Download EXEmp3 v1.4 crack by NiTROUS
Added to site | 2003-12-31 |
Rating | 90/100 |
Votes | 6 | (211754 bytes)
name | size | compressed |
File_id.diz |
262 |
117 |
NiTROUS.nfo |
13618 |
3043 | |
97807 |
97807 | |
71 |
71 |
crack.exe |
218112 |
110200 |
EXEmp3 v1.4
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└ NiTROUS ─────────── 01/01 ┘
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EXEmp3 v1.4 (c) EXEmp3
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███████ SUPPLiER.......: NiTROUS RELEASE DATE....: 03/26/03 ███████
██████▒ CRACKER........: NiTROUS RELEASE TYPE....: Cracked ▒██████
██████ PACKAGER.......: NiTROUS DiSKS...........: 01 X 1.39MB ██████
██████ TESTER.........: NiTROUS PROTECTiON......: NAG / LIMITS ██████
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▓▓▒ ░ ░ ... RELEASE iNFORMATiON ... ░ ░ ▒▓▓
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EXEmp3 - Add a package to bare mp3 files
Are you still using the mp3 file sharing
software to share the bare mp3 files. Give it a
package now.
EXEmp3 packs a tiny mp3 player and lyrics into
a traditional mp3 file. So it can self-playing
and displaying the lyric. The user just need
double click the file and it plays with the
lyric. The packed EXEmp3 self-playing file can
self-unpack if the user need the original mp3
The smallest mp3 player in the world!
The embedded mp3 player of EXEmp3 is just 48kB
small. So it does not add much to convert a
traditional mp3 files to EXEmp3 self-playing
Do you know?
Most of the mp3 user are busy searching lyrics
through the internet. They will be very like to
see a mp3 packed with lyric. mp3 file sharing
with a package now. mp3 file sharing with lyrics
mp3 file sharing software
EXEmp3 has good sound quality!
Although EXEmp3 player is very small. The sound
quality is very good. Download the latest
version and have a free trial. You can hear the
EXEmp3 can self-unpack to original mp3 file
EXEmp3 is a package for you sharing mp3 file.
It can self-unpack to the bare mp3 file that
can be used for other purpose.
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█████████████▀ ▀█████ ... iNSTALL iNFO ... █████▀ ▀█████████████
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1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Copy over the orginal and have fun :)
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▓▓▒ ░ ░ ... NEWS/GREETS ... ░ ░ ▒▓▓
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NiTROUS TEAM is looking for:
+ Talented crackers (NO Newbie's!)
+ Talented coders (ASM/C++/Delphi)
+ 50+mbit box owners (Dumps/HQ's)
+ Software Suppliers (Unreleased apps)
+ Anything else that might interest us
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████████████▀ ░▀▀▀ ... CONTACT iNFO ... ▀▀▀░ ▀████████████
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▒█████ E-mail: [email protected] █████▒
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░█████████████░ ████ : Ascii Enslavement : ████ ░█████████████░
▓███████████████████ By F0sT 0f ███████████████████▓
██▀ ▀████████████▓ .:. SuperiorArtCreations .:. ▓████████████▀ ▀██
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"NiTROUS, y0ur 0day b00st"