Download Line 6 JB ReGroove Booster REFiLL keygen by AMPLiFY

Added to site2008-08-15
Votes8 (157524 bytes)

AMPLiFY.nfo 6562 2212
Line_6_JB_ReGroove_Booster_keygen.exe 181248 154788


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  ·─:■┌■--────────┐_|_|____┌─+┐_.              ._┌──┐__|_:___┌────────--■┐■:─·
    ┌┼┘└───·▌▓▒▒░+┤-│─└─┬──┘─·∙─[ rELEASE iNFO ]─∙· └∙+┘ └+┬─────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
  ·∙┘·            └·┘   ·     └+∙─*·        ·*─∙+┘         └·┘            ·└∙·
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...SUPPLIER  ││  REL-DATE..:  08.15.2008       
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...PACKAGER  ││  RELEASE#..:  0DAY-215
                    N/A  :....CRACKER  ││  DISKS.....:  01x5.00MB        
                    N/A  :.PROTECTION  ││  TYPE......:  REFiLL           
                 Line 6  :....COMPANY  ││  OS........:  N/A              

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._             _._┌·┐_┌─·┐_|______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·─--┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[ rELEASE nOTES ]─∙·──│────┬+■─┘└+┬────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘ : |  └·┘      └·┘           ·└··


                       Line 6 JB ReGroove Booster REFiLL               
            James Bernard, artist, sound designer and Propellerhead    
            lead demonstrator, has created the ôJB ReGroove Booster    
             ReFillö that contains 66 new patches for the ReGroove     
         mixer, one of the exciting new features of Reason version 4.  
           The ReGroove mixer is a great tool for making the feel of   
          your songs less rigid and cold, which can often be the case  
             when using quantization on any sequencer. Many of the     
           patches in ôJB ReGroove Booster ReFillö contain not just    
           timing/shuffle feel, but also variations in note velocity   
          and note length. These patches can be applied to any track   
           in your sequences. Try them on bass or keyboard partsà or   
                             even the whole song!                      
          This refill contains 66 new patches for one of the exciting  
           new features of Reason version 4, the ReGroove Mixer. The   
          ReGroove Mixer is a great tool for making the feel of your   
          songs less rigid and cold, which can often be the case when  
          using quantization on any sequencer. Many of these ReGroove  
          patches contain not just timing/shuffle feel, but also Note  
           Velocity and Note Length variations. These patches can be   
          applied to any track in your sequences, try them on bass or  
              keyboard partsà or even the whole song.. you may be      
                     pleasantly surprised by the results.              

    └─--·■▓░■┌■─┐_|___:____┌───────┐_|__┌─■┐_._             _._┌─■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└───┬+■─┘└+┬─·─▌▓▒▒░─·───■──·∙─[ iNSTALL nOTES ]─∙·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·   └·┘      └·┘       └·┴──+· └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘   ·└··

                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Try                                                 
                3. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._        _._┌─+· |____┌─┐_:______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[─gRP-nEWS ]─∙·──┐└·──·■·──┬+■─┘└+┬───░▒▒▓█▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·    ·*─∙+┘   |       └·┘      └·┘           ·└··

      AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
             Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
                           Let it cool and enjoy. :)

    └--─·■▓░■┌■·───┐_|______:_┌──────┐__|_┌─■┐_._         _._┌───■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└──────┬+■─┘└+┬─∙─▌▓▒▒░─· │ │─·∙─[ gREETINGS ]─∙·-·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·      └·┘      └·┘      └─·+·|  └+∙─*·     ·*─∙+┘     ·└··

                     AiRISO, BSOUNDZ, DViSO, SPiRiT, TZ7iSO, BNT,
                                  AiR, ArCADE.

                Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
   ▀                                                                         ▀
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■      ∙ ■            ■       ■              ■  ■   ∙         ■       ∙    ■
    ■               ∙       ■  [LU060928-AMPLiFY]        ■                 N/A ■


AMPLiFY's keygen for Line 6 JB ReGroove Booster REFiLL

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z