_______ _ _
\ ___ \ | | | |
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|_| \__,_|_.__/ \___/| .__/ \__,_|_|\___/
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| DATE: [ 12/21/00 ] CRACKED bY: [ Pabopulo ] |
| TITLE: [ Snow for windows v0.1.5.6 by Rick Jansen ] |
| WHERE: [ http://www.euronet.nl/~rja/WinSnow/ ] |
├──── ──── ── ─── ── ─ ─- ── - - ─ ── ── ────────┤
| pATCH (*) sERIAL# ( ) kEYGEN ( ) cRACKED ( ) |
├───────── ────── ───── ── ── ─ ─ ─ ─ ── ──── ─── ──────────┤
| Desc: [ Let it snow on your desktop, on your windows and have Santa and] |
: [ his reindeer running around your screen for that extra Festive ] |
[ Season Cheer. Snow for Windows is the application that animates] |
: [ falling snow and Santa and his reindeer on your desktop while ] :
: [ you work : Snow for Windows is not a screensaver. A screensaver] :
│ [ runs when you do not use your computer, while Snow for Windows ] │
│ [ makes it snow while you work. ] │
│ [ ] │
[ The original soft didnt let you save your settings and limited ] ·
: [ the amount of snow available. Now you can also also give the ] :
: [ red nose to the reen. The time limit has gone too... ] :
│ [ ] │
│ [ I know it's season for snow, but i'm sure you can buy it if you] │
│ [ want. It's cheap ! ] │
│ [ I wanted to make my first keygen but I have to release this ] │
│ [ patch because the keygen wont be ready before Xmas :( ] │
│ [ ] │
│ Howto :[ Make a backup of your Snow for windows.exe in case it does not ] │
│ [ work for you. ] │
│ [ Put crack.exe in the bin dir where you installed winsnow ] │
│ [ Run the .exe click the patch button and it's registered ! ] │
│ [ You can also re-register with your own name if you want. ] │
│ [ ] │
│ [ enjoy!! Pabopulo [email protected] ] │
│ [ ] │
└────── ───── ── ── ─ ── ── ─ ─ ─ ── ─── ──── ─── ────sk─┘
GREETS [ Big Thanks to all people who wrote so great tutorials !! ]
WARNING [ This crack is not illegal as long as it is not ditributed with ]
[ the program. From the moment you download any crack, it is your]
[ own responsibility what you will do with it. Please use the ]
[ cracks for eduactional use only ! If you like a software and ]
[ continue to use it, please support the programmers and BUY IT !]