Download Bryce3D v3.1 by TBC

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes3 (2952108 bytes)

FILE_ID.DIZ 575 246
icomp.exe 119808 60065
TBC.EXE 3197 1214
TBC.NFO 9800 2232
THEREA~1.ZIP 2852897 2852897
TX-BR311.ZIP 33207 33207
README.TXT 3728 1557


         .   '!!''!.     ..!''':.
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        !!    !!    !! '!.      .
        '!.' .!!...!'   ''!....:    [dBH]

........: tRIO bIZARRE  pRESENTZ :........
: Bryce3D v3.1 (c) MetaCreations         :
:                                        :
: [X] aPPLICATION        [ ] pROGiNSIDE  :
: [ ] uTILITY            [ ] oTHER       :
:                                        :
: CRACK by fFL                           :


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                       .:::     :::.         :::::   :::::;
                       ,::,    .:;;. .       ;:;;,    ;;.;.
                       ,::::,   ;:;,::;:    .;:;;.         
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                       ,::,    .:;::  ,:;:  ,;:;:     ,;:  
                       :::,    .:;:,  ;:;:  ,;:;:     ;;;. 
                       ,!;,    ,;!;,  ;;!;  ,!;!;    .!!!. 
                       :!!,    .;!!   ;;!:  .;;!;    :!!!. 
                       :!;:    ,;!!   !;!,   !;!!    !!!!; 
                       :!!,    ,;!!  :;!!    ;!;!,  :!;!;. 
                       :!!,     ;!;, !;!:    ,!!;;.,!;!!.  
                       :!!,     ;!;;;!;!      :!;!:!!!!:   
                       .;!,     ;::;;!;,       ,!;;;!;.    
                        :::       :;;;           :;;:     [dBH]

..╔═════════════════:     tRIO bIZARRE pROUDLY pRESENTZ     :══════════════╗..
..║..................... Bryce3D v3.1 (c) MetaCreations ...................║..
..║.cRACKED bY: fFL............dATE: 07/30/98..............oS: W95/NT......║..
..║.wHERE: .............║..
..║....... /demo/win/ ................................║..
..║....... .............║..
..║....... /update/win/ .........................................║..
..║.sIZE: 28.734.853 bYTES ..........................║..
..║....... 7.315.882 bYTES .....................................║..
..║.sUBJECT: Bryce3D offers a revolutionary new way to design and .........║..
..║..........render and animate breathtaking natural 3D worlds and ........║..
..║..........abstract 3D sculptures with unprecedented power and ..........║..
..║..........ease. Bryce puts the power of high-end workstations into .....║..
..║..........your hands, whether you are a beginner or a professional .....║..
..║..........3D artist  Bryce's intuitive interface simplifies ............║..
..║..........learning and makes exploring your creative options as ........║..
..║ as viewing your final masterpiece. In no time you ........║..
..║..........are animating beautiful, never-seen-before landscapes!  ......║..
..║.fULLpROGiNSIDE[.]......................eMAIL: [email protected]..║..
..║..1. download both files ...............................................║..
..║..2. unzip 'B3D_DEMO_WIN_FULL.ZIP' to a inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP) ........║..
..║..3. delete all files in inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP) except 'DATA.1' .......║..
..║..4. copy 'ICOMP.EXE' to inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP) .......................║..
..║..5. extract files from 'DATA.1' with 'ICOMP -D -I DATA.1' .............║..
..║..6. delete 'DATA.1' ...................................................║..
..║..7. unzip 'B3D-31.ZIP' to your inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP) ................║..
..║..8. start 'BRYCE3D 3.1 UPDATER.EXE' ...................................║..
..║..9. while setup is running look at your 'windows-temp-directory' ......║..
..║.... and find where the installshield installation routine store the....║..
..║.... files which are going to be installed (usually they are in a ......║..
..║.... subfolder of the 'windows-temp-directory' .........................║..
..║.... for example: 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~EXB0000' ...........................║..
..║.... copy 'DATA.1' to inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP) ..........................║..
..║.10. abort setup-routine ...............................................║..
..║.11. extract files from 'DATA.1' with 'ICOMP -D -I DATA.1' .............║..
..║.12. now you can replace the extracted demo-files with the update ......║..
..║.....'XCOPY C:\BRYCETEMP\UPDATE31\*.* C:\BRYCETEMP\PROG\ /R' ...........║..
..║.13. ok! now let us crack the babe .....................................║..
..║.... copy 'TBC.EXE' to 'C:\BRYCETEMP\PROG' and run it ! ................║..
..║.14. finally make a directory for your new bryce3d .....................║..
..║.... for example: 'C:\PROGRAMME\BRYCE3D' and copy all files incl. ......║..
..║.... subdirs from 'C:\BRYCETEMP\PROG' to this dir ......................║..
..║.15. now you have a full version of bryce3d v3.1 !!!!!   ;))) ..........║..
..║.16. run 'BRYCE 3D.EXE' and enter any name and .........................║..
..║.... a 10 digit serial# (1234567890 is ok) .............................║..
..║.17. relax .............................................................║..
..║.gREETZ: PhRoZeN CReW, uCF & aLL cRACKERZ...............................║..
..║.tHANX: all crackers for making these great tutorials ! ................║..
..║........(The Keyboard Caper, XLogic, ED!SON, +ORC, Qapla, ..............║..
..║........TERAPHY, NaTzGUL, Aesculapius, _CbD_ etc.) .....................║..
..║.cOMMENTS: PhRoZeN CReW - I love your DIZ-Style ;))) ...................║..
                                     .            .                           
      :;;;;,  ;;   :;;;.      ::    ,!.  :;;;;.  :;!.   ;;!!;.  ;;;!;.  ;;!!. 
  ;,  ;;..,;, :;  ,;: :;      :;    ,;.  .,:;;   ;;!,  .;:..:; .!:..:;  ;:..  
  ;,  ;;  ,;: ;;  ;!  .;:     :;    ,!.    :!.  .;:;:  .;,  ;;.,!,  :!. ;,    
 ,;;, ;;.:;;  ;; .!;   ;;     :;;;. ,;.   ,;,   ,;.;;  .!,,;!, .!,.;!:  !;;;. 
 ,!:. ;!;!:   ;! .!:   !;     ;!,;: :;.  .;:    ;; ,!. .;;!;.  .!;!;.   ;;:,. 
  !;  ;;:!,   ;;  ;:  ,;:     :; ;: ,;.  ;;    .;;;!!, ,!:;;   .;:;;.   !,    
  !!  ;:.:;,  ;!  ;;  ;!.     ::.!, ,!. ;;,.   ,!,..;, ,;,.;;  ,;,.;;   ;, .  
  ;,  ;:  ;;. :!  .;::!:      :;:;  ,;..;;;!!, ;;   :; .!. .;: .;. .;;  ;!!!: 
  ::  ::      :;    :;:        ;:    ;  ;:::;  ;:    :  :    ;  :   :;  ;::;  



    From: me 
      To: [email protected]
 Subject: Cracks for Bryce3d Version 3.1 Update + Question

Hello !
Many compliments to your work !
I've spent a week combining different cracks (which each individually
did not work) to crack the full V.3.1 Update of Bryce3d (demo from
Metacreations site)

Here's my procedure:

"I'll copy part of the .nfo file within the first patch, called:

...║....... /demo/win/
...║....... /update/win/

sIZE: 28.734.853 bYTES
...║....... 7.315.882 bYTES 

1. download both files
2. unzip 'B3D_DEMO_WIN_FULL.ZIP' to a inst-dir you create, ex.:
3. delete all files in inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP) except 'DATA.1'
4. unzip 'ICOMP.EXE' from to inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP)
5. extract files from 'DATA.1' with 'ICOMP -D -I DATA.1'
6. delete 'DATA.1'
7. unzip 'B3D-31.ZIP' to your inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP)
8. start 'BRYCE3D 3.1 UPDATER.EXE'
this will create a subdir: C:\BRYCETEMP\UPDATE31\
9. while setup is running look at your 'windows-temp-directory'
...║.... and find where the installshield installation routine store
...║.... files which are going to be installed (usually they are in a
...║.... subfolder of the 'windows-temp-directory'
...║.... for example: 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~EXB0000'
...║.... copy, from there, the file 'DATA.1' to inst-dir (C:\BRYCETEMP)

10. abort setup-routine
11. extract files from 'DATA.1' with 'ICOMP -D -I DATA.1'
this will create a subdir: C:\BRYCETEMP\UPDATE31\

This is where we interrupt the instruction-set of the .nfo file.

12. Now, you are going to crack the Version 3.0 program files first, but
NOT with the crack included in the file. That one
doesn't work. Instead, unzip the files from (attached)
into the c:\brycetemp\prog directory, REPLACING the bryce3d.exe (in
\prog) and system.dat (in \data), and adding the
bryce3d_demo_cracker.exe to the \brycetemp\prog directory.
Run bryce3d_demo_cracker.exe in that directory AFTER bryce3d.exe and
system.dat have been replaced.
This cracks your Bryce3d version 3.0 demo into a full retail version.
Then run the program Bryce3D and in the "Personalize your copy of
Bryce3d" window, enter the following:
Name: RiSE
Organization: RiSE
Serialcode: 200500001507800  (these are all ZERO's, no characters O

13. Next: copy all the files in c:\brycetemp and subdirs to your final
bryce3d directory, ex. c:\bryce3d
Leave the ones in c:\brycetemp and subdirs in place for now.

14. Extract the patch: EXTERMINATE!.EXE from the attached zip-archive: , into the directory c:\bryce3d\update31
15. Run exterminate!.exe in the dir c:\bryce3d\update31
16. Then and only then, replace: files in c:\bryce3d (final dir) with
the ones in c:\brycetemp\update31
17. Run the program from final dir
18. check the "personalize-screen" entries, fill in the serial code
again if necessary, and close the window by clicking on the

You're done !"

Attached you find the cracks I combined to do this.

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z