Download Type Recorder v2.0.0 crack by LUCiD

Added to site2004-04-20
Votes7 (136538 bytes)

file_id.diz 823 344
lucid.nfo 11176 2804
CRACKED/CRACKED.exe 315392 132902


 [   the LUCiD posse is proud to present:          ] 
 .           Type Recorder v2.0.0            [01/01] 
 :                                 [DATE:03/11/2004] 
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     /     / /  __)   /____ %%% ,$$$*░""░*$$$. %%%\/___/_   /\     _     \     
    /    _/_/__/     /    /\%%i $$$i      """¿ i%%/\     \__\_\     \     \    
 __/___________    _/    /_/%%i $$$i      ,,,. i%%\_\      ________________\__ 
 \/\_________/____________/\%%%.`$$$p,__,q$$$ .%%%/\_______\_______________/\/ 
  \/ ..... \/\____________\/`%%%. ░▓*$$$$*▓' ,%%%'\/_______/\/ ..olli. \/  
            \/ _________ ... `*%%p,__ ¿¿ __,q%%│┤...  _____\/__                
              /________/_____ .¿░▓*%%%%%%%%*▓░.  _____\________\               
              \      /______/____________________\______\      /               
               \_____\    /________________________\    /_____/                
                      \___\                        /___/                       
               ............ \  L U C i D  2 o o 4  / ............              
              ::            \____________________/            ::               
              ::                                              ::               
              ::             Type Recorder v2.0.0             ::               
       . .....::       (c) 2000-2004 Rampell Software         ::..... .        
      ::                                                              ::       
      ::  Supplier.: TEAM LUCiD        ::   Disk(s)...: 1 x 1.44 MB   ::       
      ::  Cracker..: TEAM LUCiD        ::   File(s)...: 3             ::       
      ::  Released.: 03/11/2004        ::   Format(s).: ZiP / RAR     ::       
   .. ::  Type.....: Utility           ::   OS(s).....: WinALL        :: ..    
   .. ::                                                              :: ..    
   :: ::..............................................................:: ::    
   ::  . ....... ...... ..                          .. ...... ....... .  ::    
   ::.........:: :: ....:::.  -+ release info +-  .:::.... :: ::.........::    
   ..............::                                        ::..............    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::  TypeRecorder records everything that you type on your computer.   ::    
   ::  Every keystroke is saved to a daily file on your computer,        ::    
   ::  available for immediate retrieval. This is especially useful if   ::    
   ::  you want to have some degree of insurance in the case of          ::    
   ::  system crashes, power outages, or any problem that would cause    ::    
   ::  you to lose data. Any data that you enter with a keyboard will    ::    
   ::  be discretely saved. TypeRecorder is also helpful in monitoring   ::    
   ::  unauthorized use of your computer, as it can log the time and     ::    
   ::  and application being used when any key is pressed.               ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::  Right click on exe shows us v, but on page and in about   ::    
   ::  dialog you see v 2.0.0.                                           ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::  . ....... ...... ..                          .. ...... ....... .  ::    
   ::.........:: :: ....:::.  -+ install info +-  .:::.... :: ::.........::    
     ............::                                        ::............      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Install app. Stop the process of TypeRec.exe, go to           ::      
     ::  TypeRec dir and replace original exe file with our            ::      
     ::  included cracked one. Done.                                   ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                         Enjoy, TEAM LUCiD!     ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Hello sceners and welcome to - LUCiD RELEASE NUMBER _3000_ !  ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Ten months after celebrating the 2000th rls we are back on    ::      
     ::  stage, very proud to present you this great piece of          ::      
     ::  teamwork.                                                     ::      
     ::  So let us take a minute to look back at the long and          ::      
     ::  path of LCD:                                                  ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  First of all we would like to thank all hard working LUCiD    ::      
     ::  members - past, present and future - for spending endless     ::      
     ::  in front of the screen, keeping LUCiD on fire. LCD is one     ::      
     ::  big family. Many members know each other for more then four   ::      
     ::  years and have a strong relation what makes LUCiD a solid     ::      
     ::  and professional group.                                       ::      
     ::  Big thanks to our experienced cracking machines that spend    ::      
     ::  days on studying protections and getting lost in code.        ::      
     ::  Thanks to all people supporting LUCiD year by year, siteops   ::      
     ::  and fans all over the globe.                                  ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  At the very beginning, back in anno 1998, a few friends       ::      
     ::  launched LUCiD as a small private society. At that time       ::      
     ::  noone would have ever thought that LUCiD would grow to        ::      
     ::  something _big_ like this. Since that time we have survived   ::      
     ::  several crashes that, in the end, only made LUCiD more        ::      
     ::  powerful - leaving nothing that could ever stop us.           ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Time is changing the scene constantly. In these days every    ::      
     ::  third shareware application is protected by some commercial   ::      
     ::  protection that only achieve the opposite effect - giving     ::      
     ::  us something to focus on and motivation instead of really     ::      
     ::  protecting the code.                                          ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  After running a LCD release please buy the software if you    ::      
     ::  really use it! LUCiD gives you the opportunity to test the    ::      
     ::  product on a trial basis at full functionallity, so buy the   ::      
     ::  releases you run more than once. LCD is not releasing for     ::      
     ::  you to get stuff free.                                        ::      
     ::  Nothing in life is for free, so support the authors and       ::      
     ::  purchase after testing.                                       ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Shouts go out to all the people posting internal scene        ::      
     ::  information or files to the public. There are still black     ::      
     ::  sheep leaking and selling CDs out there today, so get cracks  ::      
     ::  fixed and isulate your group or the scene will some day be    ::      
     ::  annihilated by this misfortune.                               ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Finally thank you for taking time to read this. We hope       ::      
     ::  you enjoy the goodies next to this file aswell beside this    ::      
     ::  new nfo layout and dont miss the next 1000 releases by your   ::      
     ::  favorite group! See you in the year 2005.                     ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  TEAM LUCiD - Reverse engineering per excellence.              ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::  Beside, friends: we also send our kinest regards to           ::      
     ::  everyone involved in the tragic situation of todays           ::      
     ::  bombing attacks in Madrid (spain).                            ::      
     ::  As a senior used to say:                                      ::      
     ::  >> Bombing for peace, is like fucking for virginity! <<       ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     ::                                         Enjoy, TEAM LUCiD!     ::      
     ::                                                                ::      
     :: . ...... ...... ..                          .. ...... ...... . ::      
     ::.......:: :: ....:::.    -+ greetings +-   .:::.... :: ::.......::      
   ..............::                                        ::..............    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::        AOD :: BADBOYS :: CRO :: F4CG :: FUTURiTY :: iNFECTED       ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::           MYTH :: PARADOX :: RAZORDEMO :: RoME :: ViRiLiTY         ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::               and to all our friends over the scene !              ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::                                                                    ::    
   ::..........::::  ........   .............. ....   .....:::...........::    
      . ...... ::::  ::: ::::   ::: ....       .... ::::   ::: ....... .       
       . .. :: ::::..... ::::...::: ::::...::: ::::........::: :: .. .         
            ::... ..  .                               .  .. ...::              

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