┌─────────────────────?? ABOUT TEAM CAT >?·──────────────────────┐
┌─│─│─? ·─│─│─
??: : ?
??? ??
WWW : ????????
Email : ????????
IRC/Efnet : ????????
? ? ?
??: : ?
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