Download Realms of Gold v1.0 Unlocker WORKING keygen by TNT

Added to site2007-10-21
Votes4 (172133 bytes)

Realms_of_Gold_v1_0_Unlocker_keygen_by_TNT.exe 217600 167759
TNT.nfo 10329 3841


TNT's keygen for Realms of Gold v1.0 Unlocker WORKING


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                   T h e     N o v a     T e a m

│                                  Presents:                                  │
│                                                                             │
│                             Realms of Gold v1.0                             │
│                                 *Unlocker*                                  │
│                    (c)2006 Beep Industries / realArcade                     │
│                                                                             │

│                                                                             │
│    Supplied By : TEAM TNT                 Release Date : 10/20/2007         │
│     Cracked By : TEAM TNT                   Protection :                    │
│    What is it? : Unlocker                  OS Required : WinXX              │
│    Packaged By : TEAM TNT                   # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg      │
│                                                                             │
│   Requirements : The Game                                                   │

                               ■ Release Notes ■


      Observe the previous attempt(s) at a crack:

      10-28-2006  RA.Realms.of.Gold.v1.0.ALL.ACCESS.CHEAT-PiZZA

      They have failed to create an unlocker that works on all of the game's 
      supported operating systems.

      On Win 98/ME (supported), errors occur which results in the PIZZA 
      unlocker never getting copied to the appropriate location.

      *It can also fail on Win 2000 & Win XP, if you had never run the game yet.

      *** Still a decent effort by PIZZA, to make a self-installing unlocker.  
          However, it was not done correctly.  Sorry guys!

      Their unlocker is a self-extracting EXE file that runs a DOS batch file, 
      in order to copy their save file to correct location (but it fails).

      Observe sample errors:

      cd %appdata%

      ---problem, it should be going to "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data"
      ---why? "%appdata%" variable does not exist on Win 9X systems

      mkdir "Beep Industries\RealmsOfGold"
      ERROR: Unable to create directory

      ---problem, they need two commands:
      ---mkdir "Beep Industries"
      ---mkdir "Beep Industries\RealmsOfGold"
      ---NOTE that can also causes the unlocker to fail on Win 2000/XP if game 
         was never run yet (especially if you are using a 3rd party command 
         line replacement, such as 4NT or TakeCommand, cause cmd.exe sux).

      cd Beep Industries\RealmsOfGold
      ERROR: Too many parameters - Industries\RealmsOfGold

      ---problem, directory path needs to be quoted as follows:
         cd "Beep Industries\RealmsOfGold"

     -end of error report

     Yes the game is a bit old now (still less than 1 year though).  We are 
     playing catsup on 0day/ filling in missing dox that other groups wouldn't 
     (or couldn't) do.  Better late than never?


A SavedGame giving you access to all of the areas of the game.

         All 16 Chapters

         Grants you 24 of each of the four power-ups

      Individual levels within the Chapters are not unlockable.  The game 
      expects you to complete each of the Chapter FIVE TIMES.  There are 5 
      treasures you can earn by completing each chapter 5 separate times.  The 
      Chapters and levels are still the same and don't get any harder when 
      you re-play them to earn all of the treasures.  The only reward is having 
      5 pentagons next to each Chapter icon on the map.

                               ■ Installation  ■

1. UnZIP all archives to a temporary directory.

2. Always make a backup copy of your game file(s) first:
   "Application Data\Beep Industries\REALMSOFGOLD\REALMSOFGOLD.ini"

   a) Windows 9x kernel (98/ME):
      "Application Data" is usually in "C:\WINDOWS\"
   b) Windows NT kernel (NT/2K/XP):
      "Application Data" is usually in "C:\Documents and Settings\\"

3. UnRAR the archive to your "Application Data" directory, 
   overwriting any existing files.
   Always unRAR with full paths!

   If you have trouble, make your own profile in the game.  Then, search your 
   drives for the following to find the correct location for extraction:

4. Play with the profile "TNT".

   At the Main Menu, select: Chapters

                               ■  TNT    News  ■
  0day Unlockers, Cheat Codes, & Trainers:

  Seeing as how many users do NOT have 0day/ access older than 6 months, we 
  will continue releasing Unlockers/Cheat Codes/SaveGame Editors/Trainers 
  (which we will refer to by using the term '0day-dox') for updated versions of 
  0day-section game releases.

  The oddity about this is that even if older 0day-dox still work perfectly on 
  the new game versions, we will still put out a new set of 0day-dox 
  specifically tagged for the new game version.  The new 0day-dox will also be 
  tested to make sure they work properly for a new game version, even if they 
  are 100% the same files as a previous version's dox.

  We use a "6-month Minor Update rule" so as not to flood the hell out of the 
  scene.  This means that we will wait until 6 months (calendar time) from the 
  PRE date of the previous 0day-dox.  By 'calendar time', an example is that 6 
  months after January 02 2005 will be July 02 2005.  Six months, not 180 days, 
  to avoid archaic calculations.  After that time, we will wait AGAIN for a new 
  version of the game.  We will NOT use new game versions that came out during 
  the 6 month waiting period.  When a brand new game version is PRE-released 
  after the 6 months of waiting, we will release new 0day-dox for it as needed.

  Of course, MU rules do not affect Major Version updates, such as when a 
  program goes from v3.92 to v4.00.  We always make new dox for Major Version 
  changes, regardless of the amount of time (even if 3.92 came out 1 day ago).


  zipscript-c (aka project-zs) ruins all the nice SFV files in the scene!  
  Screw that lame-ass retarded script and all you noobies who use it.

  Egotism is good in small doses.

  There is nothing wrong with flaming code/crack thieves.  We encourage it.

  Quality and quantity are both possible simultaneously, yet often difficult.

  We continue our journey...

                               ■  Joining TNT  ■
  TNT works in all languages.

  If you feel that you have something useful to offer us, such as the ability 
  to contribute to our scene releasing efforts, then see below.

                               ■  Contact TNT  ■
  Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us.
  Just ask around for the #1 Dox group.

  TNT has no email address, nor a web site.  Any you find are surely fake.

│  Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT]      ║      NFO Layout : Super Nova         │
│                                      ╩                                      │
└────────────────────────────> Last Update by [Super Nova] <───[12/31/2005]───⌡

                          " There can be only one! "
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