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: :
: Express Plus v1.0.4.9 Keygen Only (c) Isbister :
: :
: :
: rELEASe dATe [ .....07-11-2002 ] - pROGRAm tYPe [ ........Utility ] :
: cRACKEr [ ........EPSiLON Team ] - pROTECTIOn [ ....Serial number ] :
: sUPPLiEr [ .......EPSiLON Team ] - dISKS nUMBERs [ .....01*2.88Mo ] :
: pACKAGEr [ .......EPSiLON Team ] - oS [ ...................WinAll ] :
: tESTEr [ .........EPSiLON Team ] - diSKSEt iNFOs [ ..epsexp49.zip ] :
: :
: :
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: :
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: :
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' ∙ ' :
. :
∙ :
: Express Plus puts the world of online communication on your :
: desktop. If you want to exchange e-mail with colleagues and :
: friends, the tools you need are here. :
: :
: Manage multiple e-mail accounts :
: If you have several e-mail accounts, you can work with all of them :
: within one window. You can also create multiple mailboxes, :
: accessible on your PC or across a LAN connection. Each Mailbox has :
: unique e-mail folders. Multiple mailboxes make it easy for you to :
: keep work e-mail separate from personal e-mail, and also to keep :
: individual users' e-mail separated. :
: :
: Browse through messages quickly and easily :
: Using the message list and preview pane, you can view a list of :
: messages and read individual messages at the same time. You can :
: also create new folders to organize and sort messages, and then set :
: up message rules so that incoming e-mail that meets your criteria :
: automatically goes to a specific folder. You can also create your :
: own views to customize the way you look at your e-mail. :
: :
: Keep your e-mail on a server so you can view it from more than one :
: computer :
: You can read, store, and delete messages on the server without :
: downloading the messages to your computer. That way, you can view :
: messages from any computer that can connect to that server; or :
: delete messages with huge file size or a potentially dangerous :
: virus before they hit your computer. :
: :
: Use an Address Book of unparalleled quality to store and retrieve :
: e-mail addresses :
: You can save names and addresses in the Award Winning Time & Chaos :
: Address Book You can quickly and easily right click on a message :
: to either associate the sender e-mail address with an existing :
: contact or create a new address book entry. :
: :
: Unparalleled Reliability and Data Integrity :
: With a innovative approach to message storage we provide :
: unparalleled reliability of your data. We know how important our :
: information is to us; this is why we keep each message in a single :
: file and we use the file management capabilities of your PC to :
: manage them in a nice neat directory structure. This way (unlike :
: our competitors :) should the inevitable PC crash happen, there is :
: no 60 megabyte mailbox database to be corrupted and cost you your :
: entire mailbox. :
: :
:....................... .........:
: :
.......................: . . ... ................. : . ∙ .
: : :.` ∙
: :
: i ─ N ─ S ─ T ─ A ─ L ─ L i ─ N ─ F ─ O ─ s :....... `
: ' ∙ '
: .
: ∙
: Generate a valid serial with our Keygen to remove the shareware :
: restrictions. :
: :
:......... .......................:
: :
. ∙ . : ................. ... . . :.......................
∙ `.: : :
: :
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: :