Download File System Watcher v1.0 serial by FUTURiTY

Added to site2004-02-20
Votes10 (129624 bytes)

file_id.diz 1127 491
FUTURiTY.nfo 6011 2004
keygen.exe 197120 126909


[ File System Watcher v1.0 (c) Dave Goldman ]
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    ..               F U T U R i T Y         p r e s e n t s              :
    ::                                                                    +
    ''              File System Watcher v1.0 (c) Dave Goldman             .
  ::::.,....... ......,.... .....,..............  ...... .. ..__.,.... ...:;+
      Release# ...:: #680                      Release Date :: 12/27/03
      Protction ..:: Nags/Expires              Retail Value :: $14.95        
  .   Defeated by :: Serial                    # of Disks ..:: 1 x 2.88MB  +
  .                                                                        :
 :::..;.,..............,,..........___  _  ___ ...........................:::
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  _ __ ________\     ___________  release notes  ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __

            Requires .NET Framework which is not included!  Links to 
            download it are on Dave Goldmans website or on the MSDN.
          Are you tied of spyware installing files on your system? 
          Is some one deleting files from a computer without you 
          knowing about it? This application will monitor the file system
          (NTFS) for any real time modifications (I.E. Additions, Deletions,
          Renaming, Created, etc). It has file level, event log and screen 
          logging. It also has built in access to other utilities like 
          (Dr. Watson32, Regedt32, Event Viewer, MMC, File System Management).
          You can run this against the local system (c:\), or against a network
          share that you have access to (\\computerName\Share).
            Happy Holidays,
                    FUTURiTY 2003

	     Has your group just been scene banned for using pubstros? got no life?
             WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU! You can finally find a sexzi wife for free! 
    enjoy your time away from the scene
             with a l33t wife who has the same standards as you :>
                                   ___  _  ___  
                                   \  \/ \/  /                           
                               _____\(O) (O)/_ ____                
               ____________)\__\     \_,-,_/      /./(____________
  _ __ ________\     ___________  install notes  ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __

            1. Unzip, unrar, install.
            2. Use the following info to register: 
               Registration Number: Unl0ck#2003
            3. Enjoy :]
                                   ___  _  ___
                                   \  \/ \/  /
                               _____\ -   - /_ ____
               ____________)\__\     \_,-,_/      /./(____________
  _ __ ________\     ___________    group info   ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __
    :::    Team FUTURiTY was created April, 4th 2002 for one purpose to  :::
      .    have fun!  In the process we have released over 600 quality   .
     .:.   applications for you to enjoy!  We hope you enjoyed this     .:.
      :    release as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.             :
      .                                                                  .
     .:.                                                                .:.
      :    Contact Info:                                                 :
      .        If you need to get in contact with us you will know       .
      :        where to find us.......                                   :
      :                                                                  :
     .:.   Greetz Fly Out To:                                           .:.
      :       MYTH - DYNASTY - NLiSO - NLRiP - DEViANCE - RFL - dT       .
      :       ECLiPSE - CORE - TMG - ACiD - ORiON - ACME - ViRiLiTY      :
     .:.                                                                .:.
      :    Life is pleasant.                                             .
      .            Death is peaceful.                                    :
      :                       It's the transition that's troublesome.    :
      :               _______                     _______                ;
     :::             /___  /              __       \  ___\            :::
   ...................  /_  < ..  _________) \ .... >  _\ ..................
    '......+...........  /_  : .. \\_____     \ .. :  _\  ................'
       ......... ...... .  \_ '-.__  |  )______\ .-' _/  ......,........
        '.............-....  '------ |   __\  ------'  ...............'
                           futurity  |___\   in 2003

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