Download SecurityExpert For UpdateExpert v7 Sub100 keygen by FCNiSO

Added to site2006-01-25
Votes8 (169907 bytes)

FCNiSO.nfo 5827 1621
SecurityExpert_For_keygen_by_FCNiSO.exe 217600 167757


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                    ··=■ FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK ■=··
·══════════════════════─··  FCN Proudly Presents  ··─══════════════════════════·
║··            Security Expert For Update Expert v7 (C) StBernard            ··║

  ·═════════════════════─·· Release Information ··─══════════════════════════·
  ║ Supplier   · TEAM FCN!          │ Release Date     · 25/01/2006          ║
  ║ Cracker    · TEAM FCN!          │ Protection       · None                ║
  ║ Packager   · TEAM FCN!          │ App Type         · Addon               ║
  ║ #/Disks    · 5x 15m             │ Operating System · Windows             ║
  ║═════════════════════─·· Program Description ··─══════════════════════════║
  ║ * Whats this? FCNiSO?                                                    ║
  ║ Witness the new age of FCN. The name you love is back, with the 0day     ║
  ║ scene in such a state of despair it is time to return to the land of the ║
  ║ living.                                                                  ║
  ║ Accepting any old FCN members back, get in touch with us guys!           ║
  ║ Accepting sites and crackers. Come hither, join us, join FCN.            ║
  ║ -----------------------------------------------------------------------  ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ SecurityEXPERT is an optional plug-in to UpdateEXPERT that provides you  ║
  ║ with settings management, enabling you to easily "harden" your systems.  ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ SecurityEXPERT uses a "policy-based" approach where security settings    ║
  ║ are presented via "templates" (downloaded from St. Bernard) that         ║
  ║ encapsulate 3rd party expert recommendations for securing specific       ║
  ║ registry entries, file attributes, and services.                         ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ SecurityEXPERT provides "decision-support" by giving administrators      ║
  ║ access to various expert opinion regarding security and allowing the     ║
  ║ selection of expert opinion that fits the needs and environment of the   ║
  ║ organization. This saves an enormous amount of time performing research  ║
  ║ by avoiding traditional methods, such as browsing security or vendor     ║
  ║ sites looking for security recommendations. Decision-support sources     ║
  ║ include organizations such as: NSA, NIST, CSE, CIS, Microsoft...         ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Users can review the expert recommendations and create settings policy   ║
  ║ based on the recommendations. Users can then scan, enforce and report on ║
  ║ managed machines with respect to their assigned policies.                ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║          								     ║
  ║═════════════════════════─·· Installation ··─═════════════════════════════║
  ║ Mount, burn cd.                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ YOU MUST HAVE SECURITY EXPERT INSTALLED.                                 ║
  ║ IT MUST BE THE FCNiSO RELEASE.                                           ║
  ║ ONLY THE FCNiSO KEY WILL WORK WITH THIS RELEASE.!!                       ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Right.. :) Apart from that, enjoy this small, but nice addon.. (worth    ║
  ║ $3000~)..                                                                ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║          								     ║
 ┌║                    FCN: The Gift That Keeps On Giving!                   ┌║


keygen for SecurityExpert For UpdateExpert v7 Sub100 by FCNiSO

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